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[初二] 词汇精讲(15)

[日期:2007-04-30]   [字体: ]

91.opposite adj.=facing;totally different意为“对面的;相反的(常和to搭配,放在名词的后面)”。例如:Her house is opposite mine.她的房子在我的房子对面。The library is on the opposite side of the road from the school.图书馆在学校马路对面。

92.pack vt.&vi.①=put things into a box,bag,get ready for a journey。意指“打包;包装;包扎;把……包起来”。例如:The goods are packed in canvas.此货用帆布包装。These goods pack easily.这些货物容易包装。They packed their bags and left.他们把行李打好了包就动身了。②=push into a space意指“挤入;挤进;挤满”。例如:The audience packed the hall.听众挤满了大厅。The classroom was packed with students.教室里坐满了学生。The passengers packed into the train as soon as it pulled up at the station.火车一停靠车站,乘客就挤了进来。

93.paper n.①[U]=thin sheets of material made of wood or cloth,etc,used for writing,printing,packing,etc.意指“纸张”。例如:a sheet of paper一张纸;a piece of paper一张纸;three pieces/sheets of paper三张纸。②[C]=newspaper,意为“报纸”。例如:a morning paper晨报。Have you seen today's paper?你看到今天的报纸了吗?③=set of printed examinations,意为“试卷;考卷”。例如:The history paper was really easy.历史试题确实容易。All the examination papers should be handed out before Monday.所有考卷必须在星期一以前分发出去。④ =an essay written on a certain subject;(pl.)special pieces of paper that show who you are,what you do,etc.常用复数,意指“论文;文件;证件”。例如:working paper工作文件。Mr Wang read a paper on the teaching of English.王老师读了一篇英语教学的论文。You have to show your papers at the gate.你必须在大门口出示证件。I left the papers in my office.我把那些文件丢在我的办公室了。

94.part n.①=some,but not all,of a thing or things,意为“部分”。例如:In some parts of this country,it is warm in winter.这个国家的一些地区的冬季很温暖。a part of the story故事的一部分。We spent(a)part of our holiday in France.我们假期的一部分是在法国度过的。②=one piece of machine,watch,bicycle,etc.意为“机器零件”。例如:Do you sell motorcar parts?你们出售摩托车零件吗?We make bicycle and tractor parts in the factory.我们厂生产自行车和拖拉机零件。③=a person in a play,etc.,意为“角色;剧中人物”。例如:Which part do you play?你演哪一个角色?He played the part of Hamlet.他扮演了哈姆雷特这个角色。

95.pick vt.①=choose,意为“选择,挑选”。例如:I picked a book to read.我选了一本书读。pick the best seeds挑选最好的种籽。pick one's way选择道路。pick and choose挑三拣四;仔细挑选。②=take sth.up,remove with the finger;gather things,意指“拾起;采,摘(花、果等)”。例如:pick cotton摘棉花。pick apples摘苹果。pick flowers摘花。He picked her a rose.他采了朵玫瑰给她。The little birds were picking the rice.小鸟们在啄稻米。We picked apples from the tree.我们(从树上)摘苹果。

96.place(1)n.①=where sth.or sb.意为“地方;地区;位置”。例如:She has been to many places.她去过很多地方。What is this place called?这个地区叫什么?The right place for the bowl is on the shelf.放这只碗的合适位置是架子上。②=a building or a piece of land for sth.special,意指“(有特定用途的)场所”。例如:place(s)of interest名胜;a place of business营业所。③=the position in the result of a competition,race,etc.意为“(竞赛)获胜者的名次”。例如:They won the first place in the league match.他们在联赛中取得了第一名。 get the first place in a contest比赛中获得第一名。④=seat;proper or natural position,意为“座位;席位”。例如:Go back to your place.回到你的位子上去。Please take my place.请坐我的座位。There are no places left to sit on the train.火车上没有座位可坐了。

(2)vt.=put sth.somewhere,意为“放置,安置”。例如:Place them in the right order.把它们按顺序放好。She placed a book on the table.她把一本书放在桌子上。His father placed GREat hopes on(in)him.他的父亲对他寄于很大希望。

97.plan(1)n.=an idea or an arrangement for carrying out some future activity,意为“计划,打算”。例如:publishing plan出版计划。teaching plan教学计划,教案。teaching period plan课时计划;教案。two-track plan双轨制。wage plan工资计划。mid-term plan中期计划。You'd better make a study plan for the new term.你最好为新学期制订一个计划。

(2)vt.=make a plan for,意为“计划,打算”。例如:We're planning to start next month.我们打算下星期开始。He planned a house with care.他非常认真地设计了一栋房屋。

98.play(1)vi.&vt.①=have fun;do things to enjoy oneself,意为“玩;打球”。例如:He saw some children playing in the park.他看见孩子们正在公园里玩。Can you play with a yo-yo?你会玩溜溜球吗?He plays football.他踢足球。②=enjoy oneself in the game of,意为“参加……游戏”。例如:They were playing bridge.他们在玩桥牌。Will you play chess with me?你能和我下棋吗?③=act a part in a play;make music with a musical instrument,意为“播放(音乐等);演奏(乐器);演出”。例如:play the guitar/piano/violin弹吉它(钢琴、拉小提琴)。This violin plays well.这把提琴拉起来很好。What's playing at the theatre?剧场里在演什么戏?He played Hamlet.他扮演过哈姆雷特。

(2)n.=a story that is acted on the stage,radio;any of games;what children do for fun,意指“戏;戏剧;剧本;游戏;娱乐”。例如:Let's go to the play.我们去看戏吧。All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.(谚)只读书不玩耍就会变成书呆子。He is writing a new TV play.他正在写一部新电视剧。the plays of Shakespeare莎士比亚剧本。

play后跟球类运动的名词时不用定词,后接乐器名称时要用the。例如:After supper,he likes playing football for an hour,then playing the guitar.晚饭后,他喜欢踢一小时的足球,然后弹吉它。

99.popular adj.=favored,generally admired,well liked(with)by many people;common;widespread,意指“流行的,大众的;受欢迎的”。例如:Football is a popular sport all over the world.足球是一项受全世界欢迎的运动。He is popular among girls.他很受女孩子欢迎。 She is a popular film star.她是一位有名气的影星。

100.present(1)n.=gift;sth.you give to sb.意为“礼物,礼品”。例如:He gave his mother a present.他给了他妈妈一个礼物。I'll buy a birthday present to my friend.我将给朋友买一份生日礼物。

(2)adj.=being here;being there,being or happening now意为“现在的;在场的;在座的;出席的”。例如:What is your present job?你现在的工作是什么?How many people were present at the meeting?会议有多少人出席?

101.put on①=cover the body with sth.意指“穿上;戴上”。例如:put on a performance演出。It's cold outside,you must put on your coat when you go out.外面很冷,出去时你必须穿上大衣。He put on his glasses to read the letter.他戴上眼镜看信。She put her hat and coat on.她戴上帽子,穿上外套。②=perform on a stage,意为“上演”。例如:They put on a short play last week.他们上星期演出了一个短剧。Then the children put on a show.然后孩子们进行了演出。③=press a switch to start sth.意为“按开关;打开”。例如:It's very dark,I'll put the light on.这里很暗,我去打开电灯。

102.quick adj.=fast;that takes little time,意为“快的,迅速的”。例如:We had a quick meal and then ran to catch the train.我们匆匆吃了饭,然后跑着去赶火车。He is quick at learning English他学英语学的很快。a quick meal快餐;a quick walker健步如飞的人。He is as quick as lighting.他迅速如闪电。

103.quite adv.①=completely;perfectly;totally,意为“完全地,彻底地”。例如:Susan and Alice are quite different.苏姗和爱丽丝两人很不一样。I quite aGREe with you.我完全同意你的观点。②=to a certain extent;in some degree;fairly,意指“相当;十分;很”。例如:I was quite busy last week.我上星期相当忙。She is quite pretty.她颇有几分姿色。quite常放在不定冠词前。如:It's quite a difficult problem.这真是个难题。quite修饰形容词时,常放在被修饰词之前。如:It's quite cold today.今天相当冷。

104.remember vt.&vi.=keep sth.in your mind;not forget sth.意为“记得,想起”。例如:I can't remember his name.我不能想起他的名字。Remember to phone me.别忘了给我打电话。I remember seeing her once.(=I remember that I saw her once.)我记得曾见过她一次。 Please remember me to your parents.请代我向你父母问候。

remember to do sth.表示“记住要做某事”。例如:I remember to post your letters.我想起要为你寄信(信未寄出)。

remember doing sth.表示“记得曾经做过某事”。例如:I remembered posting your letters.(=I remembered that I had posted your letters).我记得把信给你寄出去了。(信寄走了)

105.reply vt.&vi.=answer,意为“回答,答复”。例如:Please reply to my question.请回答我的问题。“Sure,sir.”He replied.“是的,先生。”他答道。I don't know what to reply.我不知道该回答什么。I asked him,but he didn't reply.我问了他,但他没有答复。

reply作不及物动词时,可用reply to sb./sth.表示“对……作出回答”;作及物动词时,意思是“答道”,“回答说”,后跟直接引语或宾语从句,不能直接跟人或物。如:She cried,but didn't reply.她哭了,但不回答。He replied that he didn't know the secret.他回答他不知道这个秘密。

106.report(1)vt.&vi.=tell or write about sth.that has happened; go and see sb.意指“报告;汇报;报到”。例如:It is reported that another satellite will be sent into space.据报道另一颗卫星将被发射升空。They reported the enemy to be ten miles away.他们报告敌人在10英里外。You must report to the manager.你必须向经理报到。

(2)n.=a piece of news;telling about sth.that has happened,etc.意为“报告;报导”。例如:report of weather天气情况的报导;accident report事故报告。


(1)vt.&vi.=telephone;make a sound like a bell;to cause(a bell)to sound,意指“给……打电话;(钟、铃)响;摇(按)铃;敲(钟等)”。例如:He wanted to ring her.他想给她打电话。The telephone's ringing.电话铃在响。He rang the bell but no one came to the door.他按了门铃,可是没有人来开门。

(2)n.=sound of a bell;telephone call,意指“铃声;钟声;电话”。例如:There was a ring at the door.有人按门铃。I'll give you a ring later.以后我给你打电话。

(3)=circle;a thin circle of metal,etc.意为“圆圈;环状物(如环、圈、戒指等)”。例如:the rings of a tree树的年轮。wedding ring结婚戒指;an earring耳环。

108.ring up=to telephone,意为“打电话,打电话给某人”。例如:Sally rang up Sue and told her the news.莎莉打电话给苏告诉她那个消息。When can I ring you up?什么时候我可以打电话给你?

109.road n.=a highway between places;street,意为“路,道路,公路;街道”。例如:Many cars travel along the road to the town.许多车沿公路开往城里。Whom did you see on the road?在路上你见了谁?


vt.①=let sb.see,意指“展览;演示;出示;给看;演出;放映”。例如:You must show your ticket at the entrance.在入口处你必须出示门票。He showed all his pictures to his friends.他把自己所有的图画都拿出来给朋友们看。What film are they showing at the cinema this week?这周电影院放什么电影?②=explain,make known,demonstrate;意指“(通过示范)教;告诉;证明:向……说明;给……表明”。例如: I'll show you where to go.我来告诉你该往哪走。He showed me how to operate computer.他教我怎样操作电脑。③=guide or go with sb.to,意指“带领,引导”。例如:Let me show you out,sir.先生,让我送你出去。Shall I show your room?我带你去你的房间好吗?Please show the visitors the“Sleeping Beauty Castle”.请带这些人去“睡美人城堡”。

111.smile(1)vi.&vt.=have a happy look on the face,意指“微笑”。例如:What are you smiling at?你在笑什么?He never smiles.他从不露笑脸。He smiled to see her so happy.看到她这么高兴,他笑了。

(2)n.=a happy expression on the face,意指“微笑;笑容”。例如:a smile on his face他脸上的笑容。He welcomed her with a smile.他对她笑脸相迎。There was a pleasant smile on her face.她露出了悦人的微笑。

112.sorry adj.=feeling pity,sadness,reGREt,sympathy,意指“难过的;抱歉的;对不起”。例如:We're sorry to hear of your father's death.听到令尊去世,我们深感难过。I'm sorry I can't come to your party.很抱歉,我不能来参加你们的晚会了。①当我们为正在做或将要做的事表示歉意时,sorry后面跟动词不定式。如:Sorry to disturb you,but could I speak to you for a moment,please?对不起打扰你,我想跟你说几句话,好吗?②当我们为做了某事而道歉时,就用动词不定式的完成式,或用for doing sth.或that从句。如:Sorry to have woken you up yesterday.(=I am sorry for waking you up yesterday或I'm sorry that I woke you up yesterday.)对不起,昨天把你弄醒了。对这种表示道歉和遗憾的交际用语的应答语可以说:That's OK/all right./Never mind./That's nothing./It doesn't matter./It's not important.

113.so-so adj.&adv. =neither very good nor very bad;fairly good,常用于口语,表示“不好也不坏;还好”。例如:His play was only so-so.他的表演只不过是马马虎虎。How do you feel?—Oh,so-so.你觉得怎么样?喔,还好。

114.start(1)vt.①=begin to do sth.意指“开始,出发;着手”。例如:If you are ready,you may start your work.如果你准备好了,你可以开始工作了。The children started singing/to sing.孩子们开始唱歌。He started to learn how to operate a computer.他开始学习怎样操作电脑。②=make sth.begin to work,意为“发起,发动”。例如:He can't start his motorbike.他不能发动他的摩托车。They're going to start a shop.他们打算开一家商店。

(2)n.=the beginning of a happening,journey,etc.意为“开始,开端”。例如:The start of the film is very interesting.这部电影的开头很有趣。We made an early start in the morning.我们早上很早就出发了。

115.stop(1)vt.&vi. =end what someone or sth.is doing;not do sth.or not work any more;prevent;意为“停止,中止,阻止”。例如:He was running too fast to stop himself.他跑得太快而停不下来。We stopped eating.我们停止吃东西。The policeman stopped the fight.警察阻止了打斗。They stopped me going out of the door.他们阻止我出门。We must stop them making trouble.我们必须阻止他们捣乱。

(2)n.=an act of stopping or a place of stop,意指“停业,中止,车站”。例如:

We waited at the bus stop.我们在公共汽车站等(车)。


①stop doing sth.停止,做某事:He stopped eating while he spoke to me.当他同我讲话时,他停止了吃饭。

②stop to do sth.停下某事去干另一件事:He worked for three hours then stopped to eat his lunch.他工作了三个小时然后停下来去吃午饭。

③stop sb.from doing sth.阻止……做某事:Nothing could stop the children from telling the truth.什么也不能阻止孩子们说出事情的真相。

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