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[日期:2008-09-11]   [字体: ]
1. The times have been very bad. (时机一直很坏。)
2. We are in the red. (我们有亏损/赤字。)
3. The company went broke. (这家公司破产了。)
4. I visited Japan on an observation tour of its industries. (我到日本观摩它的工业。)

5. I have to feed a family of five〖养活五口之家〗.
6. I’ve got to keep my nose to the grindstone〖拼命工作;不停地孜孜不倦地工作〗to support my family. 来源:考试
7. Two of trades seldom aGREe. (同行是冤家。)
8. There is no hope of success. 来源:考试
9. There was no way he could solve the problem.
10. He is in trouble all the time. (他总是有麻烦。)
11. He’s gone out of business. (他失业了。)
12. He makes a good living. (他过得很优裕。) 来源:考试
13. The game is not worth the candle. (这事不值得做。)
14. He has money to burn. (他钱多得象水一样。) 来源:考试
15. His yearly salary is in seven digits〖年薪七位数〗.
16. He is as poor as a church mouse〖一贫如洗〗. 来源:考试
17. They live from hand to mouth〖只能糊口的生活〗.
18. Let’s get the ball rolling. (让我们开始吧。) 来源:考试
19. Right now my hands are full /tied〖忙得不可开交〗.
20. Nice to have you with us. I’m happy to work with you. I hope you will like it here.
21. I’ve got a lot of work /a million things to do.
22 I’m behind in my work. (我的工作进度落后。)
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