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[日期:2007-04-28]   [字体: ]


A.Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the words given in the box below.

fury gasp fusion groove fort formidable
graze gleam forum gracious

1.There's a GREat deal of variety among the people of that nation;they're the result of the _________of several races.

2.The soldiers had to fight against a _________enemy.

3.In former times the British army kept lots of soldiers at _________William in Scotland.

4.It's no using trying to argue with you when you fly into a _________for the slightest reason.

5.The needle is stuck in the _________of the record,so it keeps repeating the same bit of music.

6.The wing seemed to _________the treetops as the plane climbed safely away.

7.She was _________enough to show us round her home.

8.A group of schoolmasters are holding a _________on new way of teaching English.

9.I _________with surprise at the unexpected news.

10._________of sunshine came round the edges of the dark cloud.

B.Complete each of the following sentences using a word whose meaning is given in the brackets.Remember that the initial of each word is either F or G.

1.The Bank of England is the _________of our wealth.(a place that guards or protects)

2.The old chair gave a _________when the fat woman sat down on it.(a sound caused by the movement of wood or metal parts heavily loaded)

3.I had to _________my way to a seat in the dark cinema as I was ten minutes late.(to make one's way by feeling with out-stretched hands in or as if in the dark)

4.Don't _________;it isn't fair to say all women drivers are bad just because one knocked you down.(to form or state on opinion after considering a small number of the facts)

5.It was easier to move about on the _________of the crowd.(the part farthest from the center;edge)

6.The ice on the lake _________under the weight of the boys playing on it.(break or crack)

7.Pride was the GREatest _________in his personality.(weak part in sb.'s character)

8.She _________illness so that she did not have to go to school that day.(to pretend)

9.Grandfather has been getting _________lately.(weak;with little force)

10.It is _________that we should remember him on his birthday.(suitable)

C.Choose the best answer from the four choices given.

1.The man _________his friends on apples,pears,coconuts and so on.

A.feasted B.fed  C.gossiped D.glared

2.It was quite a _________to move that piano by yourself.

A.feet B.feat C.feature D.gist

3.The story I told you yesterday was _________and completely untrue.

A.facilitated B.flattered  C.fabricated D.gambled

4.He _________up at the lightest provocation.

A.FLASH B.gauges  C.grabs D.flares

5.She _________when she couldn't answer the question.

A.fluctuated B.flung  C.GREeted D.flushed

6.The soap is made in several _________.

A.fractures B.fragments  C.fragrances D.fossils

7.The diamond _________on her finger.

A.glares B.giggles  C.grins D.glitters

8.Their daughter died two years ago,but they are still _________.

A.gloom B.grieving  C.frowned D.fainting

9.So graceful was the ballerina that she just seemed to_________ .

A.glint B.glide C.fluent D.fly

10.You're nothing but an old _________.

A.gossip B.garment  C.foster D.fridge


A.Fill in each of the following blanks with a suitable connective.

1._________the chairman declared the ConGREss open,the band played the National Anthem.

A.Since B.After C.While D.As

2.I waited _________she came back.

A.while B.until C.if D.or

3.They set out early _________they might arrive there in time.

A.when B.which C.what D.so that

4._________I am concerned,he knows nothing about it.

A.What B.As well as

C.But D.As far as

5.No sooner did they get to the fields _________they started to work.

A.when B.then C.than D.and

6._________we are very careful,we can't do our work well.

A.Whether B.When  C.Unless D.As long as

7._________the bell rang,all the school children rushed into their classroom.

A.The moment B.Before

C.No sooner D.If

8.The first thing _________we shall do is to work out a plan.

A.which B.what C.that D.when

9._________he will come to the discussion is certain.

A.How B.When C.That D.Where

10.A gas has neither fixed size _________shape.

A.or B.nor C.and D.as well as

11.It has been 50 years _________I graduated from Benjamin Franklin High School in East Harlem.

A.that B.when C.since D.before

12.He glanced at the instrument panel _________saw,at last,the black numbers FLASHing on the tiny GPSscreen.

A.but B.and C.that D.which

13.I wonder _________you would mind giving me a hand for a few minutes.

A.what B.how C.if D.that

14._________you are here,you'd better stay.

A.Whether B.Now that  C.Just that D.So that

15.All_________ I want to say is this thing.

A.what B.which C.that D.and

B.Combine the two sentences together with the given connectives.

1.I live in a room.

  Its window opens north.(whose)

2.We would beg in the street.

  We would not get money in such a dishonest way.(rather than)

3.He told us to read the text carefully.

  He told us to write a review of it.(and)

4.He said that he was busy today.

  He said that he would be free tomorrow.(But)

5.Yesterday I happened to meet John.

  He was eager to have a talk with you.(who)

C.Identifying mistakes.There are four underlined parts in each of the following sentences.Identify the one which is wrong.

1.Many schoolteachers are afraid to bring up(A) moral and spiritual questions(B) for fear of(C) they violate(D)  the Constitution.

2.Doing(A) things out of obligation,how(B) much effort you put into it(C) ,will always be like(D) dragging a ball and chain.

3.A rumor(A) has got about which(B) he is(C)  going to resign his appointment(D)

4.Only when(A) we landed we saw(B) how badly(C)  the plane had been damaged(D)

5.She has to(A) be very economical(B) because of(C)  she hasn't much(D) money.

6.It is(A) of the utmost(B) importance when(C)  you be(D) here the day after tomorrow.

7.The offence with whom(A) he is going to be charged(B) carries(C)  a heavy penalty(D)

8.I could have caught(A) my train if(B)  I overslept(C)  that morning(D)

9.It had not been(A) for(B) the timely(C)  investment from the general public,the company would not be(D) so thriving.

10.Last year,he earned twice(A) as much like(B) his brother,who(C)  had a better position(D)


A.Short answer questions.Read the passage and answer the questions or complete the statements with no more than ten words.

No one who comes into Sharing and Caring Hands knows more about deprivation and loneliness than Mary Jo Copeland.Born in Rochester,Minn.,in 1942,she spent the first six years of her life in the Minneapolis home of her affluent grandparents,who cherished and pampered her.

Mary Jo was only vaguely aware of her parents,who visited occasionally but never showed any affection for her.She later learned that her father was unable to support his family and had left her with his parents.When Mary Jo's mother had a baby boy,the grandparents thought it was time to bring the family together. Mary Jo moved in with her parents.

Often her father awoke in a rage cursing his wife for her abominable cooking and housekeeping.In the evenings he might beat her.“Mother would scream and plead with him,”Mary Jo remembers,“and I'd sit outside for hours,praying that my mother wouldn't die.”

Yet she was so overwrought that she frequently seemed incapable of dealing with the things that enraged him.“The house was never clean,”Mary Jo recalls.“Beds went unmade, rooms undusted;dishes rarely got washed.The tub was filthy,and I couldn't take baths.”

In parochial school,Mary Jo remained aloof and alone.She had awful body odor.Other children would shout,“Uh-oh,there's Mary Jo,” and hold their noses.“I was in such emotional turmoil that I couldn't concentrate on schoolwork.My poor report cards enraged my father, and he would insist I was stupid and worthless.”

The one thing that did fire her interest in school was religion class.“I learned was enthralled with the idea that God loves us all equally and unconditionally,”she says.“I my catechism and said the rosary all the time.Soon I realized that there were lots of children in the world like me—some even worse off.I began to know that God had some special task in mind forme.”

Mary Jo's father required her to pay a good share of her Catholic high school's tuition.She stayed after school each day and scrubbed floors and blackboards.One evening during her sophomore year,she went alone to a dance. Spotting an attractive lad,she approached him on the pretext that she was looking for someone.

“Are you Tom Kelly?”she asked,making up the name.He said he was not,and she started to walk away.“Wait a minute,”he said,“would you like to dance?”His name was Dick Copeland,and they danced all evening.He saw her home and asked if he could call her for a date.Soon they were together constantly,though it was a year before Mary Jo told him about her home life,which was becoming increasingly unbearable.

1.What kind of life did Mary Jo have during her childhood?

2.Why was her mother beaten?

3.In the eyes of Mary Jo,her mother was a(n)         mother.

4.What is the meaning of“good”in paragraph 7?

5.Mary Jo approached an attractive lad in order to         

B.Translate the following sentences from the above passage into Chinese.

1.Mary Jo was only vaguely aware of her parents,who visited occasionally but never showed any affection for her.

2.She later learned that her father was unable to support his family and had left her with his parents.

3.Often her father awoke in a rage cursing his wife for her abominable cooking and house-keeping.

4.Soon I realized that there were lots of children in the world like me—some even worse off.

C.Error Correction

“No two-old-year Ali Spizman never seemed fearful of anything—until the day she attended her cousin's birthday party.There stood the loudest,scariest grownups she'd ever seen:a clown with a big red


nose and a luminous orange wig.“Ali grabbed me around the neck and held on for dear life,” recalls her mother,Robyn Spizman.

When the next birthday party came around, Ali refused to go.“No clown,Mommy,”Ali cried,her eyes were wide with panic.Ali had


been frightened by something that overwhelmed her.By the age of ten months,a child has learned to distinguish the familiar and the


unfamiliar.If the unfamiliar is especial big,


bright or loud,it will seem scary.

To parents,such a fear may seem nonsen- sical.But dismiss it


will only make a toddler wonder if something is wrong with him.

“The idea is to get your child understand that it's okay to be


afraid,that we all have fears,”says a psycholo- gist Stephen Garber,


director of the Behavioral Institute of Atlanta.

The important thing is to work through them.

Ali's mother helped her overcame her fear of clowns gradually.


First they dressed stuffed animals in party hats and visited a costume shop and examine clown clothes and noses.Finally,Ali


watched as a volunteer clown put on his makeup.By then she knew that clowns are really or- dinary people wear costumes .They might


be loud,but they're also harmless.

D.Paragraph writing

Write a paragraph beginning with“Some people think we should read selectively.”Your should write at least 50 words not including the sentence given.

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