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首先,一个段落必须有一个中心即主题思想,该中心由主题句特别是其中的题旨来表达。整个段落必须紧扣这个主题(stick or hold to the topic),这就是段落的统一性(unity)。其次,一个段落必须有若干推展句,使主题思想得到充分展开,从而给读者一个完整的感觉,这就是完整性(completeness or adequateness)。再者,一个段落不是杂乱无章的,而是有机的组合,句子的排列顺序必须合乎逻辑,从一个句子到另一个句子的过渡必须流畅(smooth),这就是连贯性(coherence)。下面我们就对这三个标准分别加以说明。 1、统一性 一个段落内的各个句子必须从属于一个中心,任何游离于中心思想之外的句子都是不可取的。请看 (11/26/2010 00:00:00) [查看全文] DEMONSTRATION - TEXT AND QUESTIONS
Do not read the following text and questions first. Go directly to the How to Answer section which will show you the most efficient way of answering the questions. YOUR POST OFFICE at your service At our main offices we are introducing,swheresappropriate, a number o (11/26/2010 00:00:00) [查看全文] READING STRATEGIES AND SKILLS
This course will give you the opportunity to develop and practice reading strategies and skills which can be applied to all forms of IELTS tests. The strategies and skills you will practice are as follows: 1.Predicting 2.Skimming 3.Scanning 4.Detailed reading (11/26/2010 00:00:00) [查看全文] 听力
学习方法: 1、从口语的角度研究它。 观察英语对话,写下英语笔记和记录。学习如何在不同的场合说合适的话。什么话题,用什么词汇、句型、套话,别人如何插话的。最后提升到看电影剧本,把笔记写下来。 2、从考试的考点来研究,看题眼,知道如何出题。 3、把考试能力变成实际能力的提高。 英语学好了,英语能力自然就上去了。十套题认认真真做下来,就会脱胎换骨。 8分境界:多付出一点。 人和人之间的差别往往不是由能力造成的,而是多付出的努力造成的结果。每天多做一些,多练习一些。 把每件事做好,你会喜欢上英语。 口语: (11/26/2010 00:00:00) [查看全文] 雅思听力技巧
读题:知道题目问什么,大概是什么答案(3-5秒你需搞清结构意思) 猜题:知道缺什么成分就听这个内容,如WHO ,WHERE相对应的部分 听题:一句一句听,一边听一边写(是技术活) 写题:简写省时但应当可以还原,多做听写练习(2-3遍容易,尽量听出答案) 查题:看看有没有SPELL等错误 听磁带时应有身临其境的感觉。 雅思听力五大禁忌 一忌:听radio,cctv-4,cctv-9(听不懂,没用) 二忌:听太难的材料(打击我们的自信) 三忌:一心多用( (11/26/2010 00:00:00) [查看全文] 模版1 Some people believe (argue, recognize, think) that 观点1. But other people take an opposite side. They firmly believe that 观点2. As for me, I agree to the former/latter idea. There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief. First of all, 论据1. More importantly, 论 (06/14/2010 00:00:00) [查看全文] 1、描述一个你熟悉的小孩,他的姓名,年龄,爱好等基本的东西。
原来的孩子幸福还是现在的孩子幸福?学校、的家长给孩子的压力会带给他们什么影响?中国现在小学(elementary school)的教育方式好不好?存在哪些问题?你觉得正当的(proper)教育方式(educational mode)是什么?(i think the proper educational mode mustlearn the students how to communicate with others ,how to study ,and so on) 从过去到现在中国对教育方式的改善有哪些?在你小的时候喜欢玩什么,比如在你十岁时?i think the educa (08/03/2006 08:16:21) [查看全文] Part Ⅲ Reading Tasks
True/False/Not Given Exercises Unit2 When was the last time you saw a frog? Chances are, if you live in a city, you have not seen one for some time. Even in wet areas once teeming with frogs and toads, it is becoming less and less easy to find those slimy, hopping and sometimes poisonous members of (08/03/2006 08:16:20) [查看全文] *中国人口主要分布于哪个区域
*中国人的生活水平与你小时候相比是否有很大变化 *现在中国国内交通情况怎么样,人们可以用什么交通工具 *你平时空闲时做什么来放松 *你们家的家务劳动谁来做 *你认为最重要的家务活是什么 *好,我们进入第二部分 topic card talk about a book or a story you have read when did you read it? what kind of influence it gives you ? *下面是第三部分,我将要问你一些与part two (08/03/2006 08:16:18) [查看全文] 1、Describe your best friend. How you knew each other How you became friends How you spend time together Explain why he、she is your best friend 2、Describe the trip you took some time ago. When you too (08/03/2006 08:16:16) [查看全文] 1.the table shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to...
该表格描述了在...年之...年间...数量的变化。 2.the bar chart illustrates that... 该柱状图展示了... (08/03/2006 08:16:15) [查看全文] 上海v86=v36=v44
v79 v119 S1 a girl who named Sara Tim want to rent a house, coz her cousizn back from sg she has to leave her aunt house.She's been in Aus for( 1 and half years )and her adress is ...(Forest) road She's took (Academic English Course) right now Academic 还好卷子上有,差点写成acadamic. she will rent the house from (Th (08/03/2006 08:16:14) [查看全文] 1. You are an university student who are living in the accommodation at the campus. One day you find something wrong with your accommodation. So you write a letter to the House Officer to tell them what happened, the reason you think, what you decide to do, and whether if it is right.
2. It is wrong that our government pay more mone (08/03/2006 08:16:13) [查看全文] 移民类: 1、假设你的腿摔折了,住在医院,你的同学、朋友寄来卡片、信问候你,你回封信告诉他们你在医院的生活和康复情况。 2、写封信给学校的学生俱乐部,告诉他们你的兴趣和爱好,表示希望结交一些朋友,请他们给予建议。 3、你的未曾谋面的朋友将访问你的国家,但由于你的原因,你不能去接他,写封信通知他。 4、你住在学校里,无意间损坏了学校的东西,写信给有关部门解释为什么损坏以及你准备怎样弥补。 5、你在机场买了一个WALKMAN,质量有问题,写一封抱怨信。 6、你在英语国家学习,向有关部门申请,写明你想学什么,为什么学,并询问有关:资格、住宿、费用方面的问题。 7、你访问 (08/03/2006 08:16:12) [查看全文] 考生可以根据下列这些问题,结合个人情况,反复练习,尽快掌握提高。
1. What's your name? 2. Does your name have any special meaning? 3. Where were you come from? 4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown? 5. What is the main crop in your hometown? 6. What is the diff (08/03/2006 08:16:10) [查看全文] |