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The most important thing to remember in the writing test is your audience. On the tasks it often says thing like “write a report for a university lecturer” but in fact it should say “write a report for an examiner who will look carefully for mistakes & problems”. Most people thi (06/08/2006 10:09:00) [查看全文] 1.Be well prepared. 做好充分准备是成功的基本保障,这包括对考试风格,模式,题型和最新动态的熟悉,更包括大量的,有针对性的口语练习。但必须指出一点,准备的过程不应是背诵的过程。很多考生对自己在面试中的表现感觉良好,最终却对自己出乎意料的低分大吃一惊,百思不得其解,其实原因很简单:考官对考生背诵事先准备好的答案很反感,尤其当他/她听到同一种答案被很多考生重复使用时,那种令人作呕的感觉可想而知。在考官看来,Using a prepared answer is similar to cheating! 所以给准备雅思考试的考生一个忠告:Over prepared is often as harmful as under prepared. (05/25/2005 18:28:50) [查看全文] It is my personal belief that to increase your IELTS oral score more than good grammar, perfect tense, good fluency and good English usage and understand are needed. I believe that the Examiner is also trying to see your ability to adjust to western culture. As you see more and more questions are being asked concerning opinion, your attitude t (05/24/2005 11:14:33) [查看全文] |