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[日期:2007-08-15]   [字体: ]
Going to a Botanical Garden


  Key Sentences(重点句子)

  781.They look just like the ones we saw at the tulip fair last spring.


  782. And what a riot of color there is with all kinds of flowers in blossom!


  783. Do you see those red,white and yellow roses blooming by the fountain?


  784. What are those small yellow and white flowers sprouting up on the lawn?


  785.The yellow ones are buttercups and the white ones are daisies.


  786. Aren't those azalea bushes beautiful?


  787. Here's an interesting bed with a mixture of daffodils,violets,lilies of the valley and bluebells.


  788. You've got to water them and see that they get enough bright sunlight.


  789. Some flowers need special care. Others need special food.


  790. But the satisfaction out of the labor is incomparable.


  Dialogue A

  (At the entrance of botanical garden)

  Li Ming:Look at those crowds of people milling about just inside the gate. It seems that some public meetings are going on.

  Wang Lin:Oh,don't you know that in parks nowadays,there are many open air performances? There must be some plays or acrobatics going on there. Let's go in and have a look.

  L:Oh,look at those cute children. How happy they seem!

  W:I can't help recalling my own childhood as I look at them. So innocent!So carefree!

  L:Don't be so sentimental. Look at that old couple on that bench. Do you think they are happy?

  W:Perhaps they are. But behind their smiles,I can see a kind of sadness and loneliness. They're here to drink invigor from the youth. Don't you think so?

  L:Oh,it's hard to say. Anyway,they can enjoy themselves here. It's good for their health. Let's stop talking about people and go a little faster.

  W:All right. Let's.

  Dialogue B

  Wang Lin:Just look at those gorgeous tulips there. Let's go over and have a closer look at them,shall we?

  Li Ming:OK. They are beautiful,aren't they? Do you think they are the East Anglican species?

  W:I think so. They look just like the ones we saw at the tulip fair last spring.

  L:What a wonderful time of the year!It's so restful.

  W:And what a riot of color there is with all kinds of flower sin blossom! Do you see those red,white and yellow roses blooming by the fountain?

  L:What are those small yellow and white flowers sprouting up on the lawn,Wang?

  W:The yellow ones are buttercups and the white ones are daisies.

  L:I wonder why they weren't planted in proper flower beds?

  W:They look more natural peeping up out of the grass like that.

  L:Aren't those azalea bushes beautiful?

  W:Yes. Here's an interesting bed with a mixture of daffodils,violets,lilies of the valley and bluebells.

  L:By the way,do you know much about how to grow flow-ers?

  W:Oh,not much. But my mother grows a lot at my home.

  L:It takes plenty of time to take care of them.

  W:Of course. You've got to water them and see that they get enough bright sunlight. Sometimes you also have to give plant food.

  L:Plant food?

  W:Yes. Healthy plant food mixed in clean water.

  L:It really takes a lot of knowledge.

  W:Some flowers need special care. Others need special food.

  L:That's too complicated. But the satisfaction out of the labor is incomparable.

  Words and Expressions

  botanical       a. 植物(学)的

  botanical garden             植物园

  cute                  a. 漂亮的,逗人喜欢的;聪明的,


  innocent            a. 天真的,单纯的;清白的;


  carefree           a. 无忧无虑的

  sentimental    a. 易动感情的,多愁善感的;



  vigor                 n. 活力,精力;气势,魄力

  tulip               n. [植]郁金香

  restful            a. 宁静的;悠闲的

  riot                 n. (色彩)丰富;狂欢;暴乱

  sprout               vi. 发芽;很快地生长(发展)

  buttercup          n. 毛茛属植物

  daisy                n. [植]菊;雏菊属

  peep                   vi. 显露出来(out)

  azalea              n. [植]杜鹃花

  daffodil           n. [植]黄水仙

  violet             n. [植]紫罗兰

  lily                  n. [植]百合花

  lily of the valley           铃兰

  bluebell           n. [植]风铃草;开蓝色铃状花的植物(如风信子等)

  incomparable  a. 无比的;举世无双的;不能比较的
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