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[日期:2007-09-17]   [字体: ]


We will keep macroeconomic policies stable, mainly by continuing to follow prudent fiscal and monetary policies. Since the economy is now performing well and there is a lot of activity in non-state investment, this year we will again appropriately reduce the deficit and the amount of long-term treasury bonds for development. We plan to issue 60 billion yuan worth of long-term treasury bonds, 20 billion yuan less than last year, while increasing regular construction investment from the central government budget by 10 billion yuan. The deficit in the central government budget is projected to be 295 billion yuan, 5 billion yuan less than last year. Funds from the sale of long-term treasury bonds and budgetary investment will be mainly used to maintain adequate funding for key projects already underway and to fund an appropriate number of major new projects that impact on overall development in agriculture, forestry, water conservancy, science, education, culture, health, ecological improvement, environmental protection and development of the western region. Starting this year, China will follow standard international practices by adopting the method of outstanding balance management for its national debt. We need to administer taxes in accordance with the law, improve tax collection and management, and standardize management of non-tax revenue. We need to take all factors into consideration in making overall plans for budgetary expenditures, limit expenditures to what we can afford, ensure adequate funding for key items and economize wherever possible. We will strengthen budgetary oversight and control the rise in administrative expenses. We need to maintain appropriate growth of money supply and credit, improve the mix in loan portfolios and create new financial products. We need to increase credit support for agriculture, rural areas and farmers and for small and medium-sized businesses, employment, and students having difficulty paying educational expenses. Long- and medium-term credit should be kept at an appropriate level. We will improve the mechanisms for setting and transmitting interest rates. We will improve the system of managed floating foreign currency exchange rates and keep the Renminbi exchange rate basically stable at an appropriate and balanced level.


We will adhere to the strategy of expanding domestic consumption and focus on increasing consumption demand and strengthening the role of consumption in fueling economic development. First, we will strive to raise urban and rural incomes. We need to adjust the distribution of incomes, standardize the way income is distributed, and increase the income of people in the lower and middle income brackets. To increase rural incomes, we will continue to pursue the policy of giving more, taking less and loosening control. In particular, we need to adopt more measures to give more benefits to farmers. All local governments should make necessary adjustments to the minimum salary system and implement it strictly, and introduce a minimum hourly wage system. We need to gradually solve the problem of low wages for rural migrant workers in cities. We must establish laws and mechanisms for ensuring that wages are paid on time. We will conscientiously implement the revised Individual Income Tax Law and lower the tax burden on low- and middle-income people. This year, the government will appropriately raise basic pension benefits for retired enterprise employees, subsidies for entitled groups and subsistence allowances for urban residents. We will reform the civil servant pay system. We will establish a unified national salary system based on position and rank and a mechanism for regular pay increases and improve the system of allowances for difficult and remote border regions, all based on review and standardization of existing allowances and subsidies. In addition, we will promote reform of the income distribution system in public service institutions. Second, we will keep expected individual spending stable and encourage immediate consumption. We will address people's concerns that increasing consumption will make them unable later to meet basic living needs by accelerating efforts to improve the social security system and solve major problems in education, public health and medical care, and housing. Third, we will work hard to encourage consumption in rural areas. We will increase efforts to develop rural markets and promote the flow of goods, make full use of existing rural retail distribution networks, and support urban wholesale and retail businesses in setting up outlets in the countryside to stimulate rural consumption. Fourth, we will improve the consumption environment and consumption-related policies. We will improve housing and public transportation conditions and take active steps to further develop tourism, cultural activities, fitness centers and other services. We will effectively safeguard consumers' lawful rights and interests. We will make appropriate adjustments to the current consumption tax, standardize and develop consumer credit, promptly eliminate or revise unsuitable regulations and policies that discourage consumption, and promote more high-end consumption.

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