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Have you heard of Bali, a place to the south of Indonesia? It's a small island but is becoming more and more famous by its fascinating tourist attractions enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of people fr (06/15/2007 06:37:16) [查看全文] A city promises to be the place "once you have come; you would be reluctant to leave"... how is that possible? A city that often quoted as "the most livable city in china", what th (06/15/2007 06:37:16) [查看全文] Mr. Woods : I'd like a double room for tonight. Clerk : Do you have a reservation? Mr. Woods : Yes. I called you last week from New York. My name is George Woods. Clerk : Wait a second , please. (She checks the computer.) Yes, Mr. Woods, we have a room reserved for you. How long do you plan to stay? Mr. Woods (06/14/2007 06:26:07) [查看全文] Miss Kao : Taxi! Taxi! (A cab stops and she goes in.) Cab driver : Where to, miss? Miss Kao : Diamond Hotel on Beach Avenue. How much do you think the fare will be? Cab driver : Well, about three dollars. I can't tell exactly, but whatever it is, it will show on the meter. Miss Kao : I took a taxi yesterday fr (06/14/2007 06:26:07) [查看全文]
飞机票(指限定条件) endoresement/restrictions 旅客姓名 name of passenger 旅行经停地点 good for passage between 起点城市 from 起飞日期 date 起飞时间 time 订座情况 status 机票确认 ticket confirm 登机口 gate 前往城市 to 承运人(公司) carrier 航班号 flight no. 座舱等级 class (fare basis) 机号 plane No. 机座号 se (06/14/2007 06:26:07) [查看全文] The University of Cambridge is one of the oldest universities in the wo (06/14/2007 06:17:53) [查看全文] North side of the Mall, 14th St N (06/14/2007 06:17:52) [查看全文] (05/25/2007 14:38:26) [查看全文] (05/25/2007 14:38:25) [查看全文] 1 Great minds think alike. (英雄所见略同,这句做第一句最合适不过了,不过最好翻译成英雄和美女所见略同)
2 Get going!(赶快动身吧,用在开始行动时) (04/24/2007 10:41:39) [查看全文] “世界七大奇迹”从小学听到工作。除了金字塔、巴比伦空中花园这两个耳熟能详的地方,你还知道哪几个?它们的英文名字都是怎么说的?学习一下…… Seven Wonders of the World, works[1] of art and architecture regarded by ancient Greek and Roman observers as the most extraordinary structures of antiquity. In the ancient (04/10/2007 10:06:38) [查看全文] |