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[日期:2006-12-30]   [字体: ]

圣彼得堡 (St. Petersburg) 简介


    又名列宁格勒(LENINGRAD),位于俄罗斯(全称:俄罗斯联邦THE RUSSIAN FEDERAT1ON,简称:RUSSIA)西北沿海涅瓦(NEVA)河口南岸,在芬兰(FINLAND)湾东端的涅瓦湾(NEVABAY)内,濒临波罗的海(BALTIC)的东北侧,是俄罗斯西部的最大商港和第二大城市。始建于1703年,是帝俄时代的通海门户。17121918年曾为帝俄和苏联的首都,现为俄罗斯的工业、科学及文化中心之一。市区岛屿成群,桥梁密布,故有“北方威尼斯”之称,既是全俄罗斯重要的水陆交通枢纽之一,又是俄罗斯重要的国际航空站。工业以船舰、动力、机械为主。其它还有化学、纺织、印刷、精密仪表及食品工业等。该港素有俄罗斯科学文化城之誉,有众多的科学文化机构、高等院校及博物馆等,世界著名科学家罗蒙诺索夫、波波夫、门捷列夫以及文学家普希金、果戈里等均在这里生活和工作过。

中国文化遗迹名城绍兴: A City Rich in Cultural Relics

    Shaoxing has cultural relics of all ages at 3,600 locations and has 35,000 pieces of cultural relics collected by the state. There are 192 protection units of cultural relics in Shaoxing, of which 4 are key protection units at national level, 46 at provincial level. The Mausoleum of Yu the GREat, the platform of king of the Yue state, the Orchid pavilion, the Shen Family Garden, the Green Vine Study, the former residence of Lu Xun, the ancestral residence of Zhou Enlai, the former residence of Cai Yuanpei are examples well known both at home and abroad. The profound accumulation in culture makes Shaoxing worthy of the name a museum without walls.


1 Work in pairs to prepare a Chinese Culture Capsule.分组制一个“中国文化盒”。

[问]in pairs是什么意思?

[答]in pairs意为“成对地,成双地”,例如:

The Children came in in pairs.孩子们两个两个地走进来。

2 but it is true that many of the worlds GREatest cities have been built on the banks of a river.但事实确实如此:世界上很多大城市都建在河边。


[答]这是一个主语从句, it”在这个句中只是形式上的主语,真正的主语是that 引导的从句,为了使整个句子保持平衡,避免头重脚轻,我们需要用it 作形式主语,而将that 引导的从句作主语放在句末,由于主语大多由名词充当,因而主语从句也是名词性从句的一种,其结构为:It + is + adj. + that从句

例如:It is known to all that light travels in straight lines.众所周知,光线直线运行。

名题解析:_____ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.95年高考题 )

A. There B. This C. That D. It 


3 The Neva River flows through the centre of St. Petersburg in Russia.俄国的涅瓦河就流经圣彼得堡的中心。

[问]这句中through across有什么区别?

[答]该句中谓语动词短语flow through指“流过,从城中穿过”。 flow vi. ( 河水等 )流动;流; (头发,衣服等)飘垂;飘拂

例如:The river flows into the sea.   这条河流流入大海。/Her hair flowed down over her shoulders.   她的头发长垂及肩。

through prep. (指空间)穿过;通过;透过;经由

例如:Light comes in through the window.光线从窗户进来。

词语辨析:across 横过,穿过;着重指从一条线或物体表面的一边到另一边;含义与on 有关:

across the street 横过马路(从马路一边到另一边)

through 穿过,从……通过;着重指从空间的一头穿到另一头;

含义与in 有关

through the tunnel 穿过隧道(从隧道中间通过)

名题精选:He swam _____ the river.

A. across    B. through    C. on    D. under

答案:A 。这里指从河的一边到另一边,故选A


4More than three hundred years ago, the Russian Czar Peter the GREat came here and built a new capital —— St Petersburg.三百多年前,俄国沙皇彼得大帝来到这里建起了一座新首都——圣彼得堡。

[问]more than的意思是什么?

[答]More than = over——多,超过

例如:more than two weeks 两周多的时间

相关链接:no more 不再/no more than 不过,仅仅

  例: no more than five     只有五个/not more than  至多,不超过

  例: not more than five  至多五个

名题精选:In that case, there is nothing you can do _____ than wait.2001年全国高考题)

A.  more    B. other    C.  better    D.   any      

答案:B.否定句后的“ other than ”表示“除了”(  except apart from .《朗文》原句为:There is nothing we could do other than wait. 除了等待以外, 我们没有其他办法。又如:除了坐船, 你无法去那里 。 You cant get there other than by boat.

5The palaces were large and beautiful; and they often looked like something out of a fairytale.这些宫殿既大又美丽;和神话描述的一样 。


[答]Look like: look (link-v )+介词短语, 作表语。

例如:He looks like his father.

相关链接:与look 有关的短语:          look about 环顾四周/          look after  照顾,照料 ,注意,关心。

例如: look after a patient

          look around = look round  环顾四周

look up  抬头看,(在书中)查寻。例如:Look the word up in the dictionary.

look into 调查 , 向里看 。例如: look into a matter

1.___ this book and tell me what you think of it.

  A. Look through B. Look on C. Look into D. Look up 

答案:ALook through浏览, 细看 ; look on 旁观;  look into调查;  look up 查寻

2._____! There is a train coming.1990年全国高考题)

   A. Look out B. Look around C. Look forward D. Look on   

答案:A look out 当心, 注意;look around 环顾四周;  look forward to sth  盼望,期盼 look on旁观

3.I aGREe with most of what you said, but I didn't agree with _____.

A everything B  anything C something D nothing

答案:A。从前文“你说的绝大部分我都同意。” 可推知后半句应为“但这不意味着每一个细节我都赞同。”这是部分否定,只有总括词everything not 连用才是部分否定。B 是完全否定,D是双否定 都不合题意。 而something不能用于否定句。 当年仅仅有34%的考生答对。


6 The Russian Czars ended their rule in this city during the Russian Revolution of 1917, but palaces where they had lived were kept as museums.1917年的俄国革命使俄国沙皇结束了他们在这个城市的统治,他们所生活过的皇宫却当作博物馆保留下来。

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  哇太棒了不过我徒弟也能写出。这些等于九   ( 朱敏 , 07/17/2007 10:23:05 )

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