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[日期:2007-05-02]   [字体: ]


do,and,make,name,but,member,other,strong enough,spend,

except Crusoe,that,another,where,which,besides Selkirk

In the 1700s,the English writer Daniel Defoe wrote a famous novel about a shipwrecked sailor(遇难的海员)named Robinson Crusoe,based on the experiences of a real-life sailor (51)_____ Alexander Selkirk.

A powerful storm wrecked(毁坏) Crusoe's ship and everyone aboard the ship died—(52)_____ .The sea threw him up on a beach. After a few days,he climbed a hill and realized that he was on an island (53)_____ no other human being was living. He soon discovered that goats lived on the island.He could get milk,butter,cheese,and meat from them.He began to make things for himself:he (54)_____ a table,a chair,and some shelves.Near the cave he built a well-protected home.

In a small valley,Crusoe found wild grapes and (55)_____ fruit and vegetables.He dried the grapes to make raisins(葡萄干),(56)_____ became a favourite food of his.With a few grains of rice and barley(大麦)saved from the ship,the sailor was soon growing large fields of grain.For several years he tried making bread (57)_____ finally he succeeded.Over time,he managed to make clay pots(泥罐) that were (58)_____ to hold liquids. He made a suit from animal skins,as well as an umbrella.

Then one day,an English ship stopped near the island. With the help of the crew (59)_____ on the ship,Crusoe left the island.By then he (60)_____ twenty-eight years there.Crusoe finally returned to England to tell his amazing story.


51.named 52.except Crusoe 53.where 54.made 55.other 56.which 57.and

58.strong enough 59.members 60.had spent

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