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Part I 1.1)handful 2)healthy 3)historical 4)hopeful 5) horizontal 6)ignorance 7)illustrated 8)imaginary 9)implied 10)inferred (04/29/2007 08:37:10) [查看全文] Part I 1.1)leadership 2)learned 3)liberty 4)maintenance5)manufacturers 6)laughter 7)misunderstanding 8)multiply 9)motive 10)mo (04/29/2007 08:37:09) [查看全文] Part I 词汇(大纲词汇表N—P部分)(20%) 1.根据括号中所给的词语填空。 1)It is __________to say hello to each other when acquaintan (04/29/2007 08:37:08) [查看全文] Part II 语法(动名词、不定式)(20%) 1.选择填空。 1)You can't help __________commercials,every few minutes when the prog (04/29/2007 08:37:08) [查看全文] Part I 1.1)natural 2)necessities 3)newly 4)nursed5)objective 6)penalties 7)obligation 8)negotiation 9)options 10)pregnancies/pregnancy 11)perceived 12)observation 13)occup (04/29/2007 08:37:07) [查看全文] Part I 词汇(大纲词汇表Q—R部分)(20%) 1.根据括号中所给的词语填空。 1)Will the _________in the U.S.A.cause a lot of unemployment?(recede) (04/29/2007 08:37:06) [查看全文] Part III语法(分词、独立主格)(20%) 1.选择填空。 1)The lecture _________,he left his seat so quietly that no one c (04/29/2007 08:37:06) [查看全文] 16.These metal spheres had been magnetized_________they at-tracted or repelled each other . A) in order that B) so that C) so they were D) so long as 17.No sooner had I opened the door_________I found a stranger lying on my bed. (04/28/2007 08:18:00) [查看全文] Part II Vocabulary A.1—5D)C)D)D)B)6—10A)A)C)B)D) B.1.teasing 2.temperament 3.testimony 4.th (04/28/2007 08:17:59) [查看全文] Part II Vocabulary A.1.scramble 2.sculptures 3.sentiment 4.shrewd 5.signified 6.snatched 7.stall 8.stalk 9.stimulus 10.strande (04/28/2007 08:17:58) [查看全文] |