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[日期:2007-04-23]   [字体: ]





1.词语或概念 意义范畴 不同之处
(term to be defined) (genus) (differentiae)
a. Psychology is the science of human and animal behavior.
b. Meteorolgy is the science of weather and climate.in which we imagine that is a defense
c. Identification we are not like another mechanism person. in which we retreat to is a defense early or primitive forms
d. ReGREss mechanism of behavior.
e. who is a physician or sure. A doctor is a person geon. on whom a university has
f. A doctor is aperson conferred one of its highest deGREes. licensed to practice any
g. A doctor is a person one of the healing arts.
who is a medicine man or
h. A doctor is a person witch doctor.


2. Democracy (term to be defined) refers primarily to a form of government (genus) by the many (difference) as opposed to government by one--gevernment by the people
(clarification of the difference) as opposed to government by a tyrant, or an absolute monarch.

3. A tiger, a member of the cat family, is native to Asia, usually weighs over 350 pounds, and has tawny and blackstriped fur.

4. 首段 Introduction (including logical/sentence definition)
阐明意义范畴Expansion of the genus
阐述特定意义Expansion of the differentiae
尾段Conclusion(summary or restateinent)


5. Three Meanings of Grammar

1 A curious paradox exists in regard to grammar.
2 On the one hand it is felt to be the dullest and driest of academic subjects, fit only for those in whose veins the red blood of life has long since turned to ink.
On the other, it is a subject upon which people who would scorn to be professional grammarians hold very dogmatic opinions, which they will defend with considerable emotion.
Much of this prejudice stems from the usual sources of prejudice--ignorance and confusion.
4 Even highly educated people seldom have a clear idea of what grammarians do,. and there is an unfortunate confusion about the meaning of the term "grammar" itself.
5 Hence it would be well to begin with definitions.
6 What do people mean when they use the word "grammar"?
7 Actually, the word is used to refer to three different things, and much of the emotional thinking about matters grammatical arises from confusion about these three different meanings.
8 The first thing we mean by "grammar" is "the set of formal patterns in which the words of a language are arranged in order to convey larger meanings. ' It is not necessary that we be able to discuss these patterns selfconsciously in order to be able to use them.
9 In fact, all speakers of a language above the age of five or six know how to use its complex form of organization with considerable skill ;in this sense of the word--call it "Grammar l" --they are thoroughly familiar with its grammar.


The second meaning of "grammar" --call it "Grammar 2" mis "the branch of linguistic
science ,which is concerned with the description, analysis, and formularization of formal
:language patterns."9 Just as gravity was in full operation before Newton's apple fell, so grammar in the first sense was in full operation before anyone
formulated the first rule that began the history of grammar as a study.


The third sense in which people use the word "grammar" is "linguistic etiquette."
This we may call "Grammar 3." 10 The word in this sense is often coupled with a derogatory adjective: we say that the expression "he aren't here" is "bad grammar."
10 What we mean is that such an expression is bad linguistic manners in certain circles.
11 From the point of view of "Grammar l" it is faultless; it conforms just as eompletely to the structural patterns of English as does "he isn't here. '
12 The trouble with it is like the trouble with Prince Hal in Shakespeare's
play--it is "bad," not in itself, but in the company it keeps.


As has already been suggested, much confusion arises from mixing these meanings.
8 One hears a good deal of criticism of teachers of English couched in such terms as "they don't teach grammar any more."Criticism of this sort is based on the wholely unproved assumption that teaching Grammar 2 will increase the student's proficiency in Grammar l or improve his manners in Grarnmar 3.
10 Actually the form of Grammar 2 which is usually taught is a very inaccurate and misleading analysis of'the facts of Grammar 1; and it is therefore of highly questionable value in improving a person's ability to handle the structural patterns ofhis language.
11 It is hardly reasonable to expect that teaching a person some inaccurate
grammatical analysis will either improve the effectiveness of his assertions
or teach him what expressions are acceptable to use in a given context.
These, then, are the three meanings of "grammar": Grammar 1, a form of behavior; Grammar 2, a field of study, or science; and Grammar 3,a branch of etiquette.
by W. Nelson Francis (from Revolution in Grammar )
旨句 :The word [grammar is used to refer to three different things.
正文: The first [meaning of grammar] is "the set of formal
patterns in which the words of a language are arranged in order to convey larger meanings."
The second meaning of "grammar" ...is "the branch of linguistic -cience which is concerned with the de scription, analysis, and formularization of formal lan guage patterns."
The third [meaning of grammar] is "linguistic etiquette."
结论 : These, then, are the three meanings of "grammar" ...
a form of behavior, ...a field of study, or science, and...a branch of etiquette.

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