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[日期:2008-09-15]   [字体: ]



自1991年参与中央电视台第四套节目的筹办以来,潜心于对外电视文艺的创作,一手开创了中国电视文艺对外宣传的新格局,多次获国家政府级电视文艺各种奖项的一等奖及特等奖,并获国务院新闻办特别嘉奖。2005年12月通过公开竞聘成为中央电视台《中华情》栏目独立制片人。因成功执导了中央电视台三大直播晚会——2004年、2005年、2006年中秋晚会;以及2005年元旦晚会,成为目前央视最具实力和品质的电视导演之一。2005年在黄鹤楼向全世界现场直播的中央电视台中秋晚会,于2006年4月荣获“第39届美国休斯敦国际影视节”电视文艺类最高奖项——白金大奖。由其执导的2006年“海峡月 中华情”中央电视台中秋晚会于2007年 4月荣获“第40届美国休斯敦国际影视节”-------评审团最佳导演奖。

Guo Ji-hong, ninth, tenth member of the All-China Youth Federation. 1988 with outstanding achievements graduated from the Beijing Broadcasting Institute (now the Communication University of China) director of the professional literature and art, the Bachelor of Arts deGREe; 1996-1998, China's media University Graduate School classes study, the direction of film and television drama literature postgraduate qualifications. Incumbent CCTV overseas, Senior Editor, visiting professor at the University of the Chinese media, by the media as "new generation of television art director representative of the avant-garde."

Since 1991 CCTV fourth participation in the programme organised, with GREat concentration on foreign television arts creation, single-handedly created a China Television Arts external publicity of the new pattern, repeated by the national government level Television Arts award and the various awards特等奖, and the State Council Information Office of the Special Commendation. December 2005 through an open competitive selection as the CCTV "Chinese intelligence" column independent producer. Directed by the success of the three major broadcast China Central Television evening - In 2004, 2005, 2006 Mid-Autumn evening and the 2005 New Year's Day evening, becoming the most CCTV strength and quality of the television director. 2005 in the Yellow Crane Tower to the world live CCTV Mid-Autumn evening, in April 2006 awarded "The 39th Houston International Film & TV Festival," the television category the highest literary awards - Platinum Award. By the 2006 film "The two sides on the Chinese situation," CCTV Mid-Autumn Festival evening in April 2007 won the "40-Houston International Film & TV Festival "------- Jury Award for best director

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