想亲自上场挥拍吗?首先你必须了解这项运动独特的语言,其中许多术语都要以网球的 法语 渊源来解释。例如,love代表“零分”,可能是源于法文的l’oeuf,也就是“蛋”。deuce则和法文“二”原意相近,指的是选手必须连赢两球才能拿下该局的情况。而tennis这个词本身则是从 法语 tenez而来,意思是“瞧,接住”!
Getting started with tennis is easy, as long as you have a total of two or four players and a court to play on. Many cities have public tennis courts, so you don’t have to be an aristocrat to afford the game. You will, however, have to shell out for rackets and balls. Of the aristocratic points of etiquette that live on in tennis, an important one is that each player should bring a new can of balls to a game.