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[日期:2024-05-29]   [字体: ]

1.get…from 2.one of your family members or relatives

3.How many uncles do you have? 4.play football, play the piano

5.go shopping, go cycling


1.Thank you. ---Not at all. 2.She can’t read or write.

3.help other people / others 4.friend---friendly / help---helpful / pollute---pollution

5.I have already been to America. 6.Have you been there yet?

7.be kind to others 8.be late for…

9.share her food with me 10.tell lies

11.promise to do / promise not to do 12.tell people not to leave rubbish

13.keep environment clean 14.What about doing something?


1.at weekends / be far away from 2.a photo of me

3.bring some photos to class 4.How are we going to get there? / Let’s go by bus.

5.How much does it cost? 6.Which place shall we visit?

7.What shall we visit? 8.an important day


1.different jobs / much work

2.teach us English / make sick people better / put out fires / cook food for people

3.She wants to find out if he likes his job? 4.What would you like to be?

5.I’d like to be…

6.I would like to be a policeman because I want to make our city a safe place.


1.enter --- entrance / invite--- invitation 2.listen to / look at

3.on the second floor 4.take some photos

5.on the Open Day 6.arrive at… / arrive in (a city or a country)

7.have---had / take---took 8.am, is---was / are---were


1.Do you live near or far away from school? I live far away from school.

2.How long does it take you to get to the supermarket? It takes me about ten minutes to get there.

3.How do you go to school? I go to school on foot.

4.I see some restaurants, a few shops and a lot of people when I’m on the bus.

5.I see a few parents , some teachers and a lot of students when I’m walking to school.

6.half an hour 7.an advertisement board

8.housing estate 9.on my way to school 10.on my way home


1.rules round us 2.in the library / on the road

3.walk on the grass 4.play basketball

5.wait for 6.keep quie

7.listen to our teachers 8.walk across the road

9.enter = go into 10.talk loudly

11.turn left 12.leave our bicycles

13.use the one on the right 14.in the middle

15.by lift 16.Don’t be late for school.

17.in class / after class

18.Don’t walk on the grass. = We mustn’t walk on the grass.

19.We must not eat or drink in the classroom.

20.What does this mean? Meaning


1.steamed prawns with garlic 2.fried eggs with bacon

3.boiled eggs 4.baked potatoes

5.need to buy some food / need something

6.at the vegetable stall 7.in the frozen section

8.What would you like for dinner ?

9.Would you like rice or noodles? I’d like rice for dinner.

10.I’d also like some soup.

11.What kind of soup would you like?

12.Have you bought any garlic? Yes, I’ve bought some garlic.

13.Where did you buy it? In the market, at the vegetable stall.

14.How much was it? It was five yuan.


1.Let’s have a picnic. / Shall we buy some meat? --- That’s a good idea.

2.Bread tastes nice with jam. taste / smell / feel / sound / look + adj.

3.a bottle of jam a packet of nuts a big bag of rice

4.buy some food and drink for the picnic

5.be salty be tasty

6.Why do you like apple juice? I like it because it’s sweet.

7.Have you got enough money? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

8.May I have some chicken wings? Ok. Here you are.

9.Would you like some cola? Yes, please. / No, thanks.

10.Picnics are fun. plan a picnic prepare for a picnic

11.Let’s buy some jam to spread on the bread.

12.How much money do they need from Mr. Li?


1.healthy eating

2.a little fat, salt and sugar.

3.need some milk

4.plenty of fresh fruit

5.a lot of rice

6.only a little salt and sugar

7.How much fruit do we need every day? We need plenty of fruit everyday.

8.do no exercise

9.have a healthy diet

10.live in the countryside

11.become fit and healthy

12.What did you have for breakfast yesterday? I had eggs and milk.

13.be healthier than

14.be less healthy than

15.be as healthy as

16.be as unhealthy as

17.one … the other

18.a quiz about eating habits

19.I should drink a lot of water.

20.I should not eat too much spicy food.

21.suggest ---- suggestion

22.Do you brush your teeth before you go to bed?

23.both diets


1. Going to school

I live near school. I usually go to school on foot. It takes me about ten minutes to get to school. I see a few parents, some teachers and a lot of students when I’m walking to school. I love our school!

2. Class rules

We have a lot of class rules. We must keep quiet. We must listen to our teachers in class. We must not be late for school. We must not eat or drink in the classroom. We must not draw on the desks. We want to be good students!

3. My favourite food

I’d like a lot of rice for dinner. I’d like steamed prawns with garlic. I’d also like tomato and egg soup. I have some chicken wings because they are tasty. I have some strawberries after dinner because they are sweet. These are my favourite food.

4. Preparing for a picnic

We are going to have a picnic next week. We are going to the supermarket to buy some food and drink for the picnic. I’d like to buy some apple juice because it’s sweet. I’d also like to buy some chicken wings because they are tasty. We will have a good time.

5. Good eating habits

I have good eating habits. I eat a lot of rice. I eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. I also eat some meat and fish, but I only eat a little salt and sugar. I have a healthy diet, so I am fit and healthy now.
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