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Learn to speak modern English

[日期:2008-03-27]   [字体: ]

Do you know what is modern English? That means every English sentence neither old nor difficult, and also very useful for us to use in our life. They are very popular in foreign countries.

We can find that many students haven’t notice the usefulness of modern English. Because that English sentences are not live in our textbook, but modern English isn’t like this, it is easy to using. Let’s look some examples:

Eg1. If you suffered from insomnia, and the next day one of your friends ask you why you look so tired. At that time you can use modern English. You can say“I didn’t sleep a wink last night!” It is very easy and humorous. You needn’t to say “insomnia”. But if you slept very well, you can always say that” I slept like a log”. It is very interesting. Maybe someone thinks why I like a wood? You are wrong. It doesn’t mean you like a wood. The sentence means that you slept very well.

Eg2. When your friend wants to get a girlfriend, and you know the girl who he wants to meet and the girl had already have a boyfriend. Ok, you can use modern English like this:“She has been taken” How easy the sentence is. And you don’t have to say” You can’t get her , she had already have a friend”, and it is also not very polite.

Eg3. I think the most sentence you usually speak is saying goodbye to somebody. So you can use modern English. You can say“I’ll catch you later”It does not mean somebody will catch you. It means he or she will meet you later. Doesn’t it funny? As you know, the USA is an immigrant country where there are many kinds of people. So the language is very strange. Some of them often say goodbye to somebody by saying ” Adios”-- it is Spanish for “goodbye” or “ Ciao” is Italian for “ Goodbye”.

Eg4. Foreigners also use “sarcasm”. When a thin people says to a fat people ” Let me help you to go out of here by rope” the fat people may say” This is a GREat idea!” But he must say it in falling tone. It means“ This is a stupid idea”. This is sarcasm, and it is the most useful thing in America.

All in all, modern English is very important in our life and it’s helpful to learn English

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