英文名:Teresa Teng

生日:1953年1月29日 周四 壬辰年腊月十五日
出道年代:1967年 9月·台湾 1974年 3月·日本
喜欢食物:猪脚 辣的食物都爱吃
1953年 1月29日出生于台湾省云林县褒忠乡龙岩村;6月全家迁往台东县池上乡。1954年 举家迁往屏东机场附近居住。
1958年 至屏东市仙宫戏院附近学芭蕾舞。
1960年 举家搬迁至台北县芦洲定居;毕业于台北芦洲小学,表现出音乐天赋。
1961年 接受启蒙恩师李成清歌唱指导。
1962年 随“九三康乐队”四处慰问演出。
1963年 8月参加“中华电台”黄梅调歌曲比赛以《访英台》获得冠军,为参赛者中年龄最小者。
1964年 代表学校参加全县国语朗读比赛,获得第一名。
1965年 就读金陵女中,获得台湾第一届初中演讲比赛第五名。
1966年 参加正声公司歌唱训练班;参加金马奖唱片公司歌唱比赛,以《采红菱》夺得冠军。
1967年 自金陵女中休学;加盟宇宙唱片公司开始灌录唱片;9月推出第一张唱片《凤阳花鼓》,正式以歌唱为职业。
1968年 参加群星会,首度上电视演唱。《丢丢铜》《比翼鸟》《晶晶》《畅饮一杯》《一见你就笑》《邓丽君之歌第七集》 《邓丽君之歌第八集》《邓丽君之歌第九集》《圣诞快乐敬贺新禧》《再会吧,十七岁》。
1969年 演出第一部电影《谢谢总经理》;演唱中视开播台湾首部连续剧《晶晶》主题曲;主持中视“每日一星”节目,被誉为“天才女歌星”;首度应新加坡总统夫人邀请首度出国赴约做慈善义演。
1970年 1月于香港工展会荣获“白花油慈善皇后”,为历年最年轻者;10月与张冲合作拍摄个人第二部电影《歌迷小姐》。
1971年 2月至次年8月,在东南亚展开为期一年之巡回登台,足迹遍及香港、新加坡、马来西亚、菲律宾、泰国、越南等地。
1972年 6月邓丽君歌迷俱乐部“青丽之友会”于香港首度成立;与丽风唱片签约;结识初恋情人林振发;当选香港十大最受欢迎歌星;二度当选“白花油义卖皇后”。
1973年 1月赴美修读英文;到香港演唱于“香港歌剧院”、“汉宫”及“珠城”,后前赴越南演唱;拍摄电影《天下第一笑》;与日本渡边公司签约,并与宝丽多机构合作唱片发行,赴日接受密集训练在新加坡国家剧院出席“远东十大巨星晚会”。
1974年 3月1日正式赴日发展,在日本推出首张单曲《今夜かしら明日かしら 》,流行榜排行75名;主演喜剧《唐伯虎点秋香》;主演舞台剧《女记者》;主演喜剧《西厢记》;10月17日以《空港》一曲获日文音乐祭“银赏”;11月19日以第二张日语专辑《空港》一曲当选1974年“最佳新人歌星赏”、“新宿音乐祭铜赏”、“银座音乐祭热演赏”,总销量达七十五万张。
1975年 加盟香港宝丽金唱片公司,发行经典系列“岛国之情歌第一集”;9月至10月在马来西亚巡回演出;在香港电视台录制“邓丽君电视特辑”;在日本连续推出三张单曲《雪化粧〉、《女の生きがい》、《夜の乗客》获日本唱片大赏、新宿音乐祭新人奖;东京电视日报十大歌星奖;银禧奖。
1976年 3月邓丽君香港歌迷会正式成立;在香港“利舞台”举办首次个人演唱会并获得空前成功;在新宿举办个人音乐会;6月日文单曲《夜のフェリーボート》打入流行榜前20名
1977年 4月于东京新桥市民会馆举行个人演唱会;6月与台视签约,并录制台湾第一个《邓丽君专辑》;第二度于香港“利舞台”举行演唱会;东京“何处是故乡”大赛歌曲冠军;7月以《岛国之情歌第二集——今夜想起你》与“香港第一届金唱片颁奖典礼”荣获香港第一届“金唱片奖”的第一位得主;第二度在香港“利舞台”举行个人演唱会;于东京新宿举行个人演唱会;在日本共发8张大唱片,12张小唱片;日本电视放送奖。
1978年 2月于马来西亚及新加坡展开巡回演出;7月底于川崎产业文化会馆举行日本个人大型演唱会,将个人演唱所得捐出作慈善之用;9月首度与演员江明合作主演台视连续剧《天涯常念旧时情》;第三次在香港“利舞台”举行3天5场个人演唱会;大碟《邓丽君GREATESTHITS》及《岛国之情歌第三集》同时获香港第三届金唱片奖;于日本以《东京夜景》获得“正顽张中赏”;将演唱所得捐作慈善,获台湾“警广(‘警察广播电视台’) 雪中送炭奖”。
1979年 发生假护照事件,黯然赴美进修日文、英文、生物及数学;4月在加拿大温哥华举行演唱会,为首次在美加地区办个人演唱会;“香港第四届金唱片颁奖礼”上,同时有三张大碟获白金唱片奖,另有两张大碟获金唱片奖。
1980年 在美国纽约林肯中心、洛杉矶音乐中心登台;身在美国,歌声却响遍神州大地,大江南北的民众为邓丽君歌声而醉倒;10月返台于“国父纪念馆”义唱,门票收入全数捐作自强爱国基金;12月18日在香港推出第一张粤语大碟《势不两立》,瞬即达到白金唱片数字,歌曲《忘记他》异军突起;第四度踏足“利舞台”,举行一连七场个人演唱会;年底赴东南亚作巡回表演;荣获台湾金钟奖“最佳女歌星奖”。
1981年 年初于印尼灌录80首印尼文歌曲;春节期间开始分别在台北“迪斯角”、台中“联美”、高雄“喜相逢”等歌厅登台,场场爆满;于东南亚巡回演唱;台新闻局颁发“爱国艺人”奖座;4月在香港利舞台第五度举行个人演唱会,七天九场创下场次最多记录;5月与李季准首次合作主持台湾金钟奖颁奖典礼;6月于台湾高雄举办《何日君再来》义演晚会,“台视”播出;8月全省劳军长达一个月,并制成长达一百二十分钟《君在前哨》特别节目特别节目播出;于香港参加“香港第五届金唱片颁奖礼”,一次获得五张白金唱片:《一封情书》、《原乡情浓》、《势不两立》、《在水一方》《邓丽君精选第一集》,刷新香港历届金唱片记录;10月替YAMAHA山叶机车机车拍摄首支电视广告。
1982年 1月8日至11日于香港伊利莎白体育馆举办五场个人演唱会,场场爆满。宝丽金录制出版整场演唱会;在台湾台视录制《千言万语》专辑;5月开始投入古典专辑《淡淡幽情〉的策划工作;10月与林子祥及谭咏麟合作,于香港拍摄无线电视特辑;12月参加香港“欢乐满东华”慈善晚会 ;推出《邓丽君演唱会》双唱片,面世即双双成为白金唱片。
1983年 歌唱事业迈入第十五年,并在香港富豪酒店举办三十岁派对;2月推出经典大碟《淡淡幽情》,畅销亚洲;开始东南亚巡回演唱;2月底再次应邀赴美,在赌城拉斯维加斯“凯撒皇宫”演唱,是首位在此签约演唱并且演唱会极致盛况空前的华籍女歌手;3月与张帝合作,再度主持台湾金钟奖;5月香港宝丽金根据IFPI香港机构统计1975年起,邓丽君于香港之唱片销售共达500万张,创下当时华语歌坛纪录;推出第二张粤语大碟《漫步人生路》,是邓丽君在港台推出的第109张专辑(不包括日本),面市不久即成为白金唱片;12月于菲律宾举行演唱会;12月29日开始在香港红首次红勘体育馆举行6天7场地,15周年巡回演唱会,创四项新记录:首次红勘体育馆演出连续六场,六场观众满座,观演人达十万人,及最高票房等。总计观众达十万人;当选“香港十大杰出女青年”。
1984年 赴英国伦敦留学;展开亚洲巡演,在东南亚各地举办十五周年巡回演唱会。1月在台北市立体育馆举办两场“十亿个掌声”邓丽君15周年演唱会,15周年演唱会首次对大陆直播;1月底巡回演唱至新加坡及吉隆坡;2月于日本复出,推出单曲《つぐない》(《偿还》),立即打入日本唱片流行榜,并于四月进入流行榜前10名,8月跃升至第一名,停留榜内接近一年,刷新日本乐坛历史记录;3月当选“台湾十大杰出女青年”;7月凭借《つぐない》获上半年度之全日本有线放送大赏获奖,成绩仅次于中森明莱;8月于台北参加十大歌星金嗓奖颁奖典礼,获选台湾十大金嗓奖;12月以《つぐない》拿下关西举办之第17回“全日本有线放送大赏”,及关东举办之“日本有线放送大赏”双料冠军,提名角逐“日本唱片大赏”之“最优秀歌唱赏”;荣获日本演歌最受欢迎赏;此外,《つぐない》ORICON公信榜销量44.3万,总销量150万。其卓越成就,为中华民族添上一抹缤纷艳丽的光彩。
1985年 1月于新加坡接受《北京青年报》电话专访,首次与大陆媒体接触;2月于日本发行单曲《爱人〉,在5/20至8/19其间于“有线点播榜”获得14周连续冠军,刷新历史纪录,亦于“广播流行榜”达成蝉联10周冠军纪录;4月首次接受杂志PentHouse国际日文版专访,公开三段恋情;8月返台与张菲主持“反盗版反仿冒”义演晚会;11月拍摄个人第二支影印机电视广告;11月底首次于日本TBS电视剧《子供が见てゐでしとろ〉客串演出并演唱片尾曲;至12月底止,《爱人〉在日本之有线点唱总数达历史纪录919370次;12月于东京NHK大会堂举行“One&Only”单场个人大型演唱会,黄牛票高达日币三万元,座无虚席;12月以《爱人〉二度蝉联年度全日本有线大赏、日本有线大赏双冠军;12月31日凭《爱人》一曲不费吹灰之力入选日本“第36回红白歌合战”;《爱人》销量ORICON公信榜44.2万,总销量突破200万。同时在日本乐坛创下两项历史记录。推出《爱人》《偿还》中文唱片。
1986年 春节推出台视贺岁特别节目“与君同乐”;2月于日本推出新单曲《时の流れに身をまかせ》(《任时光从身边流逝》)再度以大热门姿态顺利入选日本“第37回红白歌合战”;河北电视台播出邓丽君故乡行节目;参加香港白金巨星耀保良义演;蝉联日本年度有线电视大赏,三度蝉联有线电视大赏创下记录,至今无人打破(但2002年日本歌星滨崎步平此记录。);ORICON公信榜统计33.4万,总销量200万;获选美国《时代杂志》世界七大女歌星,世界十大最受欢迎女歌星,是唯一一个同时获两项殊荣的亚洲歌手。
1987年 继续穿梭于香港、台湾、美加及法国等地,但已处于半退休状态,除参与慈善演出外,甚少于公众场合露面;赴纽约参加“国际公益金”义演;出席日本“第38回红白歌合战”;《邓丽君自选歌曲两百二十五首》首度在北京发行,并印有邓丽君亲笔题词;日本有线音乐赏。
1988年 中国大陆各单位面邀邓丽君访问;定居香港赤柱佳美道18号;名作词家慎芝女士过逝专程返台吊唁;举办金门音乐晚会;日曲《别离的预感》一曲,获日本有线大赏年中冠军;有线放送优秀歌星赏;日本有线音乐赏。
1989年 移居法国巴黎;在巴黎录制《泪的条件》等歌曲;赴成田机场澄清病故流言;TBS播出日本出道15周年特别节目;香港“亚洲电视”于农历年初二晚直播烟花汇演,邓丽君应邀出席,并演唱一曲《漫步人生路》。
1990年 父亲因病去世;应邀出席“无线电视”直播之慈善节目,作表演嘉宾。
1991年 第三度入选日本“红白歌合战”;承认法国男友保罗;表示已到退休阶段,将仅参加慈善演出;赴港参加“爱心献华东”赈灾筹款,作慈善表演嘉宾。
1992年 除夕返台与家人过新年;在日本广岛和平演唱会中演唱;在“亚视”选美节目中获邀演唱《戏凤》;参加法国巴黎人权广场纪念活动;在日本推出《难忘的TERESATENG》专集,是个人在华语圈的最后一张国语唱片。
1993年 担任日本有线大奖赛颁奖嘉宾;3月赴港作“亚洲电视”TALK SHOW“龙门阵”嘉宾;应电视台总经理张家骧之邀,录制《永远的情人》晚会。
1994年 赴日本歌谣义演会中义演;参加华视庆祝黄埔军校建校七十周年所举办的《永远的黄埔》晚会,为最后一次在台湾之公开演出;于日本推出《夜来香》唱片;同时婉拒第四度出席“红白歌合战”的邀请。
1995年 2月与家人团聚并接受媒体访问;出席3月23日香港亚视台庆,为最后一次在香港露面;5月8日在泰国清迈因气喘病发猝逝,享年四十二岁;5月11日遗体返抵台湾;5月28日在国人及全球华人目送之下长眠金宝山“筠园”;10月14日邓丽君文教基金成立,大陆摇滚圈发行告别的摇滚——纪念邓丽君专辑;王菲发行菲靡靡之音向其致敬。
1996年 香港嘉利大楼失火,烧毁宝丽金拥有邓丽君原声母带。日本经纪人西田裕司撰写的传记《美丽与孤独》出版。
1998年 《漫步人生路》纪念音乐剧。
2000年 《星愿系我心》纪念音乐剧。
2002年 《但愿人长久》纪念音乐剧;台北纳丽台风大水,毁损邓丽君文教基金会部分珍贵史料。
2003年 邓丽君五十冥诞纪念。
2005年 邓丽君逝世十周年纪念。
Teresa Teng
- Xingyao the sky for half a century, billions of applause from the Queen of Angels
Original name: Deng Lijun
Name: Li-jun
Stage name: Teresa Teng
English name: Teresa Teng Teng in the early 1980s as art
Japanese Name: Te Te Guide Site Guide
Nickname: Teresa, Li-Jun, Xiao Deng, Te Site Guide
Title: gifted singer, Valentine's students, in-lover, Song of the Queen's speech, the Queen cable, always the Teresa Teng, Chinese of the GREatest singers, after the eternal song
Personality: warm, honest, innocent, strong
Language: Mandarin, Cantonese, Fujian, Shandong, English, Japanese, French, Malaysian and so on
National: Han
Birthday: January 29, 1953 Japanese Invasion of the year Thursday on the 15th Layue
Constellation: Aquarius
Blood type: O
Sign of the Zodiac: Long
Height: 1.67M
Weight: 47KG
Body: 826,091
Advantages: slender-shaped legs, like Ficus erecta
Worry: worry about fat
Occupation: singer, philanthropist
Sign: the universe, Li Feng, Polaroid, PolyGram, Taurus (Jinniu Gong), EMI
During the debut: September 1967 Taiwan in March 1974 in Japan
Origin: Taiwan, Tang Daming County, Hebei Province village
Birthplace: Yunlin County, Taiwan Province, Longyan Baojhong rural village
Family members: parents and brother
Like the colors: purple, peach series
Like to dance: DISCO
Like sports: tennis
Like clothing: tennis equipment, jeans
Like perfume: scent of grass
Like accessories: necklaces, rings
Like jewelry: diamond
Like toys: dolls
Like the collection: his own press clippings
The most personal jewelry: the left hand bracelet
Like animals: small squirrel (small animals), Dolphin (large animals)
Like flowers: roses
Fun-loving: listening to music
Leisure: a red one cup of tea and listen to music
Books like: Doctor Zhivago
The wishes of the biggest: to study, cross-boyfriend
Ideal as a child: when nurses
Charity care: the elderly and children
Like vegetables: water spinach
Specialty dishes: fried water spinach
Tastes like: spicy food
Like food: spicy pig's favorite food is
Drink like: Hong custard
The most bitter of food: bitter gourd
The sweet food: bean jelly
Like construction: cabins
Like the city: Hong Kong, Golden Gate
The most memorable scene: Penang
The most memorable performance: Malaysia
Favorite hotel: Indonesia, Singapore Hotel
Favorite areas: Singapore, Golden Gate
The most memorable things: first came to power as the Stars will Wangci
Singing in tears: "Goodbye My Lover"
Favorite teacher: Pre-term teacher
Most trusted people: parents
The most grateful to the people: family members, especially parents
The most memorable: Primary School Students
Fanciful objects: brother
The object of anger: manager
Like the movie: "Gone with the Wind"
Like movie stars: Laoboruifu
Like singers: Diana Na Luosi
Person most admired: Nightingale
The envy of most Americans: Xi Shi, Lin Tai-yu
Fear most: the rude and unreasonable people
Fear of songs: the Song of the Rouma
Fear of animals: tigers, snakes
Fear of the film: horror film
Food and fear: eel
Fear of the clothing: No
Fear most: Q age
The most troublesome thing: endorsement
Like most about: her song is popular, fans of the old age and marital status
Favorite sign: V word gesture
A letter from the longest: 15
Wrote the shortest: 60 words
First Love age: the age of seven or eight-year-old
First to make money: Twelve-year-old
The largest wealth: 1,000,000,000 applause
Edit this paragraph Pilgrim】 【Star
1953 year on January 29 was born in Yunlin County, Taiwan Province, Longyan Baojhong rural village; in June the family moved to Ikegami Township, Taitung County.
In 1954 his family moved to live near Pingtung Airport.
In 1958 to Sin Temple in Pingtung City Ballet Theater near the school.
In 1960 his family moved to settle in Luchou, Taipei County; Luchou graduated from the Taipei primary school, music talent show.
In 1961 to accept the Enlightenment mentor to guide Li Chengqing singing.
In 1962 with the "Kang orchestra on September 3," condolences to all performances.
In August 1963 to participate in the "Chinese radio station," Huang Meitiao songs game "visit to Britain, Taiwan," won for the youngest contestants are.
In 1964 on behalf of the county schools have participated in the national language reading competition, was the first.
Jinling Girls school in 1965, Taiwan was the first junior high school speech contest fifth.
1966's singing voice is to participate in training courses; to attend the Golden Horse record company singing competition, "Red mining" to win.
Since 1967, Jinling Girls school; joined the universe began to record companies recorded; September launch of the first album, "Fengyanghuagu", an official with singing as a career.
The stars will take part in 1968, for the first time in concert on television. "Copper丢丢" "devoted couple", "Jingjing", "drink a glass," "See you laugh," "Teng Diqi Ji Song," "Teng Diba Ji Song," "Teng Dijiu Ji Song," "Merry Christmas He Jing Sun, "" Goodbye, 17-year-old. "
In 1969 to perform the first film, "Thank you, General Manager"; concert in Taiwan as the launch of the first series of "Jingjing" theme song; presided over, as in "a day of a Star" program, known as "gifted singer"; for the first time should be Singapore President to invite his wife to go abroad for the first time appointment to do charity benefit performance.
In January 1970 in Hong Kong Products Expo won the "white oil Queen's charity," for the calendar year, the youngest person; Zhang Chong in October and the second individual Co-production film "Miss fans."
In February 1971 to August next year in South-East Asia has launched a two-year tour stage, footprints all over Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.
June 1972 Teresa Teng fan club, "Lai Ching Friends" set up in Hong Kong for the first time; recording contract with Li Feng; Lin made to get to know first love; election of the 10 most popular singer in Hong Kong; elected to a second "Peucedanum Queen's oil sale."
In January 1973 to the United States to study English; concert in Hong Kong "Hong Kong Opera," "Palace" and "Pearl City", after the concert went to Vietnam; filming the movie "smiled the best in the world"; Watanabe and Japan signed And the multi-agency co-operation with the Polaroid albums, to Japan to receive intensive training in Singapore to attend the National Theater "in the Far East of the 10 evening star."
March 1, 1974 Japan official development launched in Japan first single "Tonight ka ka shi shi tomorrow kara kara", the popular list ranking 75; comedy starring "Tang Bohu point Qiu-xiang"; starring stage, "a female reporter"; comedy starring " The West Chamber "; on October 17 with" Airport "by a Japanese music festival" Silver Award "; on November 19 to a second Japanese album," Airport "in 1974 was elected a" Best New singer tours "" Shinjuku music festival tours of copper, "and" Ginza my hot music festival tour ", with a total sales volume reached 750,000.
Hong Kong joined in 1975 Polygram Records, issued the classic series "The Love Song of the island's first one"; September to October in Malaysia tour; in Hong Kong recorded TV, "Teng TV special"; in Japan, launched three consecutive singles "Snow make-up>" No female version of Health ki ga "," No passengers Night "by the Japanese record of the Year, Shinjuku New Music Festival Award; Tokyo TV. Daily News of the 10 singers Award; Jubilee Award.
Teresa Teng in March 1976 in Hong Kong fans will be formally established; in Hong Kong, "Lee Theater" concert will be held for the first time and unprecedented success; personal concert held in Shinjuku; June Japanese single "NoフNight MusicリinchボSoft Music" into the popular Top 20
Apr. 1977 bridge in Tokyo to hold individual members of the public concert hall; in June as the contract with Taiwan, and Taiwan recorded the first "Teng album"; for the second time in Hong Kong, "Lee Theater" concert to be held; Tokyo, "where Is the hometown of "song contest winner; in July with" The Love Song of the big island - think of you tonight "and" Hong Kong of the first Gold Record Awards, "Hong Kong was awarded the first" gold "winner of the first; For the second time in Hong Kong, "Lee Theater" concert will be held; in Shinjuku, Tokyo concert will be held; in Japan issued a total of 8 record Zhang, Zhang record 12; Japan Prize for television.
In February 1978 in Malaysia and Singapore to start tour; by the end of July in Kawasaki, Japan industrial and cultural center to hold large-scale personal concert, the concert proceeds will be donated to charity purposes; for the first time in September and co-starring actor Jiang Taiwan Television series "End of the World Nianjiu often when the situation"; the third time in Hong Kong, "Lee Theater" held 3 days 5 field of personal concert; album, "Teng GREATESTHITS" and "The Love Song of the island III" at the same time Hong Kong was the third gold; In Japan "Tokyo Night" was "being stubborn Zhang tours"; concert proceeds will be donated to charities, Taiwan has been "extensive police ( 'police radio and television') Award for timely help."
Occurrence of a false passport in 1979, the United States with a heavy heart study Japanese, English, biology and mathematics; in April in concert to be held in Vancouver, Canada, the United States and Canada for the first time in the region to do personal concert; "Hong Kong's fourth gold record award presentation ceremony" At the same time, there were three platinum album, and another two were gold album.
1980 Lincoln Center in New York, Los Angeles Music Center stage; in the United States, but singing Xiangbian vast land of China, across to the people of Teresa Teng songs and passed out; in October to return to Taiwan, "Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall," just to sing, to donate all ticket sales Self-improvement fund for patriotism; on December 18 in Hong Kong to launch the first Cantonese album "irreconcilable" and immediately reached platinum figures, the song "Forget Him" rise; for the fourth time came, "Lee Theater", held a series of seven personal Concert; to the end of South-East Asia for Tour performances; Taiwan won the Golden Bell Award "best female singer award."
In early 1981, in Indonesia recorded 80 songs Indonesian; during the Spring Festival began in Taipei, "Judith angle", Taichung, "with the United States," Kaohsiung "Hsi" karaoke stage, the full game; tour in Southeast Asia; Taiwan News Council issued the "patriotic artist" trophy; April Lee Theater in Hong Kong for the fifth time to hold individual concerts, shows seven days a maximum of nine set records; in May and co-chaired by Li Chi-chun for the first time Taiwan Golden Bell Award presentation ceremony; in June Kaohsiung, Taiwan held, "When will you come again," the evening performance, "Taiwan as the" broadcast; troops across the province in August month-long, and made up to 120 minutes, "Jun outpost in the" special program broadcast special programs; Hong Kong Participate in the "Hong Kong's fifth gold record award presentation ceremony," was one of five platinum records: "a love letter," and "Things of the original dense" and "irreconcilable" and "water side", "Teng selected first one," refresh Hong Kong's previous record of gold; in October for YAMAHA motorcycle Yamaha motorcycle shot the first television ads.
1982 year Jan. 8-11 Elizabeth Stadium in Hong Kong held five individual concerts, the full game. PolyGram recording the publication of the entire concert; in Taiwan and Taiwan as the recording of "Ordinary Heroes" album; the beginning of May into classical album, "Dandanyouqing> planning work; in October in cooperation with George Lam and Alan Tam, Hong Kong film TVB series; in December to participate in Hong Kong, "Tung Wah Group of joy over the" charity event; launch, "Teresa Teng Concert" double album, which is available both to become platinum.
Singing in 1983 into the cause of the fifteenth year, and Regal Hotels in Hong Kong hold three 20-year-old party; February launch of the classic album "Dandanyouqing" Asia-selling; start tour in Southeast Asia; again by the end of February was invited to the United States, in gambling City, Las Vegas, "Caesar Palace" concert, this is the first signing and singing concert of unprecedented extreme-Chinese female singer; in March and co-operation Zhang Di, once again presided over the Taiwan Golden Bell Award; Po of Hong Kong in May According to the IFPI Hong Kong, Li Jin statistical agencies in 1975, Teng Hong Kong's record sales total of 5,000,000, set a record at that time Chinese music; launch second Cantonese album "Legend", Teng is the first launch in Hong Kong and Taiwan 109 album (excluding Japan), the soon-to-market has become platinum; December concert to be held in the Philippines; Dec. 29 start in Hong Kong, Kan Hung Hung Stadium for the first time 6 days 7 venue, the 15th anniversary concert tour, a four - New record: Kan Hung Stadium for the first time to perform six in a row, six sold-out audience and watch people play up to hundreds of thousands of people, and the highest box office and so on. A total of up to the audience of thousands of people; elected "Hong Kong's ten most outstanding young women."
In 1984 to study in London; to start Asia tour in Southeast Asia organized by the fifteenth anniversary concert tour. In January of the Taipei Municipal Stadium held two "1,000,000,000 applause," the 15th anniversary of Teresa Teng concert, the 15th anniversary concert for the first time live on the mainland; by the end of January tour to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur; in Japan back in February, the launch of single "ぐi na Tsuki "(" repay "), immediately break into the Japanese pop album list, and in April into the pop top 10, in August jumped to first place, and stay close Bang within a year, Japan set the historical record of music; in March Post "Taiwan's ten most outstanding young women"; in July by virtue of the "i na Tsukiぐ" in the first half of All Nippon Broadcasting Cable Awards winners, second only to the results of Senming Lai; in August in Taipei to attend the 10 gold star voice Awards , Was elected Taiwan throat of the 10 gold awards; in December "zu naぐversion of" Kansai had held back on the 17th, "All Nippon Broadcasting Cable Awards", organized by the Kanto and "Japan Broadcasting Cable Awards" champion, run for the nomination " Record of the Year Japan "," Singing of the best tours "; Japan won his tour of the most popular song; In addition," zuぐi na "ORICON credibility sales top 443,000, the total sales volume of 1,500,000. Its outstanding achievements of the Chinese nation for the added touch of colorful splendor of the beautiful.
In January 1985 in Singapore to accept the "Beijing Youth Daily" telephone interview with the mainland for the first time the media; in Japan in February to issue single, "Love>, 5 / 20-8 / 19 during the" on-demand cable list "of 14 Weeks in a row champion, set the historical record, but also in the "popular radio list" to reach a 10-week re-record title; in April for the first time to accept the international journal PentHouse an exclusive interview with the Japanese version, an open three-love; to return to Taiwan in August and Chang Fei presided over the "anti - Anti-piracy counterfeit "benefit gala; personal shooting in November photocopier second TV ad; by the end of November for the first time in Japan TBS television series" See-ga for the longゐde shiとろ> Pianwei Qu concerts and guest performances; by the end of December only to, "Love> In Japan's wired to sing at a record total of 919,370 times; in December in Tokyo, NHK Town Hall "One & Only" single individual large-scale concerts, scalped tickets Japanese yen as high as 30,000 yuan, was fully packed; in December to "love> second Re-annual All-Japan Cable Awards, Japan Cable Awards double champion; on December 31 with "love" anything an elected Japan's "Song of the red and white No. 36 back to the war together"; "Love" ORICON sales top 442,000 credibility, 2,000,000 of the total sold. At the same time in Japan hit a two music history. Introduction of "Love," "reimbursement" Chinese records.
Taiwan launched in 1986 as the Spring Festival Lunar New Year special program, "Fun with Jun"; in Japan in February to launch the new single "No Re-flow body ni se o ka ma" ( "any time from passing around") to re-selected favorite posture smoothly Japan "Back to the 37 red and white co-war song"; Hebei TV station broadcast the Homeland Teng programs; the Hong Kong superstar Yao-platinum Baoliang performance; annual re-Japan Cable Television Awards, three cable TV Awards re-record, so far no one break ( But in 2002 the Japanese singers Ayumi Hamasaki-record.); ORICON credibility statistics list 334,000, the total sales volume of 2,000,000; elected to the U.S. "Time magazine" World of the seven female singers, the world's top ten most popular female singer, is At the same time, was the only winning two Asian singers.
Continue to shuttle in 1987 in Hong Kong, Taiwan, France and the United States and Canada and other places, but in a state of semi-retirement, in addition to participation in charity performances, very few public appearances; to New York to attend the "International Community Chest" benefit performance; Japan to attend the "back to the 38th Red and White Song Battle ";" Teng 225 songs on-demand "for the first time in Beijing issued and bearing the handwritten inscription Teng; wired musical tour of Japan.
In 1988 the mainland Chinese units Mian Yao Teng visit; to settle in Hong Kong, Stanley Road, Caramel 18; Authors who have passed away, Ms. Shen Chi made a special trip back to Taiwan to offer condolences; held Kinmen music; song on the "parting of the foreboding" song, by Japan Cable Awards in the year title; Broadcasting Cable reward outstanding singer; wired musical tour of Japan.
In 1989 moved to Paris, France; in Paris to record "Tears of the conditions", a song; Narita Airport to clarify the rumors died; TBS broadcast debut in Japan 15 years after the special program; Hong Kong, "Asia Television" on the second night of the Lunar New Year fireworks display live, Teng was invited to Attend a concert and "Legend."
In 1990 his father died; invited to attend the "broadcast" live on the charity program, as the guest performers.
1991 selected for the third time Japan's "Red and White Song Battle"; France recognized her boyfriend Paul; that have been retired to the stage, will only participate in charity performances; Hong Kong to participate in the "East China Life Campaign" Disaster Relief fund-raising for charity as the guest performers.
1992 New Year's Eve with their families to return to Taiwan; in Japan, the Hiroshima Peace Concert in concert; in the "ATV" was invited to sing in the pageant program, "Feng drama"; Human Rights Plaza in Paris, France to participate in activities; in Japan to launch "an unforgettable The TERESATENG "album, is a personal language in the final lap of a Mandarin album.
Cable in 1993 as Japan Grand Prix guests; in March in Hong Kong as "Asia Television" TALK SHOW "Longmen Zhen" guests; Zhang Xiang, general manager of television should be invited to record "forever love" show.
Japan in 1994 to benefit performance will be songs in performance; CTS participate in the celebration of the 70 founding anniversary of the Whampoa Military Academy's "always Whampoa's" party for the last time in Taiwan's public performance; launch in Japan, "Tuberose" album; at the same time Declined for the fourth time at the "Red and White Song Battle" the invitation.
In February 1995 to reunite with their families and interviewed by the media; to attend the March 23 ATV Hong Kong, Taiwan Qing, for the last appearance in Hong Kong; on May 8 in Chiang Mai, Thailand issued as a result of death of asthma at the age of 42-year-old ; On May 11 remains returned to Taiwan; on May 28 in Chinese and Chinese people around the world watched gold buried under the Baoshan, "Yun Park"; on October 14 Teng Culture and Education Fund, established in the mainland to issue bid farewell to the ring Rock Rock - Teresa Teng Memorial Album; Wong Fei Mimizhiyin to pay tribute to the issue.
Hong Kong in 1996 Garley Building fire, burning PolyGram Teng has a master soundtrack. Japan's Yutaka agent of the West Division to write a biography of the "beautiful and lonely," published.
1998 "Legend" to commemorate the musical.
In 2000, "Xing Yuan Department of My Heart" to commemorate the musical.
In 2002, mark the musical; Taipei NA Li typhoon floods, damage to part of the Teresa Teng Foundation precious historical materials.
Teresa Teng in 2003 to commemorate the fiftieth birthday of their offerings.
In 2005 to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the death of Teresa Teng.
- Xingyao the sky for half a century, billions of applause from the Queen of Angels
Original name: Deng Lijun
Name: Li-jun
Stage name: Teresa Teng
English name: Teresa Teng Teng in the early 1980s as art
Japanese Name: Te Te Guide Site Guide
Nickname: Teresa, Li-Jun, Xiao Deng, Te Site Guide
Title: gifted singer, Valentine's students, in-lover, Song of the Queen's speech, the Queen cable, always the Teresa Teng, Chinese of the GREatest singers, after the eternal song
Personality: warm, honest, innocent, strong
Language: Mandarin, Cantonese, Fujian, Shandong, English, Japanese, French, Malaysian and so on
National: Han
Birthday: January 29, 1953 Japanese Invasion of the year Thursday on the 15th Layue
Constellation: Aquarius
Blood type: O
Sign of the Zodiac: Long
Height: 1.67M
Weight: 47KG
Body: 826,091
Advantages: slender-shaped legs, like Ficus erecta
Worry: worry about fat
Occupation: singer, philanthropist
Sign: the universe, Li Feng, Polaroid, PolyGram, Taurus (Jinniu Gong), EMI
During the debut: September 1967 Taiwan in March 1974 in Japan
Origin: Taiwan, Tang Daming County, Hebei Province village
Birthplace: Yunlin County, Taiwan Province, Longyan Baojhong rural village
Family members: parents and brother
Like the colors: purple, peach series
Like to dance: DISCO
Like sports: tennis
Like clothing: tennis equipment, jeans
Like perfume: scent of grass
Like accessories: necklaces, rings
Like jewelry: diamond
Like toys: dolls
Like the collection: his own press clippings
The most personal jewelry: the left hand bracelet
Like animals: small squirrel (small animals), Dolphin (large animals)
Like flowers: roses
Fun-loving: listening to music
Leisure: a red one cup of tea and listen to music
Books like: Doctor Zhivago
The wishes of the biggest: to study, cross-boyfriend
Ideal as a child: when nurses
Charity care: the elderly and children
Like vegetables: water spinach
Specialty dishes: fried water spinach
Tastes like: spicy food
Like food: spicy pig's favorite food is
Drink like: Hong custard
The most bitter of food: bitter gourd
The sweet food: bean jelly
Like construction: cabins
Like the city: Hong Kong, Golden Gate
The most memorable scene: Penang
The most memorable performance: Malaysia
Favorite hotel: Indonesia, Singapore Hotel
Favorite areas: Singapore, Golden Gate
The most memorable things: first came to power as the Stars will Wangci
Singing in tears: "Goodbye My Lover"
Favorite teacher: Pre-term teacher
Most trusted people: parents
The most grateful to the people: family members, especially parents
The most memorable: Primary School Students
Fanciful objects: brother
The object of anger: manager
Like the movie: "Gone with the Wind"
Like movie stars: Laoboruifu
Like singers: Diana Na Luosi
Person most admired: Nightingale
The envy of most Americans: Xi Shi, Lin Tai-yu
Fear most: the rude and unreasonable people
Fear of songs: the Song of the Rouma
Fear of animals: tigers, snakes
Fear of the film: horror film
Food and fear: eel
Fear of the clothing: No
Fear most: Q age
The most troublesome thing: endorsement
Like most about: her song is popular, fans of the old age and marital status
Favorite sign: V word gesture
A letter from the longest: 15
Wrote the shortest: 60 words
First Love age: the age of seven or eight-year-old
First to make money: Twelve-year-old
The largest wealth: 1,000,000,000 applause
Edit this paragraph Pilgrim】 【Star
1953 year on January 29 was born in Yunlin County, Taiwan Province, Longyan Baojhong rural village; in June the family moved to Ikegami Township, Taitung County.
In 1954 his family moved to live near Pingtung Airport.
In 1958 to Sin Temple in Pingtung City Ballet Theater near the school.
In 1960 his family moved to settle in Luchou, Taipei County; Luchou graduated from the Taipei primary school, music talent show.
In 1961 to accept the Enlightenment mentor to guide Li Chengqing singing.
In 1962 with the "Kang orchestra on September 3," condolences to all performances.
In August 1963 to participate in the "Chinese radio station," Huang Meitiao songs game "visit to Britain, Taiwan," won for the youngest contestants are.
In 1964 on behalf of the county schools have participated in the national language reading competition, was the first.
Jinling Girls school in 1965, Taiwan was the first junior high school speech contest fifth.
1966's singing voice is to participate in training courses; to attend the Golden Horse record company singing competition, "Red mining" to win.
Since 1967, Jinling Girls school; joined the universe began to record companies recorded; September launch of the first album, "Fengyanghuagu", an official with singing as a career.
The stars will take part in 1968, for the first time in concert on television. "Copper丢丢" "devoted couple", "Jingjing", "drink a glass," "See you laugh," "Teng Diqi Ji Song," "Teng Diba Ji Song," "Teng Dijiu Ji Song," "Merry Christmas He Jing Sun, "" Goodbye, 17-year-old. "
In 1969 to perform the first film, "Thank you, General Manager"; concert in Taiwan as the launch of the first series of "Jingjing" theme song; presided over, as in "a day of a Star" program, known as "gifted singer"; for the first time should be Singapore President to invite his wife to go abroad for the first time appointment to do charity benefit performance.
In January 1970 in Hong Kong Products Expo won the "white oil Queen's charity," for the calendar year, the youngest person; Zhang Chong in October and the second individual Co-production film "Miss fans."
In February 1971 to August next year in South-East Asia has launched a two-year tour stage, footprints all over Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.
June 1972 Teresa Teng fan club, "Lai Ching Friends" set up in Hong Kong for the first time; recording contract with Li Feng; Lin made to get to know first love; election of the 10 most popular singer in Hong Kong; elected to a second "Peucedanum Queen's oil sale."
In January 1973 to the United States to study English; concert in Hong Kong "Hong Kong Opera," "Palace" and "Pearl City", after the concert went to Vietnam; filming the movie "smiled the best in the world"; Watanabe and Japan signed And the multi-agency co-operation with the Polaroid albums, to Japan to receive intensive training in Singapore to attend the National Theater "in the Far East of the 10 evening star."
March 1, 1974 Japan official development launched in Japan first single "Tonight ka ka shi shi tomorrow kara kara", the popular list ranking 75; comedy starring "Tang Bohu point Qiu-xiang"; starring stage, "a female reporter"; comedy starring " The West Chamber "; on October 17 with" Airport "by a Japanese music festival" Silver Award "; on November 19 to a second Japanese album," Airport "in 1974 was elected a" Best New singer tours "" Shinjuku music festival tours of copper, "and" Ginza my hot music festival tour ", with a total sales volume reached 750,000.
Hong Kong joined in 1975 Polygram Records, issued the classic series "The Love Song of the island's first one"; September to October in Malaysia tour; in Hong Kong recorded TV, "Teng TV special"; in Japan, launched three consecutive singles "Snow make-up>" No female version of Health ki ga "," No passengers Night "by the Japanese record of the Year, Shinjuku New Music Festival Award; Tokyo TV. Daily News of the 10 singers Award; Jubilee Award.
Teresa Teng in March 1976 in Hong Kong fans will be formally established; in Hong Kong, "Lee Theater" concert will be held for the first time and unprecedented success; personal concert held in Shinjuku; June Japanese single "NoフNight MusicリinchボSoft Music" into the popular Top 20
Apr. 1977 bridge in Tokyo to hold individual members of the public concert hall; in June as the contract with Taiwan, and Taiwan recorded the first "Teng album"; for the second time in Hong Kong, "Lee Theater" concert to be held; Tokyo, "where Is the hometown of "song contest winner; in July with" The Love Song of the big island - think of you tonight "and" Hong Kong of the first Gold Record Awards, "Hong Kong was awarded the first" gold "winner of the first; For the second time in Hong Kong, "Lee Theater" concert will be held; in Shinjuku, Tokyo concert will be held; in Japan issued a total of 8 record Zhang, Zhang record 12; Japan Prize for television.
In February 1978 in Malaysia and Singapore to start tour; by the end of July in Kawasaki, Japan industrial and cultural center to hold large-scale personal concert, the concert proceeds will be donated to charity purposes; for the first time in September and co-starring actor Jiang Taiwan Television series "End of the World Nianjiu often when the situation"; the third time in Hong Kong, "Lee Theater" held 3 days 5 field of personal concert; album, "Teng GREATESTHITS" and "The Love Song of the island III" at the same time Hong Kong was the third gold; In Japan "Tokyo Night" was "being stubborn Zhang tours"; concert proceeds will be donated to charities, Taiwan has been "extensive police ( 'police radio and television') Award for timely help."
Occurrence of a false passport in 1979, the United States with a heavy heart study Japanese, English, biology and mathematics; in April in concert to be held in Vancouver, Canada, the United States and Canada for the first time in the region to do personal concert; "Hong Kong's fourth gold record award presentation ceremony" At the same time, there were three platinum album, and another two were gold album.
1980 Lincoln Center in New York, Los Angeles Music Center stage; in the United States, but singing Xiangbian vast land of China, across to the people of Teresa Teng songs and passed out; in October to return to Taiwan, "Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall," just to sing, to donate all ticket sales Self-improvement fund for patriotism; on December 18 in Hong Kong to launch the first Cantonese album "irreconcilable" and immediately reached platinum figures, the song "Forget Him" rise; for the fourth time came, "Lee Theater", held a series of seven personal Concert; to the end of South-East Asia for Tour performances; Taiwan won the Golden Bell Award "best female singer award."
In early 1981, in Indonesia recorded 80 songs Indonesian; during the Spring Festival began in Taipei, "Judith angle", Taichung, "with the United States," Kaohsiung "Hsi" karaoke stage, the full game; tour in Southeast Asia; Taiwan News Council issued the "patriotic artist" trophy; April Lee Theater in Hong Kong for the fifth time to hold individual concerts, shows seven days a maximum of nine set records; in May and co-chaired by Li Chi-chun for the first time Taiwan Golden Bell Award presentation ceremony; in June Kaohsiung, Taiwan held, "When will you come again," the evening performance, "Taiwan as the" broadcast; troops across the province in August month-long, and made up to 120 minutes, "Jun outpost in the" special program broadcast special programs; Hong Kong Participate in the "Hong Kong's fifth gold record award presentation ceremony," was one of five platinum records: "a love letter," and "Things of the original dense" and "irreconcilable" and "water side", "Teng selected first one," refresh Hong Kong's previous record of gold; in October for YAMAHA motorcycle Yamaha motorcycle shot the first television ads.
1982 year Jan. 8-11 Elizabeth Stadium in Hong Kong held five individual concerts, the full game. PolyGram recording the publication of the entire concert; in Taiwan and Taiwan as the recording of "Ordinary Heroes" album; the beginning of May into classical album, "Dandanyouqing> planning work; in October in cooperation with George Lam and Alan Tam, Hong Kong film TVB series; in December to participate in Hong Kong, "Tung Wah Group of joy over the" charity event; launch, "Teresa Teng Concert" double album, which is available both to become platinum.
Singing in 1983 into the cause of the fifteenth year, and Regal Hotels in Hong Kong hold three 20-year-old party; February launch of the classic album "Dandanyouqing" Asia-selling; start tour in Southeast Asia; again by the end of February was invited to the United States, in gambling City, Las Vegas, "Caesar Palace" concert, this is the first signing and singing concert of unprecedented extreme-Chinese female singer; in March and co-operation Zhang Di, once again presided over the Taiwan Golden Bell Award; Po of Hong Kong in May According to the IFPI Hong Kong, Li Jin statistical agencies in 1975, Teng Hong Kong's record sales total of 5,000,000, set a record at that time Chinese music; launch second Cantonese album "Legend", Teng is the first launch in Hong Kong and Taiwan 109 album (excluding Japan), the soon-to-market has become platinum; December concert to be held in the Philippines; Dec. 29 start in Hong Kong, Kan Hung Hung Stadium for the first time 6 days 7 venue, the 15th anniversary concert tour, a four - New record: Kan Hung Stadium for the first time to perform six in a row, six sold-out audience and watch people play up to hundreds of thousands of people, and the highest box office and so on. A total of up to the audience of thousands of people; elected "Hong Kong's ten most outstanding young women."
In 1984 to study in London; to start Asia tour in Southeast Asia organized by the fifteenth anniversary concert tour. In January of the Taipei Municipal Stadium held two "1,000,000,000 applause," the 15th anniversary of Teresa Teng concert, the 15th anniversary concert for the first time live on the mainland; by the end of January tour to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur; in Japan back in February, the launch of single "ぐi na Tsuki "(" repay "), immediately break into the Japanese pop album list, and in April into the pop top 10, in August jumped to first place, and stay close Bang within a year, Japan set the historical record of music; in March Post "Taiwan's ten most outstanding young women"; in July by virtue of the "i na Tsukiぐ" in the first half of All Nippon Broadcasting Cable Awards winners, second only to the results of Senming Lai; in August in Taipei to attend the 10 gold star voice Awards , Was elected Taiwan throat of the 10 gold awards; in December "zu naぐversion of" Kansai had held back on the 17th, "All Nippon Broadcasting Cable Awards", organized by the Kanto and "Japan Broadcasting Cable Awards" champion, run for the nomination " Record of the Year Japan "," Singing of the best tours "; Japan won his tour of the most popular song; In addition," zuぐi na "ORICON credibility sales top 443,000, the total sales volume of 1,500,000. Its outstanding achievements of the Chinese nation for the added touch of colorful splendor of the beautiful.
In January 1985 in Singapore to accept the "Beijing Youth Daily" telephone interview with the mainland for the first time the media; in Japan in February to issue single, "Love>, 5 / 20-8 / 19 during the" on-demand cable list "of 14 Weeks in a row champion, set the historical record, but also in the "popular radio list" to reach a 10-week re-record title; in April for the first time to accept the international journal PentHouse an exclusive interview with the Japanese version, an open three-love; to return to Taiwan in August and Chang Fei presided over the "anti - Anti-piracy counterfeit "benefit gala; personal shooting in November photocopier second TV ad; by the end of November for the first time in Japan TBS television series" See-ga for the longゐde shiとろ> Pianwei Qu concerts and guest performances; by the end of December only to, "Love> In Japan's wired to sing at a record total of 919,370 times; in December in Tokyo, NHK Town Hall "One & Only" single individual large-scale concerts, scalped tickets Japanese yen as high as 30,000 yuan, was fully packed; in December to "love> second Re-annual All-Japan Cable Awards, Japan Cable Awards double champion; on December 31 with "love" anything an elected Japan's "Song of the red and white No. 36 back to the war together"; "Love" ORICON sales top 442,000 credibility, 2,000,000 of the total sold. At the same time in Japan hit a two music history. Introduction of "Love," "reimbursement" Chinese records.
Taiwan launched in 1986 as the Spring Festival Lunar New Year special program, "Fun with Jun"; in Japan in February to launch the new single "No Re-flow body ni se o ka ma" ( "any time from passing around") to re-selected favorite posture smoothly Japan "Back to the 37 red and white co-war song"; Hebei TV station broadcast the Homeland Teng programs; the Hong Kong superstar Yao-platinum Baoliang performance; annual re-Japan Cable Television Awards, three cable TV Awards re-record, so far no one break ( But in 2002 the Japanese singers Ayumi Hamasaki-record.); ORICON credibility statistics list 334,000, the total sales volume of 2,000,000; elected to the U.S. "Time magazine" World of the seven female singers, the world's top ten most popular female singer, is At the same time, was the only winning two Asian singers.
Continue to shuttle in 1987 in Hong Kong, Taiwan, France and the United States and Canada and other places, but in a state of semi-retirement, in addition to participation in charity performances, very few public appearances; to New York to attend the "International Community Chest" benefit performance; Japan to attend the "back to the 38th Red and White Song Battle ";" Teng 225 songs on-demand "for the first time in Beijing issued and bearing the handwritten inscription Teng; wired musical tour of Japan.
In 1988 the mainland Chinese units Mian Yao Teng visit; to settle in Hong Kong, Stanley Road, Caramel 18; Authors who have passed away, Ms. Shen Chi made a special trip back to Taiwan to offer condolences; held Kinmen music; song on the "parting of the foreboding" song, by Japan Cable Awards in the year title; Broadcasting Cable reward outstanding singer; wired musical tour of Japan.
In 1989 moved to Paris, France; in Paris to record "Tears of the conditions", a song; Narita Airport to clarify the rumors died; TBS broadcast debut in Japan 15 years after the special program; Hong Kong, "Asia Television" on the second night of the Lunar New Year fireworks display live, Teng was invited to Attend a concert and "Legend."
In 1990 his father died; invited to attend the "broadcast" live on the charity program, as the guest performers.
1991 selected for the third time Japan's "Red and White Song Battle"; France recognized her boyfriend Paul; that have been retired to the stage, will only participate in charity performances; Hong Kong to participate in the "East China Life Campaign" Disaster Relief fund-raising for charity as the guest performers.
1992 New Year's Eve with their families to return to Taiwan; in Japan, the Hiroshima Peace Concert in concert; in the "ATV" was invited to sing in the pageant program, "Feng drama"; Human Rights Plaza in Paris, France to participate in activities; in Japan to launch "an unforgettable The TERESATENG "album, is a personal language in the final lap of a Mandarin album.
Cable in 1993 as Japan Grand Prix guests; in March in Hong Kong as "Asia Television" TALK SHOW "Longmen Zhen" guests; Zhang Xiang, general manager of television should be invited to record "forever love" show.
Japan in 1994 to benefit performance will be songs in performance; CTS participate in the celebration of the 70 founding anniversary of the Whampoa Military Academy's "always Whampoa's" party for the last time in Taiwan's public performance; launch in Japan, "Tuberose" album; at the same time Declined for the fourth time at the "Red and White Song Battle" the invitation.
In February 1995 to reunite with their families and interviewed by the media; to attend the March 23 ATV Hong Kong, Taiwan Qing, for the last appearance in Hong Kong; on May 8 in Chiang Mai, Thailand issued as a result of death of asthma at the age of 42-year-old ; On May 11 remains returned to Taiwan; on May 28 in Chinese and Chinese people around the world watched gold buried under the Baoshan, "Yun Park"; on October 14 Teng Culture and Education Fund, established in the mainland to issue bid farewell to the ring Rock Rock - Teresa Teng Memorial Album; Wong Fei Mimizhiyin to pay tribute to the issue.
Hong Kong in 1996 Garley Building fire, burning PolyGram Teng has a master soundtrack. Japan's Yutaka agent of the West Division to write a biography of the "beautiful and lonely," published.
1998 "Legend" to commemorate the musical.
In 2000, "Xing Yuan Department of My Heart" to commemorate the musical.
In 2002, mark the musical; Taipei NA Li typhoon floods, damage to part of the Teresa Teng Foundation precious historical materials.
Teresa Teng in 2003 to commemorate the fiftieth birthday of their offerings.
In 2005 to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the death of Teresa Teng.