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You can check it on the website.
A I want to check the flights to Shanghai next weekend. You know, times and prices and so on.
A 我想查一下下周到上海的航班。你知道,时间、价格呀等等。
B Why don’t you check it online? You can check it on the website.
B 你为什么不在网上查找呢?你可以通过网站进行查找。
A Can I? That’s a good idea. It’ll save me so much
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You can connect to the internet in Starbucks.
A OK, let’s meet tomorrow at 10 in Starbucks for a working breakfast. We can discuss everything over a coffee.
A 好,我们明天10点在星巴克一起吃工作早餐。我们可以边喝咖啡边讨论事情。
B OK, 10 am tomorrow. Shall I bring my laptop?
B 好的,明天10点。我需要把笔记本电脑带来吗?
A Yes, definitely. We can work th
(09/14/2008 12:42:22) [查看全文]
You can go on the internet in the Business Centre.
A I need to send some e-mails and check some things on the internet.
A 我需要发几封电子邮件,还要在网上查一些东西。
B You can do that in your hotel. You can go on the internet in the Business Centre.
B 在旅馆里你就能做。你可以到商务中心去上网。
A That’s good. Where is it?
A 那太好了。商务中心在哪里?
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Do I need a special cable?
A How do I connect my laptop in my room?
A 我怎样在房间里连接笔记本电脑?
B Just connect your computer to the telephone point.
B 把你的电脑和电话接口连接起来就行。
A Do I need a special cable?
A 我需要一根特殊的线吗?
B Oh, sorry – yes, you do need a cable. You’ll find it in the drawer of your desk.
B 噢,对不
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A I hope China does really well in the Olympics.
A 我希望中国在奥运会上取得好成绩。
B I’m sure it will. The host nation always performs well. And there are so many good athletes in China.
B 我想一定能。东道主总是表现良好。再说中国有那么多优秀的运动员。
A I wonder how many gold medals China will win.
A 我想知道中国能夺得多少块金牌。
B Remember, silver and bronze medals are
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I want to try and get tickets for the swimming events.
A I’d really like to go and see the swimming at the Olympics.
A 我非常想去看奥运会的游泳比赛。
B Yes, me too. I like the swimming, especially the . . . what’s it called? You know when there are two swimmers together?
B 是的,我也是。我喜欢游泳,尤其是. . .那叫什么来着?你知道有两个游泳运动员在一起的
(09/14/2008 12:42:20) [查看全文]
What’s your hobby?
A I’ll see you later tonight. I’m going to my music class first.
A 今晚晚些时候见。我先去上音乐课。
B Your music class? What musical instrument do you play?
B 音乐课?你玩什么乐器?
A I play the piano. I practise every week. It’s my hobby.
A 我弹钢琴。我每周都练习。这是我的业余爱好。
B I didn’t know you play the piano. I’d
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It’s a part-time job, but it pays well.
A Extra money is always helpful.
A 额外挣的钱总是很有帮助。
B I know. That’s why I do evening job in the hotel restaurant.
B 我知道。这就是我为什么晚上在旅馆的餐馆打工的原因。
A If you are studying, it’s good to earn some extra income.
A 如果你在读书,额外有些收入很好。
B I agree. It’s only a part-time
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I’d love a career in medicine.
A What kind of job would you like to do?
A 你想做什么工作?
B Ideally, I’d like to work in a hospital. I’d love a career in medicine.
B 理想的是在医院工作。我想从事医学事业。
A There’re lots of interesting jobs in hospitals.
A 在医院里有很多有趣的工作。
B Yes, I’d love to be a doctor but you have to stud
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I’m not sure what kind of work I like.
A It’s difficult deciding on a future career.
A 决定将来的事业是一件很难的事情。
B What do you mean?
B 你的意思是?
A Just now, I’m not sure what kind of work I like.
A 目前,我不太确定我喜欢做什么工作。
B I suppose there are lots of different paths you could take.
B 我想你有很多条路可以选择。
A Ye
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I’d like to start my own business.
A What about you? What are your career plans?
A 你呢?你的事业计划是什么?
B I’ve got lots of thoughts and ideas. Most of all, I’d like to start my own business.
B 我有很多的想法。大多数的想法是,我想开创自己的生意。
A Doing what? What kind of business?
A 做什么?做哪一行?
B I’m doing a lot of fashion desi
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It’s long hours but I like my work.
A You work so hard! Nearly every day of the week!
A 你工作非常辛苦!几乎每天都工作!
B I know. But I’m lucky compared to most people.
B 我知道。但是跟大多数人相比我很幸运。
A How come? In what ways are you lucky?
A 怎么说呢?你在哪方面幸运?
B Because I love what I do. It’s long hours but I love my
(09/14/2008 12:42:18) [查看全文]
I’ve got two brothers back in the States.
A What about your family? Are you a single child?
A 你的家庭怎么样?你是家里唯一的孩子吗?
B Me? No, I’ve got two brothers back in the States.
B 我?不,我在美国有两个兄弟。
A Are you the youngest or the oldest?
A 你是最小的还是最大的?
B I’m in the middle! I’ve got an older brother and a younger
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My older brother lives and works in Los Angeles.
A Do you see your brothers often?
A 你经常能见到你的兄弟吗?
B Yes, quite often - usually when I go back to the States.
B 是的,经常——通常我回美国时看他们的。
A How about your older brother? What does he do?
A 你的哥哥怎么样?他是做什么工作的?
B My older brother lives and works in Los A
(09/14/2008 12:42:17) [查看全文]
My younger brother is still at high school.
A So, if your older brother has a baby girl, you’re her uncle!
A 那么,如果你的哥哥有个小女孩的话,你就是她的叔叔了!
B Yes, I’m her uncle.
B 是的,我是她的叔叔。
A And your younger brother? What about him?
A 你的弟弟呢?他怎么样?
B Oh, he’s much younger than me. My younger brother is still at hi
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