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[初三] 听力题型例析(4)

[日期:2007-04-28]   [字体: ]


题例II.你将听到a radio journalist和Bob之间的一段对话。请根据对话内容回答录音中的5个问题,对话和问题将读两遍。

1.A.In a village in the east of the USA.B.In a town in England.

C.In West Hills,a small town in California.

D.In a village in the west of England.


3.A.None.B.Only once. C.Four times.D.Two or three times.

4.A.Excuse me.B.Sorry.C.Thank you.D.Hello.

5.A.Milk.B.Coffee. C.Tea with milk.D.Tea with sugar.



Woman:Bob Kessler is forty-two.He's a writer,and he lives in a small village in the west of England with his wife and daughter.Bob, you aren't English,are you?

Man:No.I'm from West Hills,a small town in California in the Untied States.

Woman:And what's your job?

Man:I write travel books,mainly about England and the English,but also about other countries like Italy and France.I go to Europe two or three times a year.

Woman:And what do you think of England?

Man:I like it here,I don't want to go back to the United State.I like the traditions and the way of life...it's so different from the States... for example,I love the way everyone says“Sorry”all the time...I  don't understand why,but it's nice!

Woman:So you're happy in England?

Man:Yes,very happy...my daughter goes to school here and she's got lots of English friends.And you know,now my wife and I usually drink tea with milk!


1.Where is Bob living now?(D)

2.Which country are Bob's travel books mainly about?(A)

3.How many times a year does Bob go to Europe?(D)

4.What do Englishmen say all the time according to the dialogue?(B)

5.What do Bob and his wife usually drink?(C)

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