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[初三] No Wins,but Still Heroes

[日期:2007-04-29]   [字体: ]

By Wang Zheng hua

No.18 Middle School,Jixi,Heilongjiang

Final Score:8.14


Hello,everyone!You know I'm a real sports fan.Today I will introduce a football team to you.It's China.They joined the World Cup for the first time,and they lost all three of their matches.But even so,they are not losers,they are still heroes.

OK?The topic of my speech is“No Wins,but Still Heroes”.

They didn't win a game at their first World Cup.Instead,they left the first round without scoring a goal.But they are not losers.They provided excitem ent,hope and,of course,disappointment for Chinese people,and football fans all over the world.

“I am proud of my players,”said Bora after the match between China and Brazil.He coached the team to the World Cup.

China presented the 57-year-old man with perhaps the GREatest challenge of his professional career.He guided the other four countries to the second round of previous World Cups.

“Normally I would never be happy with such a result,but considering who we are playing with and who we are,I am happy with how we played,”he added.

Although the results were not GREat,just playing with such high quality teams provided valuable experience for the Chinese football team .And the players from China showed evidence of a fighting spirit.They made Brazil work hard for its win.And there were many chances for the Chinese players to score.

Peter Velappan,the head of the AFC,has even predicted that China will become one of the top 10 football nations in the world within 10 years.

However,Velappan's words will remain only a prediction if the Chinese football team doesn't go on to deal with its problems.

One big weakness is a lack of international experience.Of the 23 players at the World Cup,only three have played abroad.They are defenders Fan Zhiyi and Sun Jihai,as well as forward Yang Chen.The rest all played in Chinese home league, which only turned professional in 1994.It is still at a low level by international standards.

The team made mistakes such as allowing opponents to score goals but not defending well.It showed that although the Chinese players have potential,they still have problems.

Hopefully,the proGREss of the South Korean and Japanese teams show that with good players,good coaching and a good home league,China will be one of the best.

Thank you.


Q:Do you like sports?

A:Yes,I like sports very much.

Q:Do you think we can learn something from sports that we can use in our daily life?

A:Yes.You know,football,the topic of my speech.Football makes me have a fighting spirit.A fighting spirit is necessary in anything,not only in sports games.And sports can make our body strong.That's all.

Q:All right.Is there any sport you do not like?


Q:W hy don't you like volleyball?

A:I don't know.


A:No reason.My grandpa doesn't like it.My grandm a doesn't like it.My father doesn't like it.My mother doesn't like it.

Q:Maybe it's because only the women are good players in China,good volleyball players.



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