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[日期:2008-09-03]   [字体: ]

Interpreter: Thank you. I’m from ATV of Hong Kong. It’s true that as you mentioned earlier Hong Kong does have certain advantages as compared with cities on the mainland. But we have noted that major cities on the mainland are also growing very rapidly and they are catching up really fast and these major cities know their position very well in the overall economic plan of this country whereas in contrast, Hong Kong is not so sure about its role. So could you talk more specifically about the role that Hong Kong can play in the future because people in Hong Kong are quite concerned. Over the past 20 years, Hong Kong has been very helpful in enabling the mainland to get lots of inflow of foreign capital but they worry that such a role might 1)diminish and even disappear.

Interpreter: Hong Kong used to serve as the financial center in Asia and Hong Kong is also famous for its very good social and cultural 2)environment in many other areas. In the 1970s and 1980s no city made more 3)contribution than Hong Kong through China’s reform and opening up program. In the future, because of the growth of the world economy, there might be the need for Hong Kong to readjust its role. And I think this is a subject of discussion among the 4)elites of Hong Kong and we are also having a discussion with Hong Kong’s SAR officials and people from Hong Kong about this subject. I always firmly believe that Hong Kong’s strong points have not been fully utilized so I think that Hong Kong would have no limits in further developing its roles in the future. As I said earlier, no city on the mainland is able to replace Hong Kong in the near term. So we should all have confidence that these objectives will be achieved.




1) diminish [di5miniF] v. 减少,变小

2) environment [in5vBiErnmEnt] n. 环境,外界

3) contribution [ kCntri5bju:FEn] n. 贡献,捐献

4) elite [ ei5li:t] n. 精华,中坚分子

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