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[日期:2007-04-23]   [字体: ]


 smooth, mild, soft, gentle


The cloth feels smooth. 这布手感平滑。

The sea was smooth. 大海风平浪静。

Despite the bad weather, the pilot made a smooth landing. 尽管天气恶劣,但驾驶员还是平稳地把飞机降落在地面。


We have a very mild climate. 我们这里气候温和。

The thief was given a milder punishment than he deserved.那小偷受到惩罚,比他应受到的惩罚要轻。

It was a lovely garden with soft GREen grass.花园里有绿茸茸的草地,非常可爱。

Her voice was soft, full of kindness and affection.她那轻柔的声音充满了关怀和感情。

Lack of exercise had made him soft. 缺乏锻炼使他软弱无力。

famous, renowned, popular, notorious

famous是普通用词,意思是“ 著名的(known widely); 驰名的(having fame)”,例:a famous scientist (一位著名的科学家)。

The city is famous for the river. 这城市因这条河而闻名。

renowned 源于名词renown (名望,名声) 与famous 同义:

He is renowned as portrait painter. 他是个著名的肖像画家。

popular:“人民的;通俗的;被爱戴的”,例:the popular government (民治的政府),popular songs(通俗歌曲)

notorious:“臭名远扬的, 臭名昭著的”:

a notorious gambler 声名狼藉的赌棍

Such a notorious person has got to the top of the company. That's more than I bargained for. 这样一个臭名昭著的家伙竟然登上了公司最高层,这个我可没料到。

 alter, amend, change, modify, vary


alter 所表示的“改变”只是细节的,或外表的变化,并不表示本质的改变。如:把一件衣服改小一些或只把衣袖稍加肥一些,但衣服的式样仍然不变,这时用alter便很贴切。例:

These clothes are too large; they must be altered. 这些衣服太大,得修改。

The design of the electric circuits of the digit-controlled lathe must be altered to meet the new requirement. 这台数控机床的电路设计必须改动,以适应新的要求。

He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest to parliament that a law be altered.  他可以温和地指责一个官员,或者甚至建议议会修改法律条款。

amend  常常用来指“文字上的修改”,如修改(规则、提案、信用证):

Please amend your L/C to allow partial shipment and transhipment. 请修改你方信用证允许分批装运与转运。

We can not effect shipment unless you amend the assortment in your credit according to the S/C. 除非你方按照销售确认书修改信用证中的花色搭配,否则我们无法转运货物。

change 是通用词,“变”可以指和原来的样子或性质稍有不同,也可以指有本质的差异;它还常常包含“变”和“换”:

In autumn the leaves change from GREen to brown. 秋天树叶由绿变黄。

We may alter a coat without changing its style. 我们可以对外衣做些改动而不改变它的式样。

She took the dress back to the shop and changed it (for another).  她把衣服拿回到商店又换了一件。

Where can I change my English money for dollars 我在哪儿可以把英镑兑换成美钞modify 是“更改、修饰”,当用于事物时,所表示的“改变”仍是有限的改变,但在程度上要大于 alter; 在用于人的态度时,它仅仅表示略加修饰;此外它还表示“缓和”:

The proximity of the ocean modifies the temperature. 近海能调节气温。

Enclosed is the modified draft contract for final confirmation. 附上经修改的合同以供最后确认。

She was at first set down as overbearing, but a few days this view was modified. 最初她被认为很傲慢,但几天之后,这种看法就改变了。 

vary 表示的“变化”,常常指不单调、不雷同,强调多样性:

The temperatures vary GREatly during a day in autumn. 秋天里一天的温度变化极大。

Official attitudes to population growth vary from country to coun-try. 各国官方对人口增长的态度并不相同。

The action he takes varies according to the nature of the complaint. 他所采取的行动,根据怨言的性质,而有所不同。

fix, mend, repair, patch


fix 具有mend和repair这两个动词的一般含义,但fix在口语里用得更多。

The tap is leaking. We must fix it. 水龙头在漏水,我们得把它修一修。

A friend of the family came and fixed things between the girl and the angry parents. 这个家庭的一位朋友来了以后,使这姑娘和她生气的父母之间的感情和好了。

mend 可以用来表示对打破、撕破、穿破等物或衣服进行修理或修补,也可以表示治愈创伤,矫正过错或使破裂的感情重归于好:

Your shoes need mending. 你的鞋需要修理了。

We must do something to mend his reputation. 我们必须想办法恢复他的名誉。

The husband gave up drinking to mend the broken marriage. 为了使破裂的婚姻重归于好,丈夫把酒戒了。

patch 表示用相同的或类似的材料补破洞、裂缝,或虽未破但已经不结实了的地方,这个词有时还强调草率、匆忙的意思:

She patched new cloth to the old coat, so it seemed mere patch-work. 她把新布补到那件旧上衣上,所以那件衣服看上去就象拼凑起来的东西。

The workers are patching holes in the road with asphalt. 工人们正在用沥青填平马路上的凹坑。

They were so poor that they had to patch together a quilt. 他们很穷,被子也是拼凑起来的。

repair 在表示修复这一含义时,可以和 mend 互换使用。此外,当一种比较复杂的东西损坏了或损伤的范围较大时,或者需要专门技术才能修复时,最好用repair。例:

He has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired. 他从未能够弄到足够的钱来修理教堂的大钟。

light, mild, slight, tender

light:“浅色的(与dark相反);轻的(与heavy 相反)”:

a light blue sky 浅蓝色的天空

as light as air   象空气一样轻

light industry  轻工业(cf. heavy industry 重工业)

mild 常常用来形容气候或人的性情:

The weather is mild today;it is neither hot nor cold. 今天天气很温暖,不冷也不热。

He has too mild a nature to get angry, even if he has good cause. 他的性情太温和了,即使有充分的理由,他也不会动怒。

slight 是“轻微的、微不足道的”:

I have a slight headache. 我有点轻微的头疼。

A slight prick, and the injection was over. 轻轻的一扎,针就打好了。

tender  是“柔软的、温柔的、亲切的”:

a tender expression on his face 他脸上温柔的表情

The leaves in spring are GREen and tender. 春天里的树叶又绿又嫩。 

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