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1. This is an exciting area of study, and one__________which the applications are being discussed almost daily. A)from B)by C)in D)through(99考研第4题) 2.__________can be see (04/26/2007 06:33:07) [查看全文] 21.You must show my wife the same respect________you show me. A) as B) like C)such as D) as what 22. It wasn't such a good dinner________she had promised us. A) that B) which C) as D (04/26/2007 06:33:07) [查看全文] 1.Even if(A) auto makers modify commercially produced cars to run on(B) alternative fuels(C), the cars won't catch on in a big way when(D) drivers can fill them up at the gas station.(考研1999-20) 2.The atmosphere is as much a part of the earth as_________its soils and the (04/26/2007 06:33:06) [查看全文] Directions:Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese. ①In part,the sudden re-emergence of technological progress is the climax of years of research in different fields that are finally reachi (04/24/2007 08:21:11) [查看全文] 11.The cells of many animals, including , are very complex. A) a man B) man C) the man D) the men 12.It is impossible to see a virus at work inside a living c (04/24/2007 08:21:10) [查看全文] 21.His contention is(A) that clothes does(B)not make the man; consequently(C), I don't see(D) how you can convince him to buy that new suit.(TOEFL,1973) 22.The leader expressed his hope for a settlement of the quarrel be (04/24/2007 08:21:08) [查看全文] 1. “Did you have a nice lunch” she asked sweetly. I had had a marvellous steak, but I knew . A) better by now saying so B) well by now to say so (04/24/2007 08:21:07) [查看全文] Before the 1870's trained nurses were virtually unknown in the United States.Hospital nursing was an unskilled occupation,taken up by women of the lower classes,some of whom were conscripted from the prison.The movement for reform originated not with (04/24/2007 08:21:06) [查看全文] 11. When she was enjoying the beautiful sight through the window of the plane, Susan never imagined that she by the hijackers. A) could shortly be killed (04/24/2007 08:21:06) [查看全文] 21. Future(A) Space flights are expected(B) to cost far greater(C) than past(D) flights to the moon. (TOEFL, 1975.9) 22. Having spent(A) his last(B) penny for the cheese, he was determi (04/24/2007 08:21:04) [查看全文] |