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Although he died almost 400 years ago, William Shakespeare is still one of the most popular English writers in the world. His 38 plays have been translated into every major language. One of his most famous is 'Romeo and Juliet', a love story and a tragedy. The story takes place in Verona, Italy. Two noble families, the Montagues and Capulets (02/23/2008 08:51:06) [查看全文] 第十四章 句子 14.1 句子的定义 句子是包含主语和谓语部分的一组词。它有一定的语法结构和语调,用以表达一个比较完整的独立的概念。句子开头第一个字母要大写,句子末尾要有句号、问号或感叹号。如: (1)The foundation of democracy is the will of the people to preserve liberty. 民主的基础就是人民维护自由的意愿。 (2)What motives governed his actions? 是什么动机支配他的行动的? (3)This concerto is great! 这支协奏曲真好! 14.2 句子的种类和类型 句子按其用 (02/23/2008 08:51:05) [查看全文] Everyone has got two personalities-the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real. You don't show your secret personality when you're awake because you can control your behavior, but when you're asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you. In a normal night, of course, people frequently change their position. The imp (02/23/2008 08:51:05) [查看全文] Ten Important Guidelines [1] Today, I’d like to share with you 10 important guidelines to live a better life. They seem very simple, but very few people can actually follow them. [2] The following guidelines can transform your life. Learn them and put them into practice every day. ·Know that dreams can come true - believe (02/23/2008 08:51:05) [查看全文] 作者:英国《金融时报》专栏作家提姆?哈福德(Tim Harford) 亲爱的经济学家, Dear Economist, 我今年17岁,我就读的学校不久前才变成男女同校。和我一样,其他六年级的学生几乎都是男生。我觉得学校不能满足我浪漫的需求,在校期间我永远都不会知道什么是真爱。事实上,我根本没什么指望可以找到爱情。你能不能帮帮我,或者哪怕只是给点儿希望? I am 17 years old and my school only recently became coeducational. The other sixth-form students are almost all male, l (02/23/2008 08:51:05) [查看全文] A mother with only one eye My mom only had one eye. I hated her… she was such an embarrassment. My mom ran a small shop at a flea market. She collected little weeds and such to sell… anything for the money we needed she was such an embarrassment. There was this one day during elementary school. I remember that it was field day, an (02/23/2008 08:51:04) [查看全文] A Journey of Friendship In the present of love, miracles happen. Robber Schuller Curt and I have the kind of friendship that I wish everyone would be able to experience. It embodies the true meaning of partnership—trust, caring, risk-taking and all else that friendship could embrace in our hurried and ha (02/23/2008 08:51:04) [查看全文] 《战争与和平》 第四部 第十六章 作者:列夫·托尔斯泰 罗斯托夫许久都没有像今日这样享受音乐的这种乐趣。但当娜塔莎一唱完船夫曲,他又想起了现实生活。他一言不发,便走出门,下楼回到自己房里去了。一刻钟之后,老伯爵怀着快乐和满意的心情从俱乐部回来了。尼古拉听到他回来,便去看他。 “怎么样,快活了一阵吧?”伊利亚·安德烈伊奇说,他对儿子很高兴地、骄傲地微笑。尼古拉想说一声“是的”,但是说不出口,几乎要痛哭起来。伯爵抽抽烟斗闲呆着,没有看出儿子的神态。 “唉,不可避免的事啊!”尼古拉头一回,也是最后一回这样想。突然他用那漫不经 (02/22/2008 06:18:30) [查看全文] 《War And Peace》 Book4 CHAPTER XVI by Leo Tolstoy IT was long since Rostov had derived such enjoyment from music as on that day. But as soon as Natasha had finished her barcarolle, the reality forced itself upon his mind again. Saying nothing, he went out, and went down stairs to (02/22/2008 06:18:29) [查看全文] 《战争与和平》 第四部 第十五章 作者:列夫·托尔斯泰 说一声“明天”并且保持得体的腔调,并不是一件困难的事,他独自一人走回家去,看见妹妹、弟弟、母亲和父亲,承认错误,并向家里的人要钱,这倒是一件可怕的事,因为他在许下诺言之后没有权利再要钱了。 家里的人都还没有睡觉。罗斯托夫家里的青年已经从剧院里回来,吃罢晚饭,便坐在击弦古钢琴旁边。尼古拉刚刚走进大厅,一种抚爱的、诗意的气氛笼罩住了,这年冬天他们家中经常洋溢着这种气氛,在多洛霍夫求婚和约格尔举办舞会之后,而今迷漫于索尼娅和娜塔莎的上方的气氛,看来就像雷雨前的空气一样变得更浓了。索尼娅和娜塔莎穿着那件他们上戏院时 (02/22/2008 06:18:28) [查看全文] 《War And Peace》 Book4 CHAPTER XV by Leo Tolstoy TO SAY “TO-MORROW,” and maintain the right tone was not difficult, but to arrive home alone, to see his sisters and brother, his mother and father, to confess and beg for money to which he had no right after giving his word of ho (02/22/2008 06:18:27) [查看全文] 《战争与和平》 第四部 第十四章 作者:列夫·托尔斯泰 过了一个半钟头,多数赌徒都在开玩笑地瞧着自己的牌儿。 赌局的焦点凝聚在罗斯托夫一个人身上。他欠的帐上写下了一长列数字,而不是一千六百卢布,他数数,计有上万卢布了,可是到目前他模糊地意识到,这个数目字已经高达一万五千卢布。而实际上他所欠的赌帐已经超过两万了。多洛霍夫不去听、也不去讲故事了,他注意罗斯托夫两只手的每个动作,有时候迅速地回头望望他欠的赌帐。他坚决地继续赌下去,直到这笔欠帐增加到四万三千卢布。他选定这个数目,是因为“四十三”正是他的年龄和索尼娅的年龄的总和。罗斯托夫把两只手托着头,坐在那写满数字、溅 (02/22/2008 06:18:26) [查看全文] 《War And Peace》 Book4 CHAPTER XIV by Leo Tolstoy WITHIN AN HOUR AND A HALF the greater number of the players were no longer seriously interested in their own play. The whole interest of the game was concentrated on Rostov. Instead of a mere loss of si (02/22/2008 06:18:25) [查看全文] 《战争与和平》 第四部 第十三章 作者:列夫·托尔斯泰 这次舞会之后过了两天,罗斯托夫在自己家里没有看见多洛霍夫,在他家里也没有碰到他,第三天接到他的一封便函。 “鉴于你所熟知的种种原因,我再也不欲登门拜访,我瞬将重返部队,是以特为各位友人举行告别酒会,敬祈莅临英吉利饭店。”罗斯托夫同自己家里人和杰尼索夫在剧院里看过戏了,九点多钟离开剧院,在这个约定的日子来到了英吉利饭店。他立刻被人领到多洛霍夫于是夜租用的上等客房里去。 约计二十人聚集在桌子周围,多洛霍夫坐在桌前,左右两旁都点着一支蜡烛。桌子上摆着金币和纸币,多洛霍夫 (02/22/2008 06:18:24) [查看全文] 《War And Peace》 Book4 CHAPTER XIII by Leo Tolstoy FOR TWO DAYS after the dance, Rostov had not seen Dolohov at his people's house nor found him at home; on the third day he received a note from him. “As I do not intend to be at your house again owing (02/22/2008 06:18:23) [查看全文] |