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1. You did a fine /good /great job.
2. You've done a wonderful job. Well done! Well done!
3. That's great /wonderful /beautiful /amazing /fantastic!
4. You're so nice! /That's very nice of you.来源:考试大
5. Mrs. Smith, you're a wonderful cook.
6. I'm very proud of you.来源:考试大
7. I didn't expect you to do such a good job.
8. For a be
(09/11/2008 06:26:26) [查看全文]
1. Are you married or single?
2. Do you have anyone in mind?
3. I've been dying to see you. (我一直好想见你。)
4. My girlfriend and I broke up.来源:考试大
5. How did you get to know her? (你是怎么认识她的。)
6. How long have you known her?来源:考试大
7. She is not my kind of girl. (她不是我喜欢的那一种。)
8. He was our
(09/11/2008 06:26:26) [查看全文]
1. What college are you attending?
2. What are you majoring in? /What's your major?
3. What grade /class〖年级和班级〗are you in?
4. What school did you go to? /Where do you go to school?
5. How many courses are you taking this semester?
6. I'd better hit the books〖勤奋地钻研或学习〗.来源:考试大
7. Many students are working at part time jobs.来源:考试大
(09/11/2008 06:26:25) [查看全文]
1. What do you do for a living? (你以什么为生?)
2. I'm with the Bank of China.
3. What position do you hold? (你的职位是什么?)
4. I'm in charge of the sales department.来源:考试大
5. I'm tired of working all day. (我厌倦整天工作。)
6. I'm off today. (我今天休假。)来源:考试大
7. I have two days off a week. (我一星期休息两天。)
8. What kind of job do you have?来源:考试大
9. Wh
(09/11/2008 06:26:25) [查看全文]
1. The times have been very bad. (时机一直很坏。)
2. We are in the red. (我们有亏损/赤字。)
3. The company went broke. (这家公司破产了。)
4. I visited Japan on an observation tour of its industries. (我到日本观摩它的工业。)
5. I have to feed a family of five〖养活五口之家〗.
6. I’ve got to keep my nose to the grindstone〖拼命工作;不停地孜孜不倦地工作〗to support my family. 来源:考试大
(09/11/2008 06:26:25) [查看全文]
1. He patted me on the back for the deal made yesterday. (他对我昨天所做的交易表示满意。)
2. He is good at getting a point across to people. (他善于让人信服他的观点。)
3. What are you working on? (你在做什么?)来源:考试大
4. I had a busy day. I'm, all in〖精疲力竭〗.来源:考试大
5. This has been a long day. (这是个漫长的一天。)
6. Everyone is goofing around. (人人都在混时间。)来源:考试大
7. You mean I
(09/11/2008 06:26:25) [查看全文]
Kendall: (on TV) Your parents will tell you he’s real because they love you. They want you to enjoy the myth of 1) “ho ho ho” and sugar plums and 2)elves. They’ll tell all the lies to you that their parents told to them because they want to surround you with the magic feeling that goes with Christmas. And it’s all right to pretend along with you
(09/03/2008 08:06:11) [查看全文]
Parts of Speech
Female: Parts of speech are what we call the basic building blocks of language. They are all words or at least made up of words, but they all play different roles in the sentence. The basic parts of speech are...
Male: The verbs.
Female: Verbs express actions. Examples of verbs are: to do, to eat
(09/03/2008 08:06:11) [查看全文]
Constantly girl you’re on my mind,
And girl I think about you all of the time
And even though words are hard to say,
Girl I miss you, never thought I’d feel this way.
If you keep on taking, my heart you’ll be breaking so why do you do this to me?
You know how I'm feeling it’s you I believe in baby c
(09/03/2008 08:06:10) [查看全文]
Tony Provolone: Hello and welcome to Tony Talk, I’m Tony Provolone and with me today is Robert Foster, an American living in China. Robert, hello.
Robert Foster: Hello.
Tony: Robert, we know you’r e had a lot of business experience in the United States. We understand you worked for General Motors Corporation.
Robert: Yes, that’
(09/03/2008 08:06:10) [查看全文]
Springs are not always the same. In some years, April bursts upon Virginia hills in one 1)prodigious leap - and all the stage is filled at once, whole 2)choruses of tulips, 3)arabesques of 4)forsythia, 5)cadenzas of flowering plum. The trees grow leaves 6)overnight.
In other years, spring 7)tiptoes in. It pauses, overcome by shyness, like
(09/03/2008 08:06:10) [查看全文]
I wish I could remember the first day,First hour, first moment of your meeting me,If bright or 1)dim the season, it might be Summer or winter for 2)aught I can say.So unrecorded did it slip away,So blind was I to see and 3)foresee,So dull to mark the 4)budding of my treeThat would not 5)blossom yet for many a May.If
(09/03/2008 08:06:10) [查看全文]
My heart is like a singing birdWhose nest is in a watered shoot;My heart is like an apple treeWhose boughs are bent with1)thickset fruit;My heart is like a rainbow shellThat paddles in a2)halcyon sea;My heart is gladder than all theseBecause my love is come to me.Raise me a 3)dais of silk and down;Hang it with 4)
(09/03/2008 08:06:09) [查看全文]
When I was a boy, everybody urged me to get plenty of sunshine, so I got plenty of sunshine for a long time. One day while I was 1)absorbing July sun as fast as I could, a doctor asked what I thought I was doing.
“Getting plenty of sunshine,” I said.
“Are you mad?“ he replied.
No, I was not mad, just slow to catch up with my li
(09/03/2008 08:06:09) [查看全文]
A few weeks after my eighth birthday, my grandmother took me to visit her friend Naomi. The rooms Naomi lived in could have been called a 1)flat, I suppose, but it wasn’t a flat in a modern block. It was in a part of 2)Jerusalem where the houses were built around a central 3)courtyard, and four or five families shared the building.
In this
(09/03/2008 08:06:08) [查看全文]
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