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Joke:son-in-law A 60 year old woman came home one day and heard strange noises in her bedroom. She opened the door and discovered her 40 year old daughter playing with a vibrator. "What are you doing?" asked the mother. "Mom, I'm 40 years old, and look at me. I'm ugly. I'll never (12/31/2007 10:00:26) [查看全文] Good News or Bad? There was a millionaire who was having a heart attack, and he was taken to a hospital emergency room. After he was admitted to the hospital his three sons and four daughters walked up and down the corridor, waiting, pacing the floor. When the doctor came out of the (12/28/2007 13:39:20) [查看全文] A duck walks into a feed store and asks, "Got any duck feed?" The clerk tells him, "No, we don't have a market for it so we don't carry it." The duck says, "Okay," and leaves. The next day, the duck again walks in to the feed store and asks, "Got any duck feed?" Again th (12/28/2007 13:39:20) [查看全文] A country maid was walking to the town to sell some milk, which she carried in a pitcher on her head. As she went along, she said to herself, “I have already fifty eggs at home; with the money which I get for my milk I will buy fifty more. These hundred eggs cannot fail to bring me at least eighty chickens. The chickens will be ready for market jus (12/27/2007 12:05:05) [查看全文] Little Johnny's father thought that Johnny was spending too much time playing computer games.He wanted to make little Johnny pay more attention to his schoolwork,so he said,"When Abe Lincoln was your age,he was studying by the light of the fireplace ." Little Johnny said,"When Abe Linco (12/27/2007 12:05:05) [查看全文] [ 张洪伟] 起名字的问题:中西方都不愿意以献花、野草起名字,什么牡丹玫瑰,小红小翠了,一听就变味了;张建、李建,但不能叫范建(贱)了;北京以前有个建(贱)人学校,你打电话咨询,服务小姐会说:您好,贱人。 [张洪伟] I have a dream ……中国连续7年大丰收,美国连续7年大旱,颗粒无收,美国立即由超级大国沦落为第三世界发展中国家。很多美国人梦想到中国来,我们就让他们考汉语托福、 GRE,考文言文太简单了,要考就考甲骨文,而且规定只能用毛笔、龟壳答题,第一题就考活雷锋与活蜜蜂的关系,分值50分! [ 关键] 上课我没什么要求大家的,你们只要keep mind active (12/26/2007 06:18:02) [查看全文] This Indian boy goes to his mother one day with a puzzled look on his face. "Say, mom, why is my bigger brother named Mighty Storm?" She told him, "because he was conceived during a mighty storm." Then he asked, "Why is my sister named Cornflower?" She replied, "Well, your father and I were in a cornfield when we (12/26/2007 06:18:01) [查看全文] Elephant Time A young man is wandering around the zoo looking at the animals. He suddenly remembers about an appointment that he scheduled. Unfortunately, he forgot his watch. He searchs for someone who could give him the time. He sees a zoo keeper standing next to an elephant. "Excuse (12/26/2007 06:18:01) [查看全文] A man walks past a beggar on the conner of the street where he works. The beggar holds out his one hand and the man drops a coin into his hand. One day the man walks past the beggar again and notices the beggar is holding out both his hands. He asks:"Why are you holding out both of your hands?" The beggar replies,"You see sir, busine (12/24/2007 09:33:33) [查看全文] Wishful Thinking There was a grandfather who came home with two blessed candies to give to his grandson. One was green and the other was red, and he asked his grandson, "Which candy would you like to have?" So the grandson took the green one. Just out of curio (12/24/2007 09:33:33) [查看全文] Gettin' Drunk One day this guy was sitting at this bar in Chicago and looks over and sees this guy that looks exactly like him. He says to the guy, “Hey you look just like me!” The other man agrees and asks, “Where are you from?” The first guy answers, “Chi (12/24/2007 09:33:33) [查看全文] The Wrong Kind of Doctor There was a lady who went to see a doctor, and the doctor said, "Sit down, Ma'am. What's the matter with you? Can you tell me what's wrong?" And then the lady snapped and said, "This is for you to find out, you know?" The doctor said, "All right! (12/05/2007 06:23:02) [查看全文] |