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[日期:2007-09-17]   [字体: ]


In order to build a new socialist countryside, we must accelerate development of rural infrastructure. We need to resolutely work to reorient investment by shifting the government's priority in infrastructure investment to the countryside. This constitutes a major change. This mainly involves strengthening basic development of farmland, with the focus on small water conservancy facilities; improving the system of flood control, drought resistance and disaster reduction; accelerating construction of infrastructure projects such as roads, drinking water supplies, methane facilities, electric grids and communications; improving the living environment in rural areas; and accelerating development of rural public services, such as education, health and culture. The main measures we will adopt to accomplish this goal are: gradually increasing annual investment in agriculture and rural areas from the central and local government budgets and credit funds, integrating agricultural investment from all channels to improve capital performance, guiding farmers to invest capital and labor in public welfare facilities that benefit them directly, encouraging and guiding the investment of non-state funds in rural development, and gradually establish an appropriate, stable and effective investment mechanism. If we work tirelessly, we can bring about a major improvement in rural infrastructure.


In order to build a new socialist countryside, we must comprehensively carry out overall rural reform. This year, we will completely rescind the agricultural tax throughout the country, a tax that China has been collecting for 2,600 years. This is a change of epoch-making significance. The reform of rural taxes and fees has GREatly benefited farmers by eliminating 33.6 billion yuan of agricultural tax, over 70 billion yuan in the form of the "three deductions" [for public reserve funds, public welfare funds and management fees, tr.] and the "five charges" [charges for rural education, family planning, militia training, rural road construction and subsidies to entitled groups, tr.], assessments for rural education and other unreasonable fees. Starting this year, the government will appropriate over 103 billion yuan annually to ensure the normal operation of town and township governments and meet the needs of rural compulsory education. This figure is comprised of more than 78 billion yuan in transfer payments from the central government budget and over 25 billion yuan from local government budgets. It must be pointed out that after the agricultural tax is completely rescinded, the task of consolidating the results of the reform of rural taxes and fees and furthering the reform will remain very difficult. The key to success is to comprehensively carry out overall rural reform, including deepening reform of government bodies in towns and townships, rural compulsory education, and county and township fiscal management systems. These reforms require adjustments in rural production relationships and directly involve changes in the rural superstructure, which makes such changes profoundly significant and difficult to achieve. However, we must unwaveringly implement them.


The building of a new socialist countryside is a long-term arduous task. We need to proceed from reality, take measures suited to local conditions, give guidance tailored to the situation and plan carefully. We need to respect the wishes of farmers, oppose formalism and coercion, and avoid the herd mentality. We need to advocate a spirit of self-reliance and hard struggle, be realistic and pragmatic, and work diligently.

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