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[日期:2007-05-02]   [字体: ]


    The American film industry first began in the early 1890s in New York.The industry developed as quickly as technology.The first films were short,(61)_____ and white and silent.As directors learnt more about filming,they made longer and longer films.Then they found a way (62)_____ add sound to their films. Later came the colour and sound films we see today.

When films first began,they were made in small studios or in the streets. However,in 1907,a producer in Chicago was making a (63)   called The Count of Monte Cristo and part of the film was set on the coast(海岸). He didn't want to build a film studio to look (64)_____ the sea coast,he wanted the real thing.The producer had a friend who lived on a farm near the small town of Hollywood.This friend had invited the producer to visit him.So the producer took his film crew and all his actors (65)_____ him and they made part of the film“on location(在外景拍摄场地)”on the coast near Hollywood.The film was a GREat success.After that many film companies came to Hollywood to make films.The town got bigger (66)_____ bigger and many studios were built.Hollywood (67)_____ the home of the American film industry.

Hollywood offered an ideal(理想的) climate and different locations,(68)_____ as deserts,mountains, villages,small seaside towns and the city of Los Angeles.From the 1920s to the 1950s,thousands of films were made there.However,from the late 1950s onwards,Hollywood became (69)_____ popular because filmmakers started to go out on location again.For example, after the 1950s, (70)_____ of making a Hollywood street look like a street in Beijing ,the whole crew went to China and filmed the real thing.


61.black 62.to 63.film 64.like 65.with 66.and 67.became 68.such 69. less


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