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[日期:2006-12-30]   [字体: ]


[答]这是一个由关系副词引导的定语从句,关系副词起副词的作用。The places 由定语从句where they had lived修饰,由于关系词在定语从句中作状语,=in the places,要用where

例如:This is the place where he works。(关系词作状语)

注意比较:This is the place which we visited。(关系词作宾语)


7It was under attack for 900 days, but the people of the city never gave in.他们攻打了900多个日日夜夜,但圣彼得堡人却从没有屈服。



   例如:The Chinese people are no longer under oppression.


   词语辨析:  underbelow   表示位置“在……之下”的区别

① 垂直位置用under, 此外用below:

   Now the bridge is under the plane.   现在这座桥处于飞机的正下方。

   All the fields are below the plane.

② 贴近用under,非此用below

   Our school building has four storeys. The fourth floor is under the roof; the others are below the roof.


名题精选:The water flows ____ the bridge.

A. under B. below C. across D. through



8The Germans burned many of the palaces as they left.德军离开时,烧毁了很多宫殿。



   例如:I read the letter as I walked along the river.

   词语辨析:   when   while  as

    when   ()……时: (=at the time that),可表示瞬间、时间段,与主句所述动作、事情可同时,也可有先后:

         It was snowing when we got to the airport. 我们达到机场时,天正下着雪。(同时发生)

         He went home when he had finished his homework.  做完作业后他回家了。(先后发生)

    while   正当(正在)…….;(指同时=for as long asduring the time that),用于同时进行的两延续性动词相伴随而发生,常对同类的两动作进行对比:

         Please write while I read.(=during the time that)   我念的时候,请写下来。

         I am safe while I am here。 (=for as long as)只要我在这儿,我就安全。

         Some students were reading while others were writing.  有些学生在读,而有些学生在写。(进行对比)

    as   当……时候;强调at the same time,

         ① 不指先后,而指并相发生,尤指短动作或事件同时发生:

          As I looked, some one came near.  正当我看的时候,有个人走上前来。


          As I get older I get more optimistic.  我越活越乐观。

    as, whenwhile可引导时间较长的“背景”情况:

          As When,WhileI was walking down the street, I noticed a police car in front of Number 37.  我顺着马路往前走,发现37号门前停着一辆警车。

名题精选:I am going to the post office.

            _____ youre there, can you get me some stamps(99)

            A.As B.While C.Bcause D.If  

答案:B。本题考查连词的用法。此处需要一个时间状语从句,排除CDAB 都能引导时间状语从句,但有细微差别。As强调主句谓语动词与从句谓语动词动作同时发生;而while除表示同时性外,还含有“在某个动作正在进行或持续过程中发生另一个动作”的意思,故选B,表示“在are there”的过程中的某一时刻里发生“get”的动作。


9 Buildings were destroyed, and paintings and statues lay in pieces on the ground.建筑遭到摧毁,油画和雕塑被烧成碎片,散落在地面上。


[答]动词lie (lay-lain-lying),;平放;位于;在……位置

   例如:The book is lying on the table. 那本书放在桌子上。

        Japan lies to the east of China.日本在中国以东。

  词语辨析:lie lai(lay-lain-lying)卧,平放,躺

            lie lai](lied-lied-lying )说谎

            lay lei(laid-laid-laying )放,搁,产卵

   例如:Lay the table.  摆桌子。

A turtle lays many eggs at once. 海龟一次能产很多蛋。

名题精选:Do you know the boy _____ under the big tree?89年高考题)

          A.lay B.lain C.laying D.lying


10 We will not let our history and culture be destroyed, and we will do everything  we can to save our city.我们不会让我们的历史和文化被毁坏,并且我们将尽一切来拯救我们的城市。

[问]请问“do everything we can to save our city”是什么意思?

[答]句中的“do everything we can to save our city.”是一个很重要的句型,其结构为:do all(everything, what) sb. can(could) to do,相当于do(try) ones  best to do,意为“尽某人之所能去做……”。

      例如:we must do what we can to help the poor. 我们要尽力帮助穷人。

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  哇太棒了不过我徒弟也能写出。这些等于九   ( 朱敏 , 07/17/2007 10:23:05 )

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