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[日期:2009-02-25]   [字体: ]
Love the Job You

Every day we hear about people making radical career changes. The opportunities exist, but will all these changes make us any happier once we get there? Maybe the question is not "How can I get the job I'll love?", but "How can I love the job I have?" Following are four practical steps towards coming to terms with why you do what you're doing. Take some time to think about it, and you might be surprised by what you find.

1. Realize that your job does not define you, but how you do it does. There's a lot to be said for attitude, more than will fit here. Any job can be done well, done with compassion, done with care. Your attitude at work and the way you treat people --- even your mood --- does not go unnoticed. They have a profound influence on the people you work with. There are times when you can't control your situation, but you can always choose how you live in it.

2. Stop focusing on the money. Money will never be enough so stop using it (or the lack of it) as an excuse. Whatever you are bringing home on the 15th and 30th, there are always going to be things you could do or would do if you had more. Try taking tracking every penny you spend in a week. Seeing where your money is really going can help you to refocus your spending towards the things you really want. Getting paid is only one small part of what you do, your work has to be more than just a paycheck to be fulfilling.

3. Find the significance in what you do. This may require you to think big, but it can be done. Take some time to really think about what you do. Do you provide an essential service? Do you get to see the finished product? Do you give direction that gets things done? Then ask yourself "how is this job done differently because I am doing it?" Perspective plays a huge role in personal satisfaction and sense of well being. Try to remember why you took the job in the first place. If it was only going to be "for now" are you actively looking for other work? ( to be continued)



  1. 要知道造就你的不是工作本身,而是你的工作方式。关于态度有很多话题。干任何工作只要带着热情和细心,都能干好。你的工作态度和为人处事方式——甚至你的情绪——不是没人注意。它们给你的同事带来很大的影响。有时你无法左右你的处境,然而你总能选择如何在这种处境中生存。

  2. 不要老是盯着金钱。金钱永远都不会够的,因此不要把钱或者缺钱作为一个借口。无论在每月15号或30号带什么回家,如果你有更多的钱,也总会有更多的事情可以去做或者想要去做。试着记录下来一周内你花的每一分钱,看看你都把钱花在哪儿了,这能帮你重新确定把钱花在你喜欢的东西上。取得报酬只是你工作的一小部分,工作的成就感不仅仅在于一张薪水支票。

  3. 发现你工作的重要性。这可能需要雄心壮志,然而是可以做到的。花些时间认真考虑一下你的工作,你有没有提供关键性的服务?有没有看过一件成品?有没有指导过某件事的完成?然后自问一下“如果我做这项工作结果会有何不同?”设想在达到自我满足和幸福方面起着很大的作用。努力回忆一下当初你为何选择这份工作,如果仅仅是为了“暂时”的权宜之计,那么你还在积极寻找其他工作吗?(待续)
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