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[日期:2007-04-29]   [字体: ]

    18. s.+ vt.+n./pron.+n./pron.

   A.本句型中的动词是双宾语及物动词(ditransitive verbs), 需要两个宾语: 间接宾语(indirect object)和直接宾语(directive object)。

  例如I wrote my father a letter. 中,father 是间接宾语,letter是直接宾语。

  间接宾语可用介词短语改写,置于直接宾语之后:I wrote a letter to my father. 当间接宾语较长时,常用这种结构:

  His visits brought special satisfaction to the family with whom he was to stay. 他在这家庭过夜,使他们感到满足。

  She rented her house to a newly- married couple. 她把房子租给一对新婚夫妇。

  当直接宾语是it, them等代词时,也一般用这种结构:

  I took the bottle and offered it to Hillton. 我拿到瓶子,把它递给了希尔顿。


  They gave it to me. / They gave it me.  他们把它给了我。

  B. 间接宾语可用to短语改写的动词如下:accord(给予),advance(预支,提前给),afford(供给),apportion(分配),award (赏给),bequeath(遗赠),bid(祝愿),bring(带来),deal(给予),feed(给……喂食),forward(送),give(给),grant(允许,给),hand(交给),lease(出租),leave(留给),lend(借给),loan(借给),mail(邮寄),offer(提供),owe(欠), pass(传递),play(演奏),post(邮寄),quote(报价),read(读),rent(借),repay(偿还),sell(卖),send(送),serve(服务),show(给……看),sing(唱),take(拿),teach(教),tell(告诉),write(写)等。例:

  She sent her sister some money. / She sent some money to her sister. 她给妹妹寄钱。

  He showed the guard his pass. / He showed his pass to the guard. 他给卫兵看通行证。

  The store must pay the credit card company a small fee. / The store must pay a small fee to the credit card company. 商店必须向信用证公司缴付小额费用。

  C.间接宾语可用 for短语改写的动词有:book(订购), bring(带来), build(修建), buy(买), cash(兑换), cause(引起),cook(煮), cut(切), design(设计), draw(画),fetch(拿来), find(发现), fix(安排), get(取), guarantee(保证), keep(保持), leave(留下), make(制造), mix(调制), order(订购), paint(绘画), pick(捡), play(演奏), pour(倾倒), prepare(准备), reserve(给予), save(节省), secure(弄到), set(树立), sing(唱), spare(分出,给), take(拿), win(赢), write(写)等。例:

  The naughty boy caused the parents much trouble. / The naughty boy caused much trouble to the parents.  那顽皮的孩子给父母带来很多麻烦。

  I bought Tom a model plane./ I bought a model plane for Tom.我给汤姆买了一台飞机模型。

  The artist drew him a horse. / The artist drew a horse for him. 那艺术家给他画了一幅马。

  D.少数双宾语动词后面的间接宾语可用to, for 以外的介词短语改写。例:

  They bear me no grudge. / They bear no grudge against  me.他们对我并无恶意。

  They played me a joke.  / They played a joke on me.  他们开我的玩笑。

  He asked them many questions. / He asked many questions of them. 他问他们很多问题。


  I envied him his good fortune. 我妒忌他好运。

  I envied him.  我妒忌他。

  I envied his good fortune. 我妒忌他的运气。

  Answer me this question. 向我回答这个问题。

  Answer me. 回答我。

  Answer this question. 回答这个问题。

  spare 可作“饶恕、赦免”讲,to spare sb. his life 是“饶某人一命”(=to spare somebody's life);  spare也可作“分出,给”(offer to give)讲:Can you spare me a few minutes of your valuable time 是“你能为我抽出宝贵的几分钟吗?”意即“我可以占用你宝贵的几分钟吗?”。


  The manager said he could spare me ten minutes. 经理说可以让我有十分钟自由活动时间。/ 经理说他可以为我抽出十分钟时间。

  F. tell接双宾语,其直接宾语常常是story, news, name, truth, address, time等:

  I can't tell the correct time. My alarm clock is slow. 我无法告诉你准确的时间,我的闹钟慢了。

  The old man is telling the children a story. 老人正在给孩子们讲故事

  如果tell的内容是 experience, travel, state, adventure, suffering 等,则它们前面用of或about:

  He told me of his experiences during those years. 他把那些年月里的艰难经历告诉了我。

  The old peasant told us about his suffering in the old society. 老人向我们讲述了他在旧社会遭受的痛苦。

  G.有些双宾语动词之后的直接宾语,是表示金钱、时间、距离的名词,这些名词一般不用介词短语来改写。我们说:The book costs me ten dollars. 而不说:The book costs ten dollars to me. 又例:

  The teacher allowed us one hour for written work.  老师给我们一个小时做书面作业。

  The credit companies charge their members annual dues.  信用卡公司向用户按年度收取费用。

  If we pay the two weeks' rent, that'll leave us twelve shillings to live on. 如果我们付了两个星期的房租,那就只剩下十二个先令过日子了。

  This may cause you extra miles of travel. 这可能要使你多走许多里路。

  It takes our earth 365 days to travel round the sun. 地球绕太阳一周需要365天。 

  H. give 是典型的双宾语动词,也是乏义动词。当give 的直接宾语是push, wash, kick, sweep, cleaning 等时,不用介词短语的形式:

  He gave the cart a push. 他推了一下那辆手推车。

  Tom gave his brush another gentle sweep. 汤姆用刷子再轻轻一扫。

  We gave our room a thorough cleaning the next day. 第二天,我们彻底地打扫了房间。

  I. 并非所有含“给予”意义的动词都后接双宾语。我们不说:The general favoured him an interview., 而说:The general favoured him with an interview. (将军接见了他。)

  They rewarded me with 200 dollars. 他们奖给我二百元。

  The sea provides us with a GREat many materials. 海洋为我们提供许多东西。

  We presented our teacher a parting gift. 我们送给老师一份告别礼物。

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