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[日期:2007-04-26]   [字体: ]



Listen to the following five sentences,and choose the sentences which have the closest meanings to the sentences you hear on the tape.(5分)

11. A.He won't go there.

B.He doesn't write to me very often.

C.If he doesn't invite me,I won't go.

D.If I hear from him,I won't go.

12. A.Tom and Kate are going to spend their holidays together.

B.Tom and Kate will make a trip in a few days.

C.Tom and Kate will finish their holidays in a few weeks.

D.Kate and Tom will go to different places for their holidays in a few weeks.

13. A.Finally we walked there.

B.At last we took a bus to go there.

C.At last we didn't go there by bus or on foot.

D.We went there first by bus,then on foot.

14. A.People know how to protect their eyes.

B.People often wear sunglasses to protect their eyes from sunlight.

C.People are often warned to wear sunglasses.

D.Strong sunlight can be used to make sunglasses.

15. A.There's a hole outside.

B.Watch out for the hole in front of you.

C.Look out of the hole ahead.

D.Look for the hole in front of you.


Listen to the following five sentences,and choose the sentences which have the closest meanings to the sentences you hear on the tape.

11.I won't go unless I hear from him.

12.Tom and Kate are going on separate holidays in a few weeks' time.

13.At last we went there on foot instead of by bus.

14.Sunglasses are often worn to protect the eyes from the strong sunlight.

15.Look out! There's a hole ahead.

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