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[日期:2008-07-23]   [字体: ]

Brothers in arms

袍泽之情(陈继龙 编译)

Jun 29th 2006 | TORONTO
From The Economist print edition

RAY BLANCHARD, a researcher at Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, was reviewing some data a few years ago when he noticed something odd: gay men seemed to have more older brothers than straight men.

Intrigued—and sceptical—he decided to investigate. He recruited 302 gay men and the same number of heterosexual controls and inquired about their families. How manysiblings[1]did they have,_______①what sex, and how had the births been spaced? How old had their parents been when they had had them? Dr Blanchard found that only one detail seemed to predict sexual orientation: the more elder brothers a man had, the more likely he was to be gay.(1)Neither elder sisters nor younger siblings of either sex had any effect, but each additional elder brother increased his chance of being gay by about 33% from the population average of one man in 50.
由于对此感到好奇和怀疑,他决定做个调查。他招募了302名同性恋男子和一样多的异性恋男子,并问及一些与家庭有关的问题:有几个兄弟,几个姐妹,前后出生间隔多长时间?出生时父母多大年龄?布朗夏尔博士发现,预示性取向的似乎只有一个细节:哥哥越多,成为同性恋的可能性就越大。姐姐以及弟妹的数量对某人的性取向没有任何影响。一般而言,平均50个男人中就有1人可能成为同性恋,每多一位哥哥,此人成为同性恋的可能性就增加33%左右。(译者注:这句有些费解,我的理解是:from the population average of one man in 50中的“from”与前面的“increase”相对应,也就是在此基础上增加了33%。这个基础就是指“平均每50个男人中就有一个人可能成为同性恋”,这是一般而言的,如果这“一个”人多一位哥哥,他成为同性恋的可能性就增加33%,也就是这个“50分之一”发生的可能性增加33%。有点乱,仅供参考。)

It was a rather perplexing discovery. It implied either that being brought_______②with a lot of elder brothers affects a boy's sexual orientation, or that a mother's body is somehow able to keep count of how many sons she has conceived, and that this count affects the orientation of future children. (2)Hard as it was to explain, though, the finding was replicated again and again, across different cultures, eras and even psychiatric groups.

Those who argued for a social explanation suggested that having lots of elder brothers makes a boy more likely to engage_______③same-sex play, and might also increase the chance he is a victim of sexual abuse. But, regardless of whether either of theseconjectures[2]is true, neither playing with other boys nor sexual abuse has been scientifically linked to homosexuality.

Anthony Bogaert of Brock University in St Catharines, Ontario, therefore decided to examine the other hypothesis—that the phenomenon is caused by something that happens in the womb. He has just published his results in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Dr Bogaert reasoned that if the effect were social, elder brothers wouldwield[3]the same power even if they had not been born_______④the same mother. Lots of half- or step-siblings, or adopted brothers, for instance, would also cause their younger brothers to be gay. On the other hand, if the effect were really due to birth order, biological brothers would make their younger brothers more likely to be gay even if they did not grow up together; indeed, even if the younger boy GREw up without any older boys around at all.

Dr Bogaert collected a new sample of several hundred men, this time specifically recruiting those who had grown up with “brothers” to whom they were not biologically related. He collected information on how long they had been reared with each sibling, as well as about biological siblings_______⑤whom they had been separated.

He found that only the number of biological elder brothers had an impact on a later-born boy's sexual orientation; non-biological siblings had no effect. This was true even when a boy had grown up surrounded by an enormousgaggle[4]of non-biological elder brothers. (3)By contrast, elder brothers raised in a separate household “influenced” their younger brothers' sexual orientation in exactly the same way as they would have done had they been living with them.

Like many of the best pieces of research, this one raises questions, as well as answering them. One is, how does the mother's body keep count of how many sons she has conceived? A second is, how does that change the environment in the womb? A third is, how does that change affect sexual orientation? And a fourth is, is this an accidental effect, or has it evolved for some reason?

To these questions, Dr Bogaert has no answers, though in some cases he has his suspicions. He speculates that, for reasons as yet unknown, a mother's immune system takes note of the number of male offspring and that each succeeding male fetus is subjected to increased levels of antibodies. These somehow affect its development. (4)Clearly, something strange is going on, because things other than sexual orientation are also affected by birth order.Boys with elder brothers are also likely to have larger-than-normal placentas while in the womb. And despite that apparent nutritional advantage (for a larger placenta should be able to draw more food from the mother's bloodstream), they are also likely to have lower birth-weights than would otherwise be expected.

(5)Dr Blanchard, meanwhile, calculates that about one gay man in seven can chalk his orientation up to having elder brothers.But_______⑥the question of whether there is some evolutionary advantage for a mother who has many sons to include a gay one among them, neither he nor Dr Bogaert has an answer.

与此同时,布朗夏尔统计发现,大约七分之一的同性恋男子认为其性取与自己有哥哥有关。(译者注:chalk sth. up to是指“把……记在……”,引申为“把……归因于”)但是,至于是否存在某种进化优势而使得多子母亲的儿子中出现一个同性恋,无论他还是博尔加特博士,均未给出答案。


1. 选择适当的介词或副词填入文中空白处:
①a. from b. with c. of d. by
②a. about b. forth c. out d. up
③a. in b. on c. with d. for
④a. by b. from c. to d. in
⑤a. by b. from c. to d. with
⑥a. for b. with c. on d. to

2. 英译汉(将划线部分英文翻译成中文):

1. sibling n.兄弟姐妹
2. conjecture n.推断;臆说;猜测
3. wield v.行使权力,施加影响;挥舞
4. gaggle n.(吵闹的)一群人;鹅群

[replyview]1. c(of what sex ……性别);d(bring up抚养长大);a(engage in从事于);c(to);b(be separated from);d(an answer to)
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