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寡者,备人者也;众者,使人备己者也。 Numerical weakness comes from having to prepare against possible attacks; numerical strength, from compelling our adversary to make these preparations against us. 故知战之地,知战之日,则可千里而会战; Knowing the place and the time of the coming battle, we may concentrate from the greatest distances in order to fight. (08/31/2009 10:48:06) [查看全文] 军争第七 VII. Maneuvering 孙子曰:凡用兵之法,将受命于君, Sun Tzu said: In war, the general receives his commands from the sovereign. 合军聚众,交和而舍, Having collected an army and concentrated his forces, he must blend and harmonize the different elements thereof before pitching his camp. 莫难于军争。军争之难者,以迂为直,以患为利。 (08/31/2009 10:48:05) [查看全文] 九变第八 VIII. Variation in Tactics 孙子曰:凡用兵之法,将受命于君,合军聚合。 Sun Tzu said: In war, the general receives his commands from the sovereign, collects his army and concentrates his forces 泛地无舍,衢地合交,绝地无留,围地则谋,死地则战, When in difficult country, do not encamp. In country where high roads intersect, join hands with y (08/31/2009 10:48:04) [查看全文] 行军第九 IX. The Army on the March 孙子曰:凡处军相敌,绝山依谷, Sun Tzu said: We come now to the question of encamping the army, and observing signs of the enemy. Pass quickly over mountains, and keep in the neighborhood of valleys. 视生处高,战隆无登,此处山之军也。 Camp in high places, facing the sun. Do not climb heights in order (08/31/2009 10:48:03) [查看全文] 军旁有险阻、潢井、蒹葭、小林、□①荟者,必谨覆索之,此伏奸之所处也。 If in the neighborhood of your camp there should be any hilly country, ponds surrounded by aquatic grass, hollow basins filled with reeds, or woods with thick undergrowth, they must be carefully routed out and searched; for these are places where men in ambush or insidious spies are likely to be lurking. (08/31/2009 10:48:02) [查看全文] 地形第十 X. Terrain 孙子曰:地形有通者、有挂者、有支者、有隘者、有险者、有远者。 Sun Tzu said: We may distinguish six kinds of terrain, to wit: (1) Accessible ground; (2) entangling ground; (3) temporizing ground; (4) narrow passes; (5) precipitous heights; (6) positions at a great distance from the enemy. 我可以往,彼可以来,曰通。 Ground which (08/31/2009 10:48:00) [查看全文] 九地第十一 XI. The Nine Situations 孙子曰:用兵之法,有散地,有轻地,有争地,有交地,有衢地,有重地,有泛地,有围地,有 死地。 Sun Tzu said: The art of war recognizes nine varieties of ground: (1) Dispersive ground; (2) facile ground; (3) contentious ground; (4) open ground; (5) ground of intersecting highways; (6) serious ground; (7) difficult ground; (8) h (08/31/2009 10:47:59) [查看全文] Long ago, in a village of northern China, there lived a girl named MuLan. One day, she sat at her loom weaving cloth. Click-Clack! Click-Clack! Went the loom.
Suddenly, the sound of weaving changed to sorrowful sighs. “What troubles you?” her mother asked. “Nothing. Mother,” Mulan softly replied. (02/20/2009 10:14:58) [查看全文] 英语中级笔译:一位沙特王子的生活
2:00 a.m. in the Arabian desert, the world's fifth richest man sits alone. A rare moment of tranquility. Who is this man? What is he thinking? Why is he here? (02/20/2009 10:14:58) [查看全文] 海伦·凯勒:假如给我三天光明(一)
Three Days to See All of us have read thrilling stories (02/20/2009 10:14:57) [查看全文] 在汉英翻译中可进行各种词类的转换,例如: 汉语动词转换成英语名词、形容词、介词;汉语形容词或副词转换成英语名词;汉语名词转换成英语动词等等。其中,汉语动词转换成英语抽象名词尤为普遍。高校常用的翻译教材,如张培基、吕瑞昌、冯庆华等编撰的翻译教材均将这种转换列在第一位。请看以下各例:
例1. 中国政府承诺不对无核国家使用核武器。 如不注意词性转换,译文可能是: (02/20/2009 10:14:56) [查看全文] 今天我们来翻译: 1.他们已中止了合同。 2.医生劝他别抽烟,可他却反其道而行之。 3.他为实现个人能力与才智而奋斗不息。 4.气愤之下,我把所有的杯盘都摔到地上去了。 5.有些人会觉得对他们的口味来说,这道莱有点儿辣。 6.To have striven, to have made the effort, to have been true to certain ideals-this alone is worth the struggle. (英译汉) (02/20/2009 10:14:54) [查看全文] |