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在实际对话中,说话人经常会借用一些习语(idiom)来表达感情、态度及看法。所以要是不明白相关习语的意思,即使听清了对话,也不能正确理解对话所表达的内在含义。例如: (04/23/2007 14:40:23) [查看全文] 听力是四级考试的第一项内容,在四级考试中所占时间并不太长(只有短短的 20分钟),但其分值却是整个考试分数的五分之一(20%)。听力成绩的好坏直接影响着每一位考生的总成绩。同时,由于听力是四级考试的第一项内容,能否开好这个头也直接影响着每位考生做余下考试项目的心情。如何提高听力成绩是每位考生十分关注的事情,本文将从四级考试听力部分的结构、内容及题型分析入手,谈谈如何尽快提高听力的实际水平;并将分析四级听力的解题技巧,以使广大考生在短期内尽快提高听力成绩,为顺利通过四级打好第一枪。 (04/23/2007 14:39:20) [查看全文] 内涵与推理是CET-6听力测试中常见的难度较大的一种题型。其特点是男女双方在对话里表达意思的方式都比较含蓄,通常不提供直接的信息;题目所给的四个选项比较零乱,涉及的内容广泛,但提问的方式比较统一,通常为“What does the man(woman)mean?”,“What can we learn from the conversation?”等等。其要求是考生根据对话的内 (04/23/2007 14:39:17) [查看全文] 听力下载 Part I Listening A.In this section you will hear 5 short conversations.At the end of each conversation,a ques (04/23/2007 14:39:17) [查看全文] 听力原文: A.In this section you will hear 5short conversations.At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.Read the four possible answers and decide which would be the best response to the question you have (04/23/2007 14:39:16) [查看全文] [听力原文] A.Listen to the sentences carefully and circle the letter of the statement that you think is true from the information in the sentences you have heard. 1.Joe is six inches taller than (04/23/2007 14:39:15) [查看全文] [听力原文] A.You will hear ten short conversations in this part.At the end of each conversation,a third voice will ask a question about what was said.Read the four possible answers and decide which would be the best response to the question you have heard (04/23/2007 14:39:14) [查看全文] |