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2010圣诞节最新英语阅读 Out of the Box 圣诞礼物

[日期:2010-11-28]   [字体: ]

For most of us, the season evokes a kind of universal memory.
My strongest memory of Christmas is the tree with all of the presents underneath it.
And usually in the morning I wake up really early like at five o'clock.

And when you come downstairs Christmas morning and the trees lit up, there is piles of presents, there might be a bicycle, there are skis, there is all... there's stuff all over the place.
I really remember the lights, because that to me was the most magical.
And hearing just the Christmas music that you only hear that one time a year.

There is just lots to be happy for.
Is that what you ask from Santa? Yeah.
Christmas comes with a host of vivid images that bombard us from all directions for entire season: candy canes and carolers, stockings and store windows, Nativity scenes and nutcrackers, not to mention entire neighborhoods that explode in a kaleidoscope of light and colors. Then on top of all that, throwing the art character who's the master of ceremonies of this visual feast. Santa Claus.
I'd describe him as fat and jolly.
Big, chubby.
A loving, very generous kind of guy.
A good listener, listens to requests.
I used to think that Santa Claus was probably one of the GREatest people in the world.
Merry Christmas!

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