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[日期:2007-04-29]   [字体: ]



    He has now bought a motor-cycle,on which he rides to and from the farm. 他现在已买了摩托车,他骑着这辆摩托车来往于农场。

    The tops of trees form a kind of roof,under which there is little light. 树冠形成一种篷帐,阳光进不去。

    The man from whom I got the information is nowhere to be seen.  给我这信息的人到处都找不到了。

    Sir Winston Churchill was British Prime Minister from 1940 to 1945,during which time he played a decisive role in the conduct of the Second World War. 温斯顿·丘吉尔爵士在1940年到1945年任英国首相,在这段时间里,他在指挥第二次世界大战中起了决定性作用。


  The quality of teaching should be measured by the deGREe      which the students' potentiality is developed.

    A) to  B) of  C) with   D) in

  (1999全国大学生英语竞赛初赛题) A对。应该根据学生的潜力开发到何种程度来评估教学质量。( to the deGREe)

  It's one Christmas tradition in which all Americans can take part.  这是一个所有美国人都可以参加的圣诞节传统活动。(to take part in)

  The bottling company sponsors an essay competition to which students submit papers,a panel of historians will judge them on the basis of style and content, and the winners receive gift certificates.  装瓶公司发起了一次小品文写作比赛,学生们在比赛中交出文章,由历史学家组成的专门小组以文风和内容为基准进行评判,优胜者将得到几张礼品券。(submit...to)

  The biggest hobby in America, the one on which Americans spend most time, energy and money is gardening.  在美国,最大的一种嗜好是园艺,这一嗜好使美国人花费大量的时间、精力和金钱。(spend ... on)


  This is the photo which I came across yesterday.  这就是我昨天偶然发现的照片。


  Science is playing more and more important role in the society(which)we live in .科学在我们生活的社会中起着越来越重要的用。


  The residents,      had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.

    A) all their homes       B) all whose  home  

    C) all of whose homes    D) all of their homes


  Water enters into a GREat variety of chemical reactions,     have been mentioned in previous pages.

    A) a few of it        B) a few of them

    C) a few of that      D) a few of which

  (1991.6 CET6, 答案是D。) 水能参与各种各样的化学反应,其中一些化学反应前面已经提到了。
I saw an encouraging film, the plot of which was really vivid and interesting.  我看了一部令人兴奋的电影,其故事情节真是生动有趣。

  This soon brought them to a lovely spring, the basin of which seemed to be decorated with sparkling diamonds.  他们很快被带到美丽的小泉处,泉底好象用闪烁的金钢钻装饰着。

  To make up an objective test the teacher writes a series of questions, each of which has only one correct answer.  教师编写客观考试试题时列出一连串问题,每个问题只有一个正确答案。

  We have put up many buildings in recent years , the most magnificent of which was completed in 1995.  我们近年建了很多大楼,其中最雄伟的一座于1995年完工。


  In one place they found a wide hall, from the roof of which hung a GREat number of shinning white pillars of stone.  在某个地方,他们发现了一个大厅,发光的白石柱从厅顶上吊下来。

  We are awaiting the relevant L/C, upon receipt of which we will arrange shipment immediately.  我们正等待信用证的到来一旦收到信用证,便立即安排装运。

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