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[日期:2007-04-24]   [字体: ]

    11.The cells of many animals, including    , are very complex.

       A) a man  B) man   C) the man D) the men

    12.It is impossible to see a virus at work inside a living cell, but scientists can study the chemical changes in    cell as   virus attacks it.

       A) a; a        B) the; the       C) a; the   D) the; a

    13. The brain stem controls our body's muscles when the body is quiet and    .

       A) at the rest B) at a rest   C) at rest  D) at rests

    14.These experiments proved that    are not only electrical, but chemical too.

       A) the learning and the memory   B) a learning and a memory

       C) learnings and memories        D) learning and memory

    15.The thief was   a large quantity of stolen property.

       A) in a possession of       B) in possessions of

       C) in the possessions of    D) in possession of 

    16.We reckon to have lunch at one o'clock, but we're not     .

       A) to any minute       B) to a minute

       C) to the minute       D) to the minutes

    .Fireworks,which(A) originated(B) century ago(C) in China,were brought(D) to Europe by Marco Polo. (TOEFL,1978)

    18. In the United States,the individual(A) income tax is the governmental(B) largest source(C) of revenue(D).  (TOEFL,1982) 

    19.My pen is here. You must have taken   .

       A) somebody's else   B) anybody else's

       C) somebody else's   D) anybody's else

    20  The   pistol during the war now is on display in the museum. 

       A) commander-in-chief's   B) commander's-in-chief

       C) commander-in-chief     D) commander's-in-chief's


    11. B对。包括人在内的许多动物,其细胞非常复杂。

    12. B对。观察活细胞内的工作情况是不可能的,不过,科学家能够研究病毒侵袭活细胞内发生的化学变化。

    13. C对。脑干控制着我们安静和休息状态下的肌肉。

    14. D对。这些实验证实了学习和记忆不仅是电性的,而且也是化学性的。

    15. D对。那盗贼占有大量赃物。

    16. C 对。我们估计一点钟吃午饭,但也不会一分钟不差。

    17. C错,应改为centuries ago。 烟火起源于中国,由马可波罗带到欧洲。

    18. B错,应改为government's。 在美国,个人所得税是政府最大的财源。

    19. C对。我的钢笔在这里,你一定是拿了别人的了。

    20. A对。总司令战争时用过的手枪陈列在博物馆里。

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