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[日期:2008-07-23]   [字体: ]
Ulterior motives

居心叵测(陈继龙 编译)

Jun 22nd 2006 | OTTAWA
From The Economist print edition

IN ONE of the more shameful episodes of its past, Canada imposed a hefty head tax_______①all Chinese immigrants in 1885, then banned their entry altogether from 1923 to 1947. For the 15,000 or so Chinese men who had come to build Canada's transcontinental railway and the many more that came thereafter,(1)it became first prohibitively expensive and then impossible to send for their wives and children.

_______②decades, Canadians of Chinese descent have demanded an apology andredress[1].Successive federal governments ignored them, apologising to various other groups, including 14,000 Japanese-Canadians, who also received C$21,000 each for their internment and property expropriation during the second world war.(2)Fearing this might open the floodgates, a Liberal government declared in 1994 that the past was the past and that no further compensation would be forthcoming.

(3)Given this, the decision this week by Stephen Harper, the Conservative prime minister, to offer both an apology and compensation to Chinese-Canadians might seem surprising—but not if the politics behind it are taken into account.While only about 20 of those who paid the head tax are still alive and fewer than 300 of their widows, Chinese-Canadians now form a community of around 1m with considerable political and economic clout. And its members form a crucial link_______③Canada's burgeoning trade with China.

Before January's general election, the former Liberal government angered the group by offering a programme of acknowledgment and education to cover all wronged ethnic groups, but no explicit apologies. Mr Harper, whose party lacks support in urban and immigrant communities, adroitly[2]stepped in with a campaign promise both to apologise and to compensate.____________________. (他说到做到。)

Whether this will set a precedent for many otheraggrieved[3]groups is doubtful. Some, like the Canadian Jewish ConGREss, want only acknowledgment rather than financial compensation (for the government's refusal to allow the 907 German Jewish refugees_______④board the St Louis to land in Canada in 1939). The federal government did set aside C$2.2 billion in the last budget to compensate the children ofaborigines[4]who were taken from their parents and abused in residential schools.(4) But that was to resolve a mountain of lawsuits that it was in danger of losing.
这是否会成为其它许多受过不公平对待的种族的先例尚且无法确定。有些团体比如加拿大犹太人代表大会就不需要赔款,只希望政府承认曾于1939年拒绝让圣•路易斯号船上的907名德裔犹太人登陆加拿大。联邦政府确实从上年度财政预算中划拨了22亿加元,用以赔偿那些被强迫离开父母并在寄宿学校遭到虐待的原住民儿童,可这么一来它就要处理一大堆极有可能输掉的官司。(译者注:第一个that指代的是上一句所提到的赔款,第二个that引导的是一个定语从句,修饰a mountain of lawsuits,后者作为从句中lose的宾语,it指代上一句中的the federal government,即the government was in danger of losing a mountain of lawsuits. lose a lawsuit意为“败诉”。)

Still, there is hope for others if they follow the Chinese-Canadians' lead. A federal election is expected as early as next spring, when Mr Harper hopes to turn his minority_______⑤a majority.(5)An immigrant group concentrated in an urban area is certain to get the ear of any Conservative candidate. And perhaps an apology too.
其他人如果步加拿大华人的后尘,也是有希望的。联邦选举预计最早将在明年春天举行,哈珀希望到时自己能从少数派成为多数派。所有保守党的候选人肯定都会洗耳恭听市区聚居的侨民团体的诉说,也许还要道个谦吧。(译者注:“get/have somebody's ear”表示“to be trusted by someone so that they will listen to your advice, opinions etc”,即“得到某人信任从而愿意听取你的意见和建议”。第二句为省略句,省略了上句中的主语和谓语以及定语,可还原为“…… is certain to get an apology of any Conservative canditate too”。)

1. 在文中空白处填入适当的介词:

2. 英译汉(将划线部分英文翻译成中文):

1.redress n.money that someone pays you because they have caused you harm or damaged your property [= compensation]赔款;赔偿
2. adroit adj.clever and skilful, especially in the way you use words and arguments (用词、论辩)机敏的;熟练的
3. aggrieved adj.having suffered as a result of the illegal actions of someone else 受虐待的,受侵害的
4. aborigines n.原住民;土著
< face=Tahoma color=#000000 size=4>[KEY TO QUIZ]
[replyview]1. ①on;②For;③in;④on;⑤into
3.He has been true to his word(注:答案肯定不是唯一,但至少你可以学习作者的写法)
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