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[日期:2010-11-26]   [字体: ]


27.1 Cause and Effect(因果法)

The stating of facts and the giving of reasons to explain why and how the facts came about is the basic procedure in essay development by cause and effectThe technique of cause and effect has GREat flexibilityfor the relationships between causes and effects are not always as clear cut as the two terms seem to suggestCauses may not all carry the same weightfor exampleSeveral contributing causes may be grounded together to form one important causeThere may be one effect to a causeor there may be manyEffects may be less important than causesand so onSo you have to be very careful in dealing with cause and effect

Model Essay 27-1

As it is known to everyonelanguages are constantly changing nowadaysThere are many reasons why languages changebut the following three major causes may help illustrate the conceptInitiallyvarious languages that started from the same parent developed their own uniqueness after groups of speakers drifted away from one another to establish isolatedindependent communities

Another major cause of language change is the influence of and interaction with foreign culturesoften as a result of militaryconquestA continuing cause for change is rapidly expanding technology and new systems of communication that bring all cultures and languages into closer contactwith borrowing between language a common phenomenon in the contemporary world

New established communitiesthe influence of and interaction with foreign culturesthe rapid development of technology and new systems of communication contribute to language changeSo we may say all languages change as the experiences of their speakers change

27.2 Analysis of the Model Essay(范文分析)

The three causes of language change mentioned in the above model essay can be outlined as follows

effectLanguages are changing constantly

causeanewly established communities

bthe influence of and interaction with foreign cultures

cthe rapid development of technology and new systems of communication

本文作者首先点出主题思想:Languages are contantly changing(表明结果),接着列举了导致发生变化的三大原因,并举例加以说明,使读者对文中的因果关系一清二楚(此篇文章着重强调了语言发展变化的原因)。此外,文中所用的一些转换词语使文章有了明显的连贯性。作者通过“initiallyanother major cause isa continuing cause for change is…”这一灵活多变的转换句式巧妙地引出了语言变化的三大原因。因此,文章读起来既连贯一致,又具有较强的说服力。

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