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Harry: He killed my parents, didn’t he, the one who gave me 2)this? You know Hagrid, I know you do.
Hagrid: First, and understand this, Harry, ’cause it’s very important. Not all wizards are good. Some of them go bad. A few years ago there was one wizard who went as bad as you can go. And his name was V... H
(09/03/2008 08:06:08) [查看全文]
Three centuries later, shortly before the birth of Christ, Egypt was still ruled by a living goddess, Cleopatra, a Greek 1)descended from one of Alexander’s generals. She looked back to the Golden Age of 2)Alexander’s world empire and was determined to do even better herself.
Alexander died at the age of 32. By the time Cleopatra was 23, s
(09/03/2008 08:06:07) [查看全文]
Mandy Moore: If I had my way, I would sit here all day and just talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. Well, I basically got started in show biz by the time I was about nine or ten. I saw my first play when I was six, totally 1)hooked. The girl on stage looked like she was having so much fun. My parents kind of thought it was a phase I was going to grow
(09/03/2008 08:06:07) [查看全文]
MC: Now for the final question from Miss Scotland. Will you join me down here? Welcome, congratulations so far. OK, your question was sent in, and I hope I get the pronunciation right, by Wakani Nundwai from 1)Malawi. And her question is, “If you win Miss World, what do you have planned to bring real meaning to the 2)motto ‘Beauty With a Purpose
(09/03/2008 08:06:07) [查看全文]
MC: Thomas Schlamme has 1)previously won Emmys for his direction of ER, Tracy Takes On and The West Wing!
Thomas Schlamme: Thank you. I had an 2)image of myself as a fourth grader frightened that my teacher was going to catch me carrying an AM radio in my pocket, listening to the seventh game of the World Series, and if I had used all my d
(09/03/2008 08:06:06) [查看全文]
One of our great symbols is the American flag, 13 red and white 1)stripes 2)corresponding to the number of original states on a 3)rectangular piece of cloth, one corner blue with 50 white stars for 50 states.
You see the flag everywhere now, 4) “what so proudly we hail.” It means the World Trade Center happened to all of us. “We’re proud
(09/03/2008 08:06:06) [查看全文]
The 1)boldness and ambition of the Acropolis was funded by the 2)spoils of war, a war that determined the fate of Greece. In 480 BC, 3)Athens 4)lay in ruins conquered by the 5)seemingly 6)unstoppable Persian Empire. At sea the Persian 7)armada of 800 8)vessels 9)bore down on the retreating Greek fleet who were hopelessly outnumbered. On the nigh
(09/03/2008 08:06:06) [查看全文]
** No milk today, my love has gone awayThe bottle stands 1)forlorn, a symbol of the 2)dawnNo milk today, it seems a common sightBut people passing by, don’t know the reason why* How could they know just what this message meansThe end of my hopes, the end of all my dreamsHow could they know a palace there had beenBehind t
(09/03/2008 08:06:05) [查看全文]
Afghanistan’s New Leader
Hamid Karzai has been sworn-in as the leader of Afghanistan’s interim government. The inauguration was hailed as a momentous day for the war-shattered country and the international community.
The inauguration of interim-leader Hamid Karzai and 29 members of his cabinet took place in the capital
(09/03/2008 08:06:05) [查看全文]
“I have a dream...” It is among the most celebrated speeches in American history. “My four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today...” This is the way the “I Have A Dream” speech looked and sounded on August 28, 1963.
(09/03/2008 08:06:05) [查看全文]
“But what if I break my arm again?” my five year-old daughter asked, her lower lip trembling. I knelt 1)holding onto her bike and looked her right in the eyes. I knew how much she wanted to learn to ride. How often she felt left out when her friends 2)pedaled by our house. Yet ever since she’d fallen off her bike and broken her arm, she’d been a
(09/03/2008 08:06:04) [查看全文]
But the 1)incredulous Stuart was not convinced, “It must be confessed, Mr. Ralph, that you’ve found a funny way of saying that the world has grown smaller! Because the tour of it is now made in three months.”
“In eighty days only,” said Phileas Fogg.
“Yes, gentlemen,” added John Sullivan, “This is true. Here is the calculation made
(09/03/2008 08:06:04) [查看全文]
Throughout my 41 years at GE, I’ve had many ups and downs. In the media, I’ve gone from prince to pig and back again. And I’ve been called many things.
In the early days, when I worked at our 1)fledging plastics group, some called me a crazy, wild man. When I became CEO two decades ago, Wall Street asked, “Jack who?”
When I tried to
(09/03/2008 08:06:04) [查看全文]
Forming a 1)Mastermind 2)Alliance
A mastermind alliance is built of two or more minds working actively together in perfect harmony toward a common 3)definite objective.
The mastermind principle lets you appropriate and use the full strength of the experience, training, and knowledge of other people just as if they we
(09/03/2008 08:06:03) [查看全文]
Betty Botter Bought Some Butter
Betty Botter bought some butter,
“But”, she said, “the butter is bitter.
If I put it in my batter,
It will make my batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter -
That would make my batter better.”
So she bought a bit of butter,
Better than her bitter butter.
And she put it in her batter,
(09/03/2008 08:06:03) [查看全文]
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