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     'Seven dollars, Madam, it is very cheap.' The lady said, 'It is too much, give it to me for fourteen.' 'I did not say seventeen dollars, but seven.'
      'It is still too much,' replied the old lady, 'give it to me for five.'
     “七美元,太太,这是很便宜的。” 老太太说:“太贵了,十四美元差不多。”
(01/14/2008 09:43:43) [查看全文]
  I was accompanying my husband on a business trip. He carried his portable computer with him, and the guard at the airport gate asked him to open the case. It was locked, and the man waited patiently as my embarrassed spouse struggled to remember the combination . At last he succeeded.
  'Why are you so nervous?' I asked him.
  'The number
(01/14/2008 09:43:43) [查看全文]
"Only to kill time." she replied.
"You've got a fine weapon, I must admit." ventured the young man.
二、a funny thing
when i was a freshman in our university,one day,our new teacher want us to say sth about yourself then ,a student standed up, and said "i come from shandong ,and i want to learn more when im in unive
(01/14/2008 09:43:42) [查看全文]
   Jack: Certainly.
   Tom: And why?
   Jack: Because otherwise he would try to borrow it from me.
(01/14/2008 09:43:41) [查看全文]
    A Soldier's Brilliant Idea
    Mr. Robinson had to travel somewhere on business, and as he was in a hurry, he decided to go by air. He liked sitting beside a window when he was flying, so when he got on to the plane, he looked for a window seat. He found all of them had already had been t
(01/12/2008 19:51:34) [查看全文]
Mr. Zhang: Thank you.
Tim: Would you like to refresh yourself?
Mr. Zhang: Thank you, but before that I would like to go to the rest room.
Tim: Of course. This way.
(01/12/2008 19:51:31) [查看全文]
More Polite
A fat man and a skinny man were arguing about who was the more polite.
The skinny man said he was more polite because he always tipped his hat to ladies. But the fat man knew he was the mor
(01/12/2008 19:51:28) [查看全文]
One day, a teacher took his pupils to a chicken farm to pay a visit. When they came near the incubator, chick just got out of its egg shell.
(01/12/2008 19:51:25) [查看全文]

  Dan was the doorman of a club in a big city. Everyday, thousands of people passed his door, and a lot of them stopped and asked him, "What’s the time, please?"
After a few months, Dan said to himself, "I’m not going to answer all those stupid people any more. I’m goi
(01/12/2008 19:51:23) [查看全文]

Mike: Pardon, sir, this time at first I would not let him do it, but mother was too busy.
(01/12/2008 19:51:21) [查看全文]
When you don\'t do it, you\'re lazy.
When your boss doesn\'t do it, he\'s too busy.
When you make a mistake, you\'re an idiot(蠢货).
When your boss makes a mistake, he\'s only human.
When doing something without being told, you\'re overstepping your authority(超越权限).
When your boss does the same thing, that\'s initi
(01/12/2008 19:51:19) [查看全文]
When I was born, I was black.
When I grow up, I am black.
When I'm under the sun, I'm black.
When I'm cold, I'm black.
When I'm afraid, I'm black.
When I'm sick, I'm black.
When I die, I'm still black.
(01/12/2008 19:51:17) [查看全文]
I asked him if there was a special significance to buying 17 roses rather than the normal one or two dozen.
'No,'he answered,'That was the minimum amount that could be charged.'
(01/12/2008 19:51:13) [查看全文]
“Will the lipstick fade after being kissed?”
The male clerk thought for a while and answered.
“Well, we can have a try first and see.”
(01/12/2008 19:51:09) [查看全文]
The Scotchman and the Robbers
    A Scotchman was attacked by three highwaymen, and defended himself with great courage. After much difficulty, the robbers succeeded in overpowering him, and his pockets were searched. They expected, after such a severe struggle, to find a large sum of money; but were surprised to discover he h
(01/12/2008 19:51:06) [查看全文]
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