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The prices are much cheaper in the market.
A It’s too expensive for me. I want something cheaper.
A 对我来说它太贵了。我想买便宜一些的。
B Maybe we should try another place. This shop is very pricey.
B 也许我们应该到另一个地方去看看。这家商店太贵了。
A We could go to the jewellery market near the Temple of Heaven.
A 我们可以去天坛附近的珠宝市场看看。
(09/09/2008 06:23:36) [查看全文]
I’m looking for something less expensive.
A That’s 1000 yuan.
A 1000元。
B Mmm . . . that’s still very expensive. It’s cheaper than the other shop, but still expensive.
B 呣. . .还是很贵。比那家商店便宜,但还是贵。
C I’m sure you can bargain here. Try and get a lower price.
C 我肯定在这里你可以砍价。试试看要个便宜的价格。
B Well, I’m l
(09/09/2008 06:23:35) [查看全文]
What’s the exchange rate for dollars?
A Good morning. I’d like to change some money, please.
A 早晨好。我想兑换一些钱。
B Certainly, sir. What currency?
B 当然可以,先生。你有哪种货币?
A Dollars. US dollars. I’d like to change them into yuan, please.
A 美元。美国美元。我想把它们兑换成人民币。
B How much do you want to change?
B 你想兑换多少?
(09/09/2008 06:23:35) [查看全文]
How much does the ticket cost?
A I’m going to Shanghai next week. I need to book a flight.
A 我下周要去上海。我需要订飞机票。
B How long are you going for?
B 你要去多久?
A Friday to Monday. Only three to four days. A long weekend.
A 从周五 到周一。只有三、四天。一个长周末。
B How much does a return ticket cost?
B 一张往返票要多少钱?
A I’m
(09/09/2008 06:23:34) [查看全文]
I can’t afford that.
A I really like that small lacquer table, but it’s a bit too expensive for me.
A 我非常喜欢那张瓷桌,但是它对我来说有点贵。
B How much is it?
B 这张桌子多少钱?
A 800 yuan. I can’t afford that.
A 800 元。我买不起。
B It’s not too bad a price for a small table.
B 对于一张小桌子来说价格还不算太高。
A I suppose so. But it’s j
(09/09/2008 06:23:34) [查看全文]
What’s your best price?
A Excuse me, how much for the lacquer table?
A 劳驾,这张瓷桌卖多少钱?
B 800. Eight hundred yuan.
B 800. 八百元。
A I’ll give you five hundred.
A 我出五百元。
B Five hundred! This is a good quality table. 500 is no good. Seven hundred. You can have it for seven hundred.
B 五百!这张桌子质量非常好。500 不
(09/09/2008 06:23:33) [查看全文]
Hi! This is my friend Li.
A Hi! This is my friend Li.
A 你好!这是我的朋友李。
B Hi Li. How are you doing? It’s good to meet you.
B 你好,李!你好吗?很高兴见到你。
A I’m fine, thanks. What are you guys up to?
A 我很好,谢谢。你们哥儿几个在干什么?
B We’re going for a beer. Want to join us?
B 我们去喝啤酒。愿意一起去吗?
A Cool. That sounds good
(09/09/2008 06:23:33) [查看全文]
工作虽然要兢兢业业,但也要劳逸结合,因为一个人所负荷的工作量是有限的,所以不管工作再多,也要适可而止。那么你知道工作结束的时候所说的“到此为止”或“收工”该怎么说吗? Call it a day 最初是指一天中有一定的工作限量,当这些工作做完的时候,你就应该“call it a day”,表示一天的工作已经完成。不过,还有一种说法源于“上帝创世纪”,从第一天到第六天每天都有一定的工作要做,最后一天工作结束,称为“安息日”。而每一天的工作完成后也要“call it a day”。 现在,这个词的用法比较广泛,不仅是在收工的时候,而且有时一个事件或者项目的终结也可以用“call it a day”来表示。比如:You've been
(09/03/2008 08:05:36) [查看全文]
May I have a menu, please?
Do you have a menu in Chinese?
Would you like something to drink before dinner?
What kind of drinks do you have for an aperitif?
(09/03/2008 08:05:36) [查看全文]
Marry is so stupid, she stole free pudding.
He's never slept with his wife. He says it isn't honorable to sleep with a married woman.
She couldn't tell which way an elevator was going if I gave her two guesses.
(09/03/2008 08:05:35) [查看全文]
  列颠是个岛屿国家,四面环海,它隔着英吉利海峡与欧洲大陆遥遥相望。位处英法两国之间的英吉利海峡最窄之处被称作多佛海峡(Straits of Dover),仅有33公里宽度。 1985年英国政府和法国政府决定在多佛海峡处修建海峡隧道。总长153公里的隧道于1994年五月竣工通车,使得欧洲公路网得以连成一体,被誉为人类工程史上的一个伟业。 英国河流分布细密。塞文河(the Severn)是英国第一大河流,长338公里,它同西岸的克莱德河(the Clyde)、默塞河(the Mersey)一同承载着将工业原材料运输至内陆工业城市的使命。而东岸的特维德河(the Tweeds)、泰恩河(the Tyne)、蒂斯河(the Tees)以及著名的英国第二大河、长336公里的
(09/03/2008 08:05:35) [查看全文]
  中国人大多喜欢温文尔雅的儒生形象。这也是中美文化差异之一喽!在美国,经常会听到美国女生说“He's so cute!(他好帅哦!)"这里用的是cute, 而不是handsome.不过两者的意思是一样的,都是好看的意思。只是美国人习惯用cute这个词。当然了,可不是指男生很可爱哦。除了说男生的脸张得cute之外呢,她们还会注意男生的小屁屁。她们会说"He has such a cute butt! (他的小屁屁长得真好看!)" 当然美国男生也会注意女生的小屁屁啦。我就亲耳听到很多男生讲过某个女生的小屁屁很翘,很性感哦。美国女生喜欢那种爱运动,体格很健壮,有肌肉的男生。所以校队的运动员,特别是football(美式橄榄球)球队的男生,通常都是very popular的。 (1)有男人
(09/03/2008 08:05:35) [查看全文]
在海底沉睡多年的南宋时期商船,近日终于重见天日,成功打捞出水,那么“打捞出水”怎么说呢?请看新华社的报道:An 800-year-old merchant ship, containing thousands of gold, silver and porcelain trading goods, was raised from the bottom of the South China Sea, loaded with artefacts that might confirm the existence of an ancient maritime trade route linking China and the West.一艘中
(09/03/2008 08:05:35) [查看全文]
日前,中央电视台与北京奥组委正式签约,宣布CCTV的新媒体平台CCTV.COM成为北京奥运会官方互联网/手机转播机构。那么,“新媒体转播权”怎么说呢?请看《中国日报》报道:The International Olympic Committee (IOC) said it has awarded the 2008 Games Internet and mobile-phone platform rights in China to the digital arm of State broadcaster CCTV.The committee said that it chose CCTV.com because it will be able to work close
(09/03/2008 08:05:34) [查看全文]
剩下200多天奥运会就要开幕了,为了满足赛时接待媒体官员的任务,奥组委公布了一批奥运官方接待酒店名单,那么奥运“官方接待酒店”怎么表达呢?请看新华社的报道:Olympic organizers have unveiled 132 official reception hotels for next year's Games.The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (BOCOG) said 120 contracted hotels are in Beijing, among which 38 are five-star hotels, 45 are four-star, 22 are three-star and
(09/03/2008 08:05:33) [查看全文]
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