The medicine,taken in time,can be very effective.这种药如果及时服用是十分有效的。(介词短语分离主、谓语)
Water,when it is above a fall,possesses potential energy.位于瀑布之上的水具有势能。(状语从句分离主、谓语)
Bees,as soon as they secure the foundation,begin to work at building of the comb.蜜蜂一旦打好基础,便开始建造蜂巢。(状语从句分离主、谓语)
Things unreasonable are never durable.不合理的事情不会持久。
The first people to study the sky were shepherd watching their flocks at night.最早研究天空的人,就是那些在夜晚看守羊群的牧人。
A cat,whose eyes can take in more rays of light than our eyes,can see clearly in the night.猫的眼睛比我们人的眼睛能吸收更多的光线,所以在夜里也能看得清楚。
The people,and people alone,are the motive force in the making of world history.人民,只有人民,才是创造历史的动力。
The copper base plate,a good conductor,has a GREat many free electrons.铜底板是良导体,它有大量的自由电子。
The news that the delegation would come to visit our school inspired us all.代表团将要访问我们学校的消息鼓舞了大家。
But his enemies,the slave owners in the South and bankers in big cities,who had grown rich on the work of the slaves,would not let Lincoln continue his work.但是他的敌人,那些靠奴隶的劳动而发财的奴隶主们和大城市的银行家们,不许林肯继续自己的事业。
Coal and oil,for instance,hold energy for us to use.例如,煤和石油中有我们使用的能量。
This,in my opinion,is only a problem of how you look at it.依我看,这只是一个你如何对待的问题。