在影评方面,绝望的家庭主妇(Desperate Housewives)一片更是斩获颇多,仅仅在播出11集后就获得了金球奖电视类最佳喜剧,而Teri Hatcher更是凭借Susan这一角色成为最佳女主角。
故事一开场就吊足了观众的胃口,家庭主妇Mary Alice Young,早上在送走了丈夫和孩子,做好了早餐,买了衣服,作了自己例行公事的家庭杂务后,拿出了一把左轮手枪……从此以后她作为小镇的观察者,对所有人的行为冷眼旁观,其平和冷静的声音让人颇有好感,让人想起Sex And The City中同样的旁白。
Looking down on her friends and family isn''t a way of life for Mary Alice Young (Brenda Strong), it''s a way of death. One day, in her perfect house, in the loveliest of suburbs, Mary Alice ended it all. Now she''s taking us into the lives of her family, friends and neighbors, commenting from her elevated P.O.V.
在上俯看自己的朋友们和家庭并不是Mary Alice的生活习惯,而是她死后的爱好。一日,在她那一尘不染的位于美丽郊区房子中,Mary Alice结束了自己的生命。现在,她向我们介绍她的家庭生活,她的朋友们,她的邻居们。并以她那卓然的立场加以评论。
Her small circle of girlfriends are wondering why one of their own would do something so rash?and so messy. There''s Susan Mayer (Teri Hatcher), the divorcee and single mom who will go to extraordinary lengths for love; Lynette Scavo (Felicity Huffman), the ex-career woman who traded the boardroom for boredom, mixed with moments of sheer panic as the mother of four unmanageable kids; Bree Van De Kamp (Marcia Cross), the Martha Stewart on steroids, whose family is about to mutiny; and Gabrielle Solis, the ex-model with everything she''s every wanted ,a rich husband, a big house ,so what is she doing with John, the 17-year-old gardener (Jesse Metcalfe)?
她那不大的女友圈子,正在奇怪为什么她们中的一员会如此草率的结束自己的生命。圈子中的人包括:Susan Mayer,一个渴望爱情的单亲妈妈;Lynette Scavo,一个曾经的职业妇女,如果却沉浸在对四个淘气孩子的极度恐惧之中;Bree Van De Kamp,一个家庭即将出现危机的家政女王;Gabrielle Solis,曾经的模特,如今拥有了自己想要的一切:有钱的老公、豪华的房子,她却和17岁的园丁John发生了些故事。
From her unique vantage point, Mary Alice sees more now than she ever did alive, and she''s planning to share all the delicious secrets that hide behind every neighbor''s closed door in this seemingly perfect American suburb.
从她那有利的视点,Mary Alice能看到许多前所未见的东西。在这看似完美的美国郊区社区,每个邻居紧闭的大门之后都隐藏了许多有趣的秘密,Mary Alice将会把这些秘密一一与我们分享。