(71)“More people in the USA can buy a gun and more people die by the gun than in any other country in the world.” This is what ap-peared in an American newspaper in December 1980,after the murder in New York of John Lennon,the British pop star. His murder shocked the Americans, of whom the huge majority are peace-loving and non-violent. (72)However,most Americans today admit that they may
possibly be mugged some time during their lives. In 1980 there were about 23,000 murders in the US A. (73)At the root of this violence is the gun which Americans can buy and keep in their homes as easily as it was a toy weapon.
(74)There are gun stores pretty well everywhere. And you can get
a license easily. You don't even have to say what you want it for. (75)John Lennon's murderer just walked into a gun store and bought a re-volver—no questions having been asked. You could even buy guns by mail-order.