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Microsoft trying to fix Hotmail problem

[日期:2007-05-05]   [字体: ]

SEATTLE, Washington (AP)

Microsoft Corp. said Friday that a significant portion of people who use the company’s Hotmail e-mail system and other Internet-based products were having trouble accessing the services.

The company said it was an internal problem rather than an attack on its system and that it hoped to have  service  restored1  by

5:30 p.m. PST2.

The problem began about 8:30 a.m. (11:30 EST3).

In addition to Hotmail, the popular Web-based e-mail service, Microsoft said people were having trouble accessing products such as company’s MSN4 Messenger instant messaging program.

Malina Bragg, a spokeswoman with Microsoft’s Waggener Edstrom public relations firm, said in an e-mail that the company did not know how many people were having trouble but that it appears to affect a significant portion of our customers.

Bragg said problem appeared to be affecting people who were trying to log on to the system. Those who were able to get on the system did not appear to be having problems sending and receiving e-mail, she said.



1. restore vt. to bring back into existence or use; reestablish恢复,使恢复存在或使用;重新建立

eg. restore law and order恢复法律和秩序

2. PST =Pacific Standard Time 太平洋标准时间

3. EST =Eastern Standard Time 美国东部标准时间

4. MSN微软提供的网络在线服务

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