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聪明健身的秘密武器 Use you mind .

[日期:2008-07-29]   [字体: ]
  You’ve been working out regularly for quite a while, but you’re nowhere near1 your fitness goals. So now it’s time to bring in your ultimate weapon your mind.

  Rather than thinking of fitness as something mysterious that you do with your body, take an analytical2, goal oriented approach to making physical improvements that stick3. Try these tips for creating a smart fitness plan:

● Define your goals. Whether it’s to lose fat and gain muscle or to run a triathlon4, it’s vital to have a goal to work toward.Knowing where you’re going makes it easier to take the right steps.

● Get realistic. Training gains are met through consistent effort over a period of time. Don’t expect dramatic, overnight results regardless of what exercise equipment informercials5 claim. Reward yourself for all the little positive steps you take and for consistently striving forward.

● Be yourself. Work toward a goal that you can achieve with your body. Don’t try to change your basic shape or to go against your own unique physical capabilities. Take an objective look at yourself, then work toward enhancing what you’ve got rather than trying to attain someone else’s body.

● Do your research. If you are not making proGREss, ask a qualified personal trainer to analyze your routine and your goals. Read health and fitness magazines. There’s tons of great fitness information out there tailor6 it to fit you.

● Identify your weaknesses, then use your brain to outsmart7 them. Many people avoid their weak points or bad habits, hoping that they can ignore them into oblivion1. Instead, take them up as clues to how you can improve. Keep a food and fitness journal for a month. Then analyze it for negative patterns. If you always overeat late at night, try going to a latenight movie to get your mind off food. If you tend to fade out2 on your workouts on weekends, plan some fun exercise with friends to spice3 up your lagging4 routine.

● Create a fitness network. Integrate the important people in your life into your fitness quest. Get your whole group involved in healthy activities and eating that way they won’t be tempting you to fall off the fitness wagon5. Instead, you’ll all be leading one another toward healthier bodies and minds. 
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