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I Love You, Too
Boyfriend: I'm not rich and don't have a yacht or convertible like Harry,but I love you, dear.
Girlfriend: I love you, too. But tell me more about Harry.
(07/19/2007 09:01:22) [查看全文]
  A smart housewife was told that there was a kind of stove which would only consume half of the coal she was burning. She was very excited, and said: "That'll be terrific! Since one stove can save half of the coal, if I buy two, no coal will be needed!"
(07/18/2007 08:44:17) [查看全文]

An Advertisement for Modern Bicycle
Tom saw an advertisement in a newspaper for a beautiful modern bicycle which cost £50, so he went to the shop to have a look.
After examining the bicycle carefully, Tom turned to the shopkeeper and said, "There isn't a lamp on this bicycle, but there was one on the bicy
(07/17/2007 10:23:08) [查看全文]

Friend for Dinner
"Honey," said the husband to his wife, "I invited a friend home for supper."
"What? Are you crazy? The house is a mess, I haven't been shopping, all the dishes are dirty, and I don't feel like cooking a fancy meal!"
"I know all that."
"Then why did you invite a fri
(07/14/2007 08:27:42) [查看全文]

Be Much Worse
Policeman: Why didn't you shout for help when you were robbed of your watch?
Man: If I had opened my mouth, they'd have found my four gold teeth. That would be much worse.
(07/13/2007 09:55:46) [查看全文]

The Lost Purse
A lady lost her handbag in the bustle of Christmas shopping. It was found by an honest little boy and returned to her
Looking in her purse, she commented, "Hmmm.... That's funny. When I lost my bag there was a $20 bill in it. Now there are twenty $1 bills."
The boy quickly replied,
(07/12/2007 08:28:51) [查看全文]
Two Brothers
Two little boys wanted to ask a favor of their mother.
    "You ask her," said Paul, age ten. "No," said Roy, age nine, "You ask her, you have known her longer than I have."
(07/11/2007 06:30:43) [查看全文]
"Excuse me, was it your foot I stepped on when I was going out a moment ago?"
" Yes, but it doesn't really matter. It didn't hurt at all."
"Oh, no, it isn't that. I only want to make sure that this is my row."
(07/07/2007 08:44:31) [查看全文]

Good Calculation   
"I am sorry, madam, but I shall have to charge you twenty dollars for pulling your boy's tooth."   "Twenty dollars! Why, I understood you to say that you charged on ly four dollars for such work!" "Yes." replied the dentist, "but this youngster yelled so terribly that he scared four other patients out of the offic
(07/06/2007 09:06:27) [查看全文]

As he lay on his deathbed, the man confided to his wife, "I cannot die without telling you the truth. I cheated on you throughout our whole marriage. All those nights when I told you I was working late, I was with other women. And not just one woman either, but I've slept with dozens of them."
His wife looked at h
(07/04/2007 08:42:11) [查看全文]
Bring Me The Winner
Once, a fellow went into a restaurant and ordered a two-pound lobster.
"Waiter," he said when his meal was placed before him, "this lobster has only one claw."
  "I'm sorry, sir," the waiter replied. "but sometimes the lobsters  fight in the
(07/03/2007 06:30:05) [查看全文]
  Wedding night, husband deep feeling of say to the wife:"Dear of, I love you, I swear hereafter can't certainly do a sorry your business, if I do, certainly encountering for a day, the thunderclap splits, don't die a natural death!"Newly married but soon, the husband made a sorry cuckoldry matter.
On the first, t
(07/02/2007 07:56:39) [查看全文]

One day, a father and his little son were going home. At this age, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was always asking questions.
Now, he asked, "What's the meaning of the word 'Drunk', dad?"
"Well, my son," his father replied, "look, there are standing two policemen. If I re
(07/01/2007 10:21:00) [查看全文]

Friend for Dinner
"Honey," said the husband to his wife, "I invited a friend home for supper."
(06/30/2007 06:46:55) [查看全文]

Mom: Don't come in! Your feet are too dirty!
Boy: No, my feet are clean, Mom. But my shoes are dirty.
(06/29/2007 08:46:46) [查看全文]
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