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1.You seem subdued. Are you all right? 你好像有点没精神。有什么心事吗?
2.No spells no. 我说不行就不行(没必要再讨论了)。
3.Don’t bulldoze me. 别逼我。
4.He got this zen look on his face. 他摆出一副无所谓的样子。
5.Their smiles were plastic. 他们的笑太假了。
6.He lacks personality. 他没有个性。
7.Roger! 收到!(OK,知道了)
(06/14/2010 00:00:00) [查看全文]
The market advances/gains/rises.
The market declines/falls/loses.
The market booms.
The market is excited.
The market becomes active.
The market becomes brisk.
The market slumps.
The market becomes d
(08/31/2009 10:46:33) [查看全文]
1. important adj. 重要的
☆ It's important to eat healthy food.
2. necessary adj. 必须的;必要的
☆ It's not necessary to thank me.
3. convenience n. 便利;方便
☆ Please call me at your earliest convenience.
4. determination n. 决心
☆ It tak
(08/31/2009 10:46:29) [查看全文]
1. Hold on 等一下 (口语中,人们不太用wait a minute)如果两人辩论,吵架,抬杠,你要别人“打住”,可以说,hold it right there.
2. I hate his guts. 我最讨厌他。也有说I hate him guts. Guts 是肠子,相当于“恨之入骨”的意思。He doesn’t have much guts. 他是个胆小鬼。 ut feeling 直觉
3. Nuts, 果仁,核,为复数时,意为“疯子”,He is nuts。他有神经病。He went nuts and killed a guy.他发疯了,结果杀了一个人。You are driving me nuts. 你真是要把我逼疯。a tou
(08/31/2009 10:46:24) [查看全文]
51.Back To Basics 从头来,回到起点,回到基础的东西。
This is really complicated for me now, please get back to basics, OK?这真的有点复杂了,我搞不懂,能不能从头说一遍?
又可以说:Back To Square One 这是一个美式足球的术语,球又从新开始。
Voters send tax relief back to square one. 投票人将缓税计划打回原宫。
表示“基本”的另一个词组是 the nuts and bolts
The nuts and bolts of college wr
(08/31/2009 10:46:19) [查看全文]
man: Hello?
woman: It's me.
man: Oh...(silence)how are you?
woman: Look, I was just calling...to tell you...that...(long pause) I'm over you.(hang up)
(08/31/2009 10:46:10) [查看全文]
101. I have a fire in my belly to do something for this village. 我有一股强烈的愿望,能为这个村庄做点什么。特别注意,这个成语与“一肚子火”没有关系,是表示有一种正面的强烈愿望。
I love this desire which comes from a fire in my belly.
一首歌的歌词:Fire in my heart, fire in my belly too Got a heart and a mind and a fire inside And I’m crazy about you You, you on your high flying cloud You,
(08/31/2009 10:46:06) [查看全文]
I am all ears 洗耳恭听
One day, we hired a carpenter to repair our house. I dwelt on (详细讲述)all the details that needed repairing to him. then I asked him, "Are you clear? Can you remember all that?" "Yes!" the carpenter replied. "I am all ears!" I felt puzzled and did not know what he meant. Later my eldest son ex
(08/31/2009 10:46:04) [查看全文]
 151. that really gets under one’s skin 意思是It really upsets me. 钻到了某个人的皮肤下,就是很令人厌烦的意思。She really gets under my skin now. 她真的有点令我生厌了。还有一个类似的说法:To be honest it is starting to get on my nerves. 讲老实话,我对这事很不感冒了。
152. 一个人要大小便了如何说?最通常的说法是:Excuse me, I need to use bathroom. 如果一定要表明是小便还是大便,可以说 I want to pee, or I want to poo. pee and poo 都是儿童用语,p
(08/31/2009 10:46:02) [查看全文]
201. Are you two ganging up on me? 你们两人是不是在串通来整我呀?gang 作动词就是串通一气,例如打牌,几个人串通一气来对付一个人。You should not gang up on the weak ones. gang的本来意思是帮派,街上的那些混混在一起就是gang.。中国几十年前流行的一个词组,“gang of four”(四人帮),这个译法总有点让人感到不严肃。应该译为“The Extreminists Four”, “Four Extreme Leftists”or “Mao’s Four” 。
202. He beat his brains out studying but could not keep up with
(08/31/2009 10:46:00) [查看全文]
301.I wish there could be a course on surviving the office jungle. 我真希望有个课程教我们在办公室丛林中如何生存。Office jungle, 指办公室里复杂的人事关系,流言蜚语。
302.I have to attend an off-site meeting. 我要外出开会。I will be off-site and unreachable for the rest of the afternoon. 我要出去一下,下午就不要找我了。
303.Let me give you some broadstroke ideas and y
(08/31/2009 10:45:57) [查看全文]
We’ll just get a doggie bag.
A.It is impolite to begin a meal until everyone is seated. It is also considered impolite to chew food with an open mouth, or to talk while chewing anything.
B.Americans often order th
(08/31/2009 10:45:56) [查看全文]
201. 下次再聊。 Talk about it next time.
202. 我好[怕喔! I’m so scared!
203. 别搞砸了! Don’t blow it.
204. 好久不见。 Long time no see!
205. 这样也好。 I guess so.
206. 自找麻烦。 Looking for trouble.
207. 自讨苦吃。 You’re asking for it. / Asking for it。
208. 不够看啦!
(08/31/2009 10:45:54) [查看全文]
251. 我支持你! I’ll back you up.
252. 马马虎虎。 So-so.
253. 真是有缘。 It’s destiny (fate).
254. 再接再历。 Work harder.
255. 白忙一场。 In vain.
e.g. I did it all in vain. 指事情结果令人大失所望,语气多是难过,失望或生气的。
256. 出师不利。 Get off on the wrong foot.
注:本句表示一开始就遇到了麻烦,走错方向或做出错误的决定,与“get up on the wrong side of the bed.”
(08/31/2009 10:45:53) [查看全文]
351.你一点都没变! You haven’t changed a bit!
352.我改变主意了。 I changed my mind.
352. 还是有希望的。 There’s still hope.
E.g. A: Don’t worry. There’s still hope for you.
353. 他的话不可信。 Don’t believe a word he says.
(08/31/2009 10:45:52) [查看全文]
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